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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bugatti 18/3 Chiron

The Bugatti 18/3 Chiron was a concept sports car designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro. It was a mid-engine design with the same W18 engine found in the EB 118 and EB 218 concept cars. The front resembles as the Bugatti Veyron. The Chiron name comes from famed Bugatti racing driver, Louis Chiron.

Fabrizio Giugiaro of Italdesign was responsible for the design with input from Hartmut Warkuss from the VW design center in Wolfsburg. In creating a logical successor to the EB110, they had the unique opportunity to style Bugatti's flagship model. Important design elements de the return of the horse shoe classic radiator, inset front lights, converging front hood and an exposed intake plenium. All of these elements would eventually be integrated into the final production model.

Subtle details of the Chiron included eight spokes wheels wrapped in 20 inch tires that were similar to the cast aluminum wheels first found on Louis Chiron's Type 35B. Lighting on both ends of the car was cutting edge, with triple Xenon headlights and stretched turn signals.

Airflow management was a large consideration in the concept design. The small shoehorn radiator couldn't provide enough air for the massive 6-liter engine so a large aperture was needed below it. Much of this air was extracted though vents located forward of the front wheels. A smaller system was used on the side of the car for the rear brakes. Eventually it was these cooling systems that delayed production of the final version.

Aerodynamics were another key consideration in the design. Like the Diablo, the Chiron had a rear bumper with integrated diffuser. At high speeds a retractable rear wing was deployed much like the EB110 supercar.

Inside the car was stripped out, but covered in Blu Pacifico and Sabbia leather. Aluminum accents were used as well as a removable watch on the passenger side.

Since all Italdesign cars were built as fully working models, it should be no surprise that they utilized Lamborghini running gear. Specifically they sourced the viscous traction 4WD chassis from the Diablo VT. In 2000 VW completely revamped the body and chassis of the car with the Bugatti 18/4 Veyron prototype.

Atmosphere, climate, and weather

Blue light is scattered more than other wavelengths by the gases in the atmosphere, giving the Earth a blue halo when seen from space
Main articles: Earth's atmosphere, Climate, and Weather

The atmosphere of the Earth serves as a key factor in sustaining the planetary ecosystem. The thin layer of gases that envelops the Earth is held in place by the planet's gravity. Dry air consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon and other inert gases, carbon dioxide, etc.; but air also contains a variable amount of water vapor. The atmospheric pressure declines steadily with altitude, and has a scale height of about 8 kilometres at the Earth's surface: the height at which the atmospheric pressure has declined by a factor of e (a mathematical constant equal to 2.71...).[24][25] The ozone layer of the Earth's atmosphere plays an important role in depleting the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that reaches the surface. As DNA is readily damaged by UV light, this serves to protect life at the surface. The atmosphere also retains heat during the night, thereby reducing the daily temperature extremes.

Terrestrial weather occurs almost exclusively in the lower part of the atmosphere, and serves as a convective system for redistributing heat. Ocean currents are another important factor in determining climate, particularly the major underwater thermohaline circulation which distributes heat energy from the equatorial oceans to the polar regions. These currents help to moderate the differences in temperature between winter and summer in the temperate zones. Also, without the redistributions of heat energy by the ocean currents and atmosphere, the tropics would be much hotter, and the polar regions much colder.

Weather can have both beneficial and harmful effects. Extremes in weather, such as tornadoes or hurricanes and cyclones, can expend large amounts of energy along their paths, and produce devastation. Surface vegetation has evolved a dependence on the seasonal variation of the weather, and sudden changes lasting only a few years can have a dramatic effect, both on the vegetation and on the animals which depend on its growth for their food.

A tornado in central Oklahoma.

A supercell thunderstorm.

The planetary climate is a measure of the long-term trends in the weather. Various factors are known to influence the climate, including ocean currents, surface albedo, greenhouse gases, variations in the solar luminosity, and changes to the planet's orbit. Based on historical records, the Earth is known to have undergone drastic climate changes in the past, including ice ages.

The climate of a region depends on a number of factors, especially latitude. A latitudinal band of the surface with similar climatic attributes forms a climate region. There are a number of such regions, ranging from the tropical climate at the equator to the polar climate in the northern and southern extremes. Weather is also influenced by the seasons, which result from the Earth's axis being tilted relative to its orbital plane. Thus, at any given time during the summer or winter, one part of the planet is more directly exposed to the rays of the sun. This exposure alternates as the Earth revolves in its orbit. At any given time, regardless of season, the northern and southern hemispheres experience opposite seasons.

Weather is a chaotic system that is readily modified by small changes to the environment, so accurate weather forecasting is currently limited to only a few days. Overall, two things are currently happening worldwide: (1) temperature is increasing on the average; and (2) regional climates have been undergoing noticeable changes.[26]


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This article is semi-protected due to vandalism.
For other uses, see Sport (disambiguation).
Sport in childhood. Association football, shown above, is a team sport which also provides social actions.

A sport is commonly defined as an organized, competitive, and skillful physical activity requiring commitment and fair play. It is governed by a set of rules or customs. In a sport the key factors are the physical capabilities and skills of the competitor when determining the outcome (winning or losing). The physical activity involves the movement of people, animals and/or a variety of objects such as balls and machines. In contrast, games such as card games and board games, though these could be called mind sports, require only mental skills. Non-competitive activities such as jogging and rock-climbing, are usually classified as recreations.

Physical events such as scoring goals or crossing a line first often define the result of a sport. However the degree of skill in some sports such as diving, dressage and figure skating is judged according to well-defined criteria. This is in contrast with other judged activities such as beauty pageants and body-building shows, where skill does not have to be shown and the criteria are not as well defined.

Accurate records are kept and updated for most sports at the highest levels, while failures and accomplishments are widely announced in sport news. Sports are most often played just for fun or for the simple fact that people need exercise to stay in good physical condition. However professional sport is a major source of entertainment.

Although they do not always succeed, sports participants are expected to display good sportsmanship, standards of conduct such as being respectful of opponents and officials, and congratulating the winner when losing

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Technology is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, and crafts, or is systems or methods of organization, or is a material product (such as clothing) of these things. The word technology comes from the Greek technología (τεχνολογία) — téchnē (τέχνη), 'craft' and -logía (-λογία), the study of something, or the branch of knowledge of a discipline.[1] The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include "construction technology", "medical technology", or "state-of-the-art technology".

Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. The prehistorical discovery of the ability to control fire increased the available sources of food and the invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. Recent technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes; the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs to nuclear weapons.

Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including today's global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment. Various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new ethical questions. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the challenge of traditional norms.

Philosophical debates have arisen over the present and future use of technology in society, with disagreements over whether technology improves the human condition or worsens it. Neo-Luddism, anarcho-primitivism, and similar movements criticise the pervasiveness of technology in the modern world, opining that it harms the environment and alienates people; proponents of ideologies such as transhumanism and techno-progressivism view continued technological progress as beneficial to society and the human condition. Indeed, until recently, it was believed that the development of technology was restricted only to human beings, but recent scientific studies indicate that other primates and certain dolphin communities have developed simple tools and learned to pass their knowledge to other generations.

Back Up The Files Of Your Blog

Sites Info and Tutorial, Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Maybe this writing is not too useful for those who have known about this. But I hope that it will be very useful for those who have known it.

The proverb says, “Preventive is better than curative”. I say this proverb because I remind you that the disaster of losing the files of your blog is never predictable. Maybe today your blog is still safe and secure, but you will never know tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Maybe your blog disappears due to deletion by, or your blog is hacked, and many other possibilities that can happen to your blog. Therefore, backing up your files is very important.

The function of this blog backup is not only for safety and for security, but also for moving that blog to other machines such as from blogspot to wordpress, and more.

For those who intend to backup the blog data, can do two ways. The first way is by backing up with the tool from the or using backup tool from

Below is the way to backup by using blog tool of

1. Login to with your ID

2. On the Dashboard click Settings, make sure you are in the Basic tab. On the Blog Tools, click Export blog to start backing up your blog data/files

3. Click the button Download Blog to do backup. If the dialog appear, click OK to store your backup files to your computer.

4. Done

To backup data by using the tool from bloggerbackup, you can follow these steps:

1. Please visit the site of bloggerbackup here to download the backup tool.
2. Install the tool on your computer, and run it after finish.

3. On the window appears, on Available blogs click the dropdown menu to enter the blog. Click [Add/Update/Remove Blogs].

4. Fill in your blogger ID to Blogger user ID: including the password on Blogger password:, then click the button Log into Blogger and Get Blogs. When the blogs have appeared, click OK.

5. If your blogs have been successfully installed, please select the blog you want to backup.

6. On the window appears at Save post to folder determine the file location. If you want to backup with the available comments, at Save Comments? Mark the small button. The last, click the button Backup Posts, wait until the process of backing up done.

7. Done

Save your blog as soon as possible before you regret losing your blog data. Happy trying.

Monday, March 29, 2010

An excellent Crime Scene Training and Forensic Training day


As a youngster, I always fancied myself as a 'detective', watched all the programmes and had all the books, and with deerstalker hat and magnifying glass would often annoy my Mother with phrases beginning with "It's elementary my dear Mother…" each time I revealed which sibling had eaten the last biscuit. Fast-forward 30 years, and following the CSI (crime scene investigation programmes on TV) I found myself excited to read in my local paper of a place (CSI 4 A Day) in Essex in the UK offering the opportunity of being a Crime Scene Investigator for the day! The article spoke of forensic investigating, fingerprinting, photographing, evidence gathering and even suspect interviewing! Real forensic training! How could I resist….

Arranging and booking my place was made easy by senior trainer Peter Whent (who it turned out spent his entire working life working as an investigator from minor offences to homicides and is now a consultant for many law professionals and is a University lecturer). I was sent an outline of the day with details of how to find them and start and finish times. They also advised me of local hotels where I could stay if I wanted to stay overnight.

The day was simply amazing, the experienced course leaders, all of whom have spent their working lives in forensic investigation, recreated a 'real life' crime scene environment from start to finish; we (there were 10 on the course in total) were taken to a briefing room where we were coached in fast thinking, lateral thinking and methodical processes and taught how to investigate and how to find and lift fingerprints. We were then presented with professional investigation equipment including fingerprint dusting/lifting devices, digital camera and much to my pleasing…a magnifying glass! We each also were given (to keep) white forensic suits, CSI 4 a Day Investigator Notepads and CSI 4 A Day baseball caps (not the deerstalker I'd hoped for, but the magnifying glass made up for that).

We were then briefed on the crime that had taken place, where the victim was attacked and had since been taken to hospital. The group was divided into teams of two (a subtle competitive element which added to the excitement). Whilst the other teams were given demonstrations of audio forensic analysis (the CSI 4 A Day guys have worked on some very high profile cases!) and video analysis and facial mapping, we were taken to the CSI 4 A Day purpose built unit where a crime scene had been constructed for our investigating pleasure. We entered the room and found the crime scene to be a bedroom with a bed, some furniture, a broken lamp with blood on the fragments, blood stained tissue (all pretend blood), some torn paper, an open window, balaclava on the floor and a mug by a flask next to the bed - no blood on the pillow though…ah yes, the lateral thinking tuition had started to work! Using the equipment provided and the skills we had been taught we eagerly set about investigating the crime scene, finding clues, dusting for fingerprints, photographing evidence to be sent to the lab for further analysis and laughing as we amateurishly speculated over what may have happened - I soon became good friends with the members of the teams who I had not met before the day.

Before we knew it, our time was up (all part of the 'real life' process) and we had to leave the crime scene and report our findings. After a quick lunch (we were all too excited to eat!) we were put into the roles of 'police investigators' and interviewed our 'suspect' (in real life a lovely man who was a retired detective - a very tricky suspect to interview who twisted and turned our questions which made it all the more fun). New evidence and witness statements were then introduced! By this time we felt like we were real forensic investigators; we worked together on all aspects of 'the case', cross questioned our suspect and got the results back from the lab on the evidence we had earlier requested analysis of…and we 'nailed him'…oh yes, we were for the day, 'forensic Gods' and our suspect would be 'going down for a long stretch'.

Remembering my Mother's annoyance, and with the crime not involving biscuits, I resisted using the "It's elementary…" catchphrase throughout the day but apart from that I fulfilled an ambition to 'be' (sort of) a real life detective. We were asked for feedback at the end of the day (which went so quickly) and the only improvement I could think of was to replace the free CSI 4 A Day baseball cap with a deerstalker; guess I'll go dig my one out of my memory box for now. Nonetheless my CSI 4 A Day white forensic suit, baseball cap and certificate of attendance all take pride of place - great mementos of an excellent day.

CSI 4 A Day is great, and they offer a variety of forensic training courses suitable for all ages as well as professional crime scene training and corporate team building programmes. They have a website with more information: visit

Sunday, March 28, 2010

How To Rip Dvd Movies To Iriver .wmv, .mp3, .wav, .ogg Files On Mac Os

iriver (formerly iRiver) is a brand and division of ReignCom, manufacturer of digital audio players and other portable products. They typically include USB mass storage, or the Media Transfer Protocol, multiple codecs, FM tuners, recording capabilities, and upgradeable firmware. Headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, iriver is the consumer electronics marketing arm of ReignCom, a company founded in 1999 by seven former Samsung executives.

DVD to iRiver Converter for Mac As versatile DVD ripping software designed for Mac users, Xilisoft DVD Ripper for Mac serves you with the fastest Mac DVD rip speed to rip DVD to AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, RM, MOV, 3GP videos, and rip DVD to MP3, WAV, WMA, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG, AU audio formats. This Mac DVD ripper is an express way to put DVD movies and music you love on iPod, iPhone, PSP, PS3, 3GP phone, MP4/MP3 players and so on.

With DVD to iRiver Converter for MAC, you can customize how the DVD would be ripped. There are many choices offered for you. You can crop DVD size, edit DVD effects, choose titles and subtitles, audio tracks, wide-ranged output format like AVI (DivX MPEG4), AVI (Xvid), MP4 (H264) or iPod MP4 Video. You can also set the video size, bitrate and framerate, audio channel and bitrate.

Tutorials on how to rip a DVD to WMV, DVD to MP3, DVD to WAV and other compatible formats for iRiver on Mac?

Step1. Download and install DVD to iRiver Converter for MAC

Step2. Select DVD drive or DVD folder to load DVD info.
To select a DVD (DVD folder, ISO file or IFO file whatever), click "Open DVD" button. After loading, more specific DVD info will be shown like titles and chapters, audio tracks, and subtitle tracks.


Step3. Set output directory, video/audio formats
If you need more than just one DVD to be ripped, you can achieve this by hitting the Profile drop-down list. There you can define output format both for audio and video.


For more detailed settings go to profile panel


The software provides customizing the size of the output file. Click Tools>Bitrate Calculator to open Bitrate Calculator dialog box, select a file size you want.


It also supports merging various video files in the file list into one and then ripping to one file.

Select all files needed to merge in the file list and click Merge button on the toolbar, all selected files will be merged into one file and added to the file list.


Click Browse button in setting panel, select a destination folder in the dialog box


Step4. Start ripping
You are set now; click start button till the process is done.


Rip DVD to iRiver WMV, MP3, WAV, OGG and AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, RM, MOV, 3GP videos
Rip DVD to iRiver MP3, WAV, OGG and audio formats like MP3, WAV, WMA, M4A, AAC, OGG
Convert DVD movies to iRiver, iPod, PSP, PS3, mobile phone videos

The Popularity Of Humor In Comedy Movies

Humor is absolutely necessary for our life. Humor helps us by replacing distressing emotions with pleasant feelings, promoting an optimum balance among conflicting motive and assisting us to view the world with perspective eyes. A scholar named Chaya Ostrower has given a relatively general idea of humor that humor is a complex phenomenon, a quality of perception that enables us to experience joy even when faced with adversity.
It's comprised of three components: wit, mirth and laughter. Wit is the cognitive experience, mirth the emotional experience, and laughter is the physiological experience. And there is one thing which deserves to be mentioned that we often equate laughter with humor, but there are many instances of laughter (tickling, nervousness, etc) that clearly have little to do with.
In recent years, many comedy movies and comedy TV Series permeated with the atmosphere of humor are springing up over the world, such as We Love Our Family, A Chinese Odyssey, Big Movie, The Journey to the West and Forbidden City Top in China and Friends, Bruce Almighty, Rush Hour and Big Momma's House in the US, and they all bring us countless joy and pleasure.
All the while, comedy movies and comedy TV Series have been considered the best films and TV plays to please the audience. Though the purposes of the comedy movies and comedy TV Series in China and America are both for fun, their expression techniques of humor are still worth a contrast study.

It is generally known that China is a great oriental country with a civilization of five thousand years, and our culture runs a long course from a remote source. According to the quartering, it belongs to Chinese Confucianism. However, America is an economically developed and newly-emerging nation, whose history is only more than 200 years. Moreover, its leading culture is European culture belonging to European and American Christianity cultures.
According to cultural determinism, the expression techniques of humor in Chinese and American comedy movies and comedy TV series distinguish from each other based on their social cultures.

Most Popular Motorcycle Helmet Accessories

When it comes to accessorizing your helmet, there is certainly no shortage of options available for helping you achieve your goals. There is an accessory for just about every aspect of the motorcycle helmet and each one of these accessories helps to make your riding experience more and more enjoyable.

One product that I especially have grown fond of is the helmet speakers that can be attached to your helmet to allow you to be able to listen to your favorite music while you're out on the open road. This great invention is really quite simple and can be purchased at a pretty reasonable price that won't set you back hundreds of dollars. One caution is that you don't want to allow the speakers to become a distraction while you're driving. Always be aware of your surroundings and be aware of how you are performing so you don't put yourself in situations that could result in injury or worse.

Helmet patches and stickers have become more and more popular for those looking to spice up their motorcycle helmets a little. Colorful designs, impressive graphics, or popular phrases can all help to give the helmet a more interesting rider appeal and are all very affordable items that can be purchased online or at your local motorcycle shop.

Another great motorcycle helmet accessory is the helmet Mohawk. Helmet Mohawks suction to your helmet to make it appear as though you are wearing a real Mohawk similar to that of the actual hair cut type. A good helmet Mohawk will be able to stick to your helmet in high winds and will not fall off in the middle of your ride or at any other inconvenient time. Helmet Mohawks help the rider portray a little more attitude and give them the opportunity to show off a little bit of a "wild child" attitude.

If you're looking to accessorize your helmet, you may want to look a little further into some of the ideas mentioned above for doing so. You'll be surprised at how much more appealing your helmet can be after you've added a few more accessories or decorations.

Ford Focus Body Kits – Stand Out In A Crowd

It is amazing how often a car that is compact in size is very big in its popularity and success. The reason of course lies in the fact that compact cars are best placed to give the car buyer maximum value. Small cars can be too small and big cars can be too expensive to operate and maintain. And compact cars are very well designed so that you get adequate space and yet they do not waste resources in giving anything that is unnecessary and excessive. These cars are therefore luxurious without being wasteful.

It is no surprise that millions of Ford Focus have been sold worldwide. And when you own such a popular car you may want to identify means to make your car look unique. You can do that with the help of Ford Focus body kits. It is of course great to own a very popular car because you are then assured that millions of others have had a good experience after buying one and you cannot go wrong. On the other hand you also end up owning a car that looks like a lot of other cars and does not stand out in a crowd.

Fortunately Ford Focus body kits are available in a much wider range of choices than the stock car. This means you are able to choose those which appeal to you and reflect your style and attitude. You can choose a color and style that is indicative of your individuality. You can also show your individuality by the choice of the components that you get installed. Most components enhance the looks of the car but come like a car spoiler enhance the aerodynamics as well. You can even mix and match components from more than one set of components to create an exclusive look.

You can better understand the options available to you by going on to the internet and viewing images of similar cars that have been modified by others. You can also look for great deals for body kits on the internet. You should though also plan to have them installed by a professional so that you can enjoy the benefits without compromising the safety of your car. You can see the latest Ford Focus body kits at

Hyundai Elantra Body Kits For Customized Style

Hyundai Elantra was introduced in the early ‘90s. Later on, there were many changes made to the model. The quality of various components has also been improved at various stages. Therefore Hyundai Elantra has got a great appeal thanks to the refinement done over the years. Hence persons of all ages, from a child to the aged have a great admiration for it. It is known for its reliability, performance, quick acceleration, constant ride quality, safety and also for its low price.

The latest edition comes with power steering. It has got two different transmission facilities. First one is a 4 speed automatic transmissions and the other one is 5 speed manual transmissions. It has got all the standard aspects such as 6 speakers stereo with CD and USB/IPod compatibility, tilt steering Column, 60-40 folding rear seats, CFC free air conditioning, power windows, power door locks, cruise control, heated front seats, tinted glass, body color bumpers, power heated mirrors, keyless entry and security alarm system. The cabin is spacious and comfortable.

With Hyundai Elantra body kits can modify the looks of the vehicle and make it look customized. You can choose them wisely to make the looks reflect your taste and style. You can also take advantage of the fact that you can `mix and match'. That is, you can choose the front component of one body kit and match it with the rear component of another body kit. The Hyundai Elantra body kits components include front and rear bumpers, side skirts, fenders and spoilers. Car spoilers are used to improve the performance of the car at high speeds. They generate a downward force. This force makes the car more stable and grip the road better. Body kits also protect the car from minor dents and scratches.

If your car usage is such that there is a more than average likelihood of dents and scratches then you can choose body kits made of polyurethane as they are more resistant to damage. You also have a choice of fiber glass and carbon fiber body kits. Your car will look great once you have installed Hyundai Elantra body kits. You will the admiration of your friends and also of your colleagues. You can see the latest Hyundai Elantra body kits at

Lost Data Recovery, Recover Lost Data From Hard Drive,usb Drive,memory Card,externa Hard Drive,

Recover lost data with the help of Diskgetor data recovery software. Recover lost data from the corrupt, damaged, virus attacked, formatted Windows FAT and NTFS partitions. File and Folders which are deleted accidentally, permanently with Shift + Delete buttons or emptied from the recycle bin is easy to recover with data recovery software.

Software comes equipped with two helpful options to save your hours of sitting and scanning your hard drive again and again. First and foremost step is to select the drive and scan it with two scan modes in our software. This scanning process can take 6 hours to 12 hours depending on the data on hard drive.

Diskgetor data recovery software helps to Recover lost data when following situations are faced:Missing Operating System,Disk Boot Failure ,Bad or missing command interpreter ,Invalid Partition Table ,Error Loading Operating System ,Not found any active partition in hard drive,Windows system file corruptions etc.

Successfully recover your valuable lost data when you have deleted files, deleted partitions and corrupted partitions, data lost due to variety of viruses, MFT corruptions, loss of MBR, Boot sector or File Allocation Table, missing file(s) and folder(s), formatted hard drives.

Diskgetor data recovery software as a good Recover Lost Data tool which with powerful technology called Quick File System Identification helps to locate, search and extract every bit of data from the lost, corrupted and deleted windows based FAT and NTFS partitions. It extracts the data from the FAT 16, FAT 32, NTFS and NTFS 5 volumes. It is equipped with two scan modes: Standard Scan and Advance Scan :

The recover data is displayed in a tree like structure after the recovery process, which can be analyzed and previewed before saving.more info :

Uninstall Win7 Guardian Virus - How To Uninstall Win7 Guardian Virus

Are you in a need to fully uninstall Win7 Guardian Virus
but you really don't know how to do this? If you really need to remove this program then I've setup a step by step Norton removal plan for you so you can successfully uninstall Win7 Guardian Virus.
However, whether you want to remove the antivirus feature, keep in mind that this will result in no protection for your computer. Be carefully when browsing the internet.

How To Uninstall Win7 Guardian Virus

1 - Go to the "Start Menu" on the bottom left of your computer's screen.
2 - Locate and click on "Control Panel".
3 - Find the "Add Or Remove Programs" icon and double-click it.
4 - Here you'll see a whole list of programs & applications that are installed on your computer. Find and select the antivirus and click "Uninstall".
5 - Confirm that you want to uninstall the program by clicking on "Remove".

This is how easy it works. However, sometimes it can happen that the uninstall fails. This can be because it simply failed, or because there are some files left on your registry and on your hard-drive that are Win7 Guardian Virus related. What do you need to do now to uninstall and to remove Win7 Guardian Virus from your computer?

How To Uninstall Win7 Guardian Virus
The best option that you can do in order to successfully do this, is to get an uninstaller software. This way, the uninstaller will fully uninstall Win7 Guardian Virus from your computer by 3 easy steps that are automated.
Firstly, the uninstaller will start removing Win7 Guardian Virus. Once that has been done, the uninstaller will scan both your registry, and your hard-drive. If the uninstaller found any related files, then it will delete them immediately.
A great program that does this is called the RegistryQuick. Why don't you take a look at how it works? Visit:
So, in order to uninstall Win7 Guardian Virus from your computer, you only have to follow the 5 steps above. If this doesn't remove the program, then you best option is to get the RegistryQuick.

Do you want to successfully Uninstall Win7 Guardian Virus from your computer? Visit:

Uninstall Trojan Patchep Sys - How To Uninstall Trojan Patchep Sys

Are you in a need to fully uninstall Trojan Patchep sys but you really don't know how to do this? If you really need to remove this program then I've setup a step by step Norton removal plan for you so you can successfully uninstall Trojan Patchep sys.
However, whether you want to remove the antivirus feature, keep in mind that this will result in no protection for your computer. Be carefully when browsing the internet.

How To Uninstall Trojan Patchep sys

1 - Go to the "Start Menu" on the bottom left of your computer's screen.
2 - Locate and click on "Control Panel".
3 - Find the "Add Or Remove Programs" icon and double-click it.
4 - Here you'll see a whole list of programs & applications that are installed on your computer. Find and select the antivirus and click "Uninstall".
5 - Confirm that you want to uninstall the program by clicking on "Remove".

This is how easy it works. However, sometimes it can happen that the uninstall fails. This can be because it simply failed, or because there are some files left on your registry and on your hard-drive that are Trojan Patchep sys related. What do you need to do now to uninstall and to remove Trojan Patchep sys from your computer?

How To Uninstall Trojan Patchep sys
The best option that you can do in order to successfully do this, is to get an uninstaller software. This way, the uninstaller will fully uninstall Trojan Patchep sys from your computer by 3 easy steps that are automated.
Firstly, the uninstaller will start removing Trojan Patchep sys. Once that has been done, the uninstaller will scan both your registry, and your hard-drive. If the uninstaller found any related files, then it will delete them immediately.
A great program that does this is called the RegistryQuick. Why don't you take a look at how it works? Visit:
So, in order to uninstall Trojan Patchep sys from your computer, you only have to follow the 5 steps above. If this doesn't remove the program, then you best option is to get the RegistryQuick.

Do you want to successfully Uninstall Trojan Patchep sys from your computer? Visit:

Buying A Computer Desk? - You Need To Read This First

Truly, thousands of people purchase computers daily but to their greatest surprise, it does not fit anywhere in their homes. These machines can be pretty big and badly shaped, with a bunch of wire and gadgets that needed some place to fit. But then, the ideal remedy to this problem is to get a computer desk. They are very cheap and are built to hold all the components of a computer, like the speakers, monitors, and a mouse, shelf for the keyboard and the bottom compartments are designed to hold the system box, a printer or even a scanner.

A perfect computer desk will actually have holes and routes for all the different cables needed to connect it all together and make it work. All you require is an office chair and you are ready to get down to work. With the advent of wireless networking, you can even have your computer desk placed in some other areas of your house that you never thought of, once you have an electrical sockets handy.

In fact, all you require is to add a wireless card to the computer and plug the connection into a router and then you are ready to make use of your computer without having the need to run cables all over your home. This system works perfectly in offices where plenty of computers might be connected together or even to a single printer. In big organizations, it is quite easy to acquire a big computer desk that are designed for various computers, thus making it possible for a team to perform their jobs together.

Moreover, some computer desks do come with computers integrated, which means that all the working parts of the computer can be exclusively hidden. They are very much like a kitchen cabinet with all the appliances built-in within the cabinet. Nevertheless, the only handicap to this type of built-in computers and the desk, is that they can really be very hard to fix if they develop a problem. Now that you know the benefits of having a computer desk, why not go for one.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wawancara Ekslusif : Daniel Scocco Potensi Blog

Wawancara eksklusif kali ini menghadirkan Daniel Scocco, blogger profesional asal Brazil, pemilik blog terkenal dan situs keanggotaan berbayar sendiri pernah dinominasikan sebagai “Best Web Development Blog” penghargaan Weblog Awards pada tahun 2007. Saat ini masuk dalam jajaran 100 blog terpopuler di dunia (berdasarkan Technorati).

Selain menekuni aktivitas blogging, Daniel juga dikenal sebagai konsultan online marketing yang konon kabarnya bertarif $200 per jam. Daniel adalah salah satu contoh blogger yang sukses mengembangkan blog dan juga situs membership program.

Membership site program atau situs keanggotaan berbayar belum cukup populer di Indonesia. Padahal potensi bisnis ini diyakini jauh lebih menguntungkan ketimbang blogging. Bagaimana potensi membership site program dan apa yang harus dipelajari jika Anda ingin membangun situs keanggotaan berbayar?

Agar tidak berpanjang lebar dan membuang-buang waktu Anda, silahkan langsung menyimak hasil wawancara eksklusif bersama Daniel Scocco berikut ini.

Semoga bermanfaat. :)

(T): Tanya
(J): Jawab

(T): I notice that recently you've launched a membership site program, Could you tell us what is actually
(Baru-baru ini Anda meluncurkan sebuah program membership site, Bisakah Anda ceritakan apa sebenarnya

(J): is an online marketing and business training program. It is targeted at people who want to learn all the angles of online marketing and start a business on the Internet. The program itself is made of lessons, case studies, exclusive interviews and video tutorials. Members also have access to a private forum and a private area with tools and resources.
( adalah sebuah program pelatihan pemasaran online dan pelatihan bisnis. Program ini terutama ditargetkan untuk mereka yang ingin belajar segala aspek pemasaran online dan memulai sebuah bisnis di internet. Programnya sendiri meliputi sejumlah materi pelajaran, studi kasus, wawancara eksklusif dan video tutorial. Anggota program ini juga memiliki akses terhadap sebuah forum khusus dan dan area khusus dengan sejumlah tools dan sumber informasi).

(T): How did you finally come up with this membership site program?
(Bagaimana Anda akhirnya bisa sampai pada ide membuka program membership site ini?)

(J): Once I had the idea, I spent five months or so working on it before the actual launch. This involved securing the domain name, setting up the server, hiring a designer, putting the membership site together (the technical bits), creating a lineup of mentors to produce the content, structuring the content of the program in a logical fashion, integrating the payment processor, testing everything, doing some market research and so on.
(Ketika saya mendapatkan idenya, saya menghabiskan kira-kira 5 bulan atau lebih untuk mempersiapkan semuanya sebelum hari peluncuran. Persiapan ini menyangkut membeli domain, menyiapkan server, menyewa desainer, menyatukan situs membership itu sendiri (soal teknis), menyusun daftar mentor untuk menulis konten, menyusun konten program secara terstruktur dan runtut, memasukkan sistem pembayaran, mengetes segalanya, melakukan riset pasar dan sebagainya).

(T): Do you think that blogging and membership program are complementary?
(Apakah menurut Anda blogging dan membership program adalah dua hal yang saling melengkapi?)

(J): I think a blog can be a launch pad for any project. For example, there are cases of bloggers who landed dream jobs inside large corporations, cases where bloggers landed book publishing deals, cases where bloggers launched membership sites following the success of their blogs and so on.
(Saya kira sebuah blog bisa menjadi landasan luncur untuk proyek apapun. Sebagai contoh, ada kasus seorang blogger yang mendapatkan pekerjaan impiannya di perusahaan besar, atau seorang blogger yang akhirnya menerbitkan buku, atau seorang blogger yang meluncurkan situs membership program mengikuti kesuksesan blognya dan sebagainya).

(T): Can we just create membership site program without even have a blog?
(Bisakah kita membuat situs membership program tanpa memiliki sebuah blog?)

(J): In theory you could, but as I answered above, a blog can be a great launch pad, and it could dramatically increase your chances of success. This is the case because a blog is an excellent tool to demonstrate your expertise, attract an audience of prospects, network with fellow bloggers who might become your JV partners and so on.
(Dalam teori ya Anda bisa, namun seperti yang saya sampaikan diatas, sebuah blog bisa menjadi sebuah landasan luncur yang luar biasa dan blog bisa meningkatkan peluang sukses Anda secara dramatis. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena blog adalah sebuah tool yang sangat sempurna untuk menunjukkan keahlian Anda, menarik calon prospek Anda, membangun jaringan dengan blogger lain yang mungkin akan menjadi mitra kerjasama di masa depan dan sebagainya).

(T): What kind of special skills that bloggers should learn before they launch their membership site program?
(Kemampuan khusus apa yang harus dipelajari seorang blogger sebelum mereka meluncurkan situs membership program?)

(J): It depends on the kind of membership site that you want to launch, and whether or not you will hire professional help. Here are some of the skills needed to launch a successful membership site:

- web design skills (graphic design, CSS, XHTML)
- web development skills (PHP, Javascript, payment integration, etc)
- marketing skills (copywriting, market research, traffic generation, etc)
- content production skills (text, audio, video)
- business skills (strategy, administration, finance)

If you want to do everything yourself, therefore, you would need to have most of those skills. The alternative is to hire professionals who will bring these skills to your project.
(Hal itu tergantung pada jenis membership program yang ingin Anda buat, dan apakah Anda akan menyewa orang lain yang profesional di bidang itu atau tidak. Berikut adalah beberapa keahlian yang dibutuhkan untuk meluncurkan sebuah situs membership program:

- kemampuan desain web (desain grafis, CSS, XHTML)
- kemampuan pengembangan web (PHP, Javascript, sistem pembayaran, dan lain-lain)
- kemampuan pemasaran (copywriting, riset pasar, menarik pengunjung, dan lain-lain)
- kemampuan memproduksi konten (berupa teks, audio, video)
- kemampuan bisnis (strategi, administrasi, keuangan)

Jika Anda ingin melakukan semuanya sendirian, maka, Anda perlu menguasai semua kemampuan diatas. Pilihan lainnya adalah menyewa seorang profesional yang akan memberi semua kemampuan ini untuk proyek Anda).

(T): From your own experience, which one is more profitable? Blog or membership site?
(Dari pengalaman Anda, mana yang lebih menguntungkan? Blog atau situs membership program?)

(J): I think we can't generalize. There are blogs that are very profitable, as there are blogs that don't make a dime. Similarly, there are membership sites that are profitable, and there are membership sites that don't make a dime. In the end, I believe that you make a website popular and profitable - be it a blog, a membership site, a forum or an online store - if you have a passion for it. You need to love what you doing to be able to do excellet work. Once you have that ingredient, any type of website can become hugely profitable. So don't follow the money, follow your passion.
(Saya kira kita tidak bisa menyamaratakannya. Ada blog yang sangat menguntungkan, dan ada juga blog yang tidak menghasilkan uang sepeser pun. Hal yang sama, ada situs membership yang menguntungkan, dan ada situs membership yang juga tidak menghasilkan uang sepeser pun. Akhirnya, saya percaya bahwa Anda akan bisa menciptakan sebuah situs populer dan menguntungkan - baik itu berupa blog, situs membership program, forum atau juga toko online - jika Anda memiliki hasrat yang besar terhadapnya. Anda harus mencintai apa yang Anda lakukan agar bisa melakukannya dengan sangat baik. Setelah Anda tahu resep itu, segala jenis situs bisa menjadi sangat menguntungkan. Jadi, jangan ikuti uangnya, ikuti hasrat Anda).

(T): What is your advice for bloggers who want to start their own membership site program?
(Apa nasehat Anda bagi para blogger yang ingin memulai situs membership program mereka sendiri?)

(J): First of all keep working on your blog. Try to grow its audience as much as possible, and try to establish it as an authority inside its niche. This will help tremendously on the launch of a membership site. Secondly, do proper market research. You should launch a membership site only if you identify a real need on the market that is not being adequately addressed by current competitors. Once again, the membership site must be rooted on a topic that you are passionate about, else it will flop.
(Yang pertama, terus kembangkan blog Anda. Cobalah untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengunjungnya semaksimal mungkin, dan cobalah untuk membangun blog Anda sebagai otoritas di dalam niche Anda sendiri. Hal ini akan sangat membantu dalam proses peluncuran sebuah situs membership program. Kedua, lakukanlah riset pasar dengan benar. Anda seharusnya hanya meluncurkan situs membership program jika Anda bisa mengidentifikasi kebutuhan nyata di pasar yang benar-benar belum dipenuhi dengan baik oleh pesaing Anda. Sekali lagi, situs membership program haruslah berakar pada topik yang benar-benar Anda cintai, atau Anda akan kehilangan semuanya).

(T): Last question: Do you have any future project that you want to share with us?
(Pertanyaan terakhir: Apakah Anda memiliki proyek di masa depan yang ingin Anda bagikan dengan kami?)

(J): will be my only project for a while now. I have a vision of what I want to accomplish with it, and we are just 5% there, if that. And I am not only talking about the financial aspect, but also about the service quality, the features, the products offered and so on. I am taking one step at a time, though, so it is a fun project to be involved with. Probably in October of 2009 we will be opening it for new members again (first time was in January), so keep an eye for it.
(Untuk saat ini adalah satu-satunya proyek saya. Saya punya visi mengenai apa yang ingin saya capai dengan situs ini dan saat ini kami baru mencapai 5% darinya. Dan maksud saya bukan tentang sisi keuntungannya semata, namun juga tentang kualitas layanan, fitur-fiturnya, produk yang ditawarkan dan lain-lain. Saya melakukannya satu per satu, jadi ini adalah proyek yang sangat menyenangkan untuk dijalani. Barangkali di bulan Oktober 2009 nanti kami akan membuka kembali pendaftaran untuk anggota baru (yang pertama di bulan Januari), jadi jangan sampai terlewatkan).

Thanks a lot, Medhy!
(Terima kasih banyak, Medhy!)

Daniel Scocco


Don't follow the money, follow your passion. Jangan ikuti uangnya, ikuti hasrat Anda. Benar apa yang dikatakan Daniel. Sudah banyak contoh blogger yang bersemangat di awal-awal aktivitas blogging, namun kemudian berhenti hanya karena uang yang dikejar tak kunjung didapatkan. Berbeda dengan jika Anda menekuni aktivitas blogging karena Anda benar-benar mencintai apa yang Anda lakukan. Meskipun uang tidak di tangan, Anda tidak akan berhenti ngeblog.

Daniel Scocco telah membagikan pengalaman berharganya ketika membangun situs membership program dengan memanfaatkan blognya,, sebagai landasan proyeknya.

Bagaimana menurut Anda? Tertarik mengikuti jejak Daniel dengan situs keanggotaan berbayarnya?

P.S: Seorang pembaca berkomentar setelah membaca seri wawancara eksklusif di blog ini. Komentarnya begini: "Satu-satunya blog berbahasa Indonesia yang menghadirkan wawancara-wawancara keren dengan blogger-blogger kelas dunia adalah Salut Mas Medhy." Jujur saja, saya tersanjung. Thanks banget atas apresiasinya dan tunggu wawancara-wawancara eksklusif lainnya hanya di Semoga bermanfaat. :)

(Gambar diambil dari


Hiatus comes from Latin. Later absorbed into English. Citing an online dictionary Wiktionary, the hiatus has various meanings.

Literally, hiatus means a break or pause. In linguistic studies, hiatal means dismissal for a moment between two vowels the same in the end and beginning of a word. For example when it says "co'operation". In earth science, hiatus means the gap in the earth's crust. In the world of music, the hiatus is a small pitch difference between the two scales. Lastly, still according to Wiktionary, the hiatus means to stop temporarily in some activity, such as blogging or writing articles in a newspaper column.

In the world of blogging, hiatus usually stop writing articles on the blog over a certain period.

There are many reasons people pause from blogging activities. Could be due to boredom. Could be because of too much busyness. Can being lazy. Could be because he was losing the mood to write. Could be due to run out of ideas. Or it could be because of illness. Whatever the reasons, legitimate, valid only hiatus. Hiatus is a human right.

Last month, this your favorite blog hiatus. During the entire month, not one new article comes to greet you. I know, you wonder: "What?"

We're sorry, I was unable to avoid the bustle bertumpuknya off line. I had to choose. And as a result of this blog have become victims: the status of hiatus.

Actually, this blog has a longer hiatus. Not just a month. But 6 months. That happened in the first half of 2007. Busyness class makes me have to make priorities. Fortunately, the lag while it does not last forever. After 6 months of suspended animation, this blog is alive again. Alhamdulillah, with accomplishments that even much better.

What about the hiatus this time?

To hiatus this time I dare not promise. Fear of treasonous. Fear of failure kept. Please prayer alone, hopefully after this I still have enough energy reserves to continue sharing in this blog.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

For a while, happy reading a long article on this blog.

Happy blogging (always)!

Medhy Aginta

Knew it was going to happen....

It finally happened. Those "old school" forensic practices caught some colleagues while seizing a Dell laptop. The old practice of pulling the plug led to the drive being inaccessible when they returned to the lab due to a bios password being present. The actual hard drive was removed but various imaging techniques did not work. That being said, RAM had been imaged and a password was located in RAM (for an email account). Luckily the password was the same and we were able to access the drive.

One more reason to hasten our move to 100% live imaging at the scene; grabbing both the RAM and the drive. One more reason to get F-Response for everyone in the office!

FYI...once we had the password, we booted the laptop (with hard drive enclosed) using Helix Pro. Using Helix, we imaged the drive to a RW-mounted wiped external USB drive. Worked like a charm.

Good guys 1 - Bad guys 0 (but just barely).
Posted by newinforensics at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: F-Response, Helix, passwords, RAM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
You just gotta think outside the box...the logical box that is!
I recently ran across an article published by well-knowned security researcher Joanna Rutkowska. She prepared a very detailed article on a new attacked she calls the "Evil Maid Attack" - named after a possible "vector of attack." An attack can be launched by an infected USB thumbdrive (full .img image available on the site), which is inserted into a powered-down laptop. The laptop is booted to the USB drive, and after 1-2 minutes, the hard drive is infected with the "Evil Maid Attack." The next time the owner boots his laptop and enters his encryption password, it is captured for retrieval. The attacker simply boots the laptop a second time, again with the infected USB thumbdrive, and the password is displayed.

A full explanation for how this attack works is on her website. (hint...first 63sectors of Physical drive, locates TrueCrypt loader, launches attack to hook the TrueCrypt function that asks for the password.....)

When the image is run against anti-malware programs, the following results were obtained:
VirusTotal 1/41 (Sophos)
Jotti's 1/21 (Sophos)

Like I have to think outside of the "logical box".
Posted by newinforensics at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: bootable, encryption, programs
Friday, November 13, 2009
Internet Evidence Finder - new release and more
Jad from JadSoftware has released v3.0 of Internet Evidence Finder. While the program has now made the move to commercial, I doubt you'll find another tools that is as effective at parsing out artifacts as does this program. The pricing ranges from $29.99 for a single licence, to $129.99 for an unlimited site licence. In the field of forensics, we pay more for add-ons.

I'm not sure where Jad finds the time, but he has added several more features. Included in the 10 new features are Limewire® ver 5.3.6 Search History, Limewire.props files, IE8 InPrivate/Recovery URLs, Yahoo!® Messenger Group Chat, Yahoo!® Webmail email, Hotmail® Webmail email, AOL® Instant Messenger chat logs, Messenger Plus!® chat logs, MySpace® chat, Bebo® chat. He includes an index.htm page to index the some the searches and made several tweaks to the existing searches. The program is FREE for Law Enforcement use (thanks Jad!).

On top of that, he has created another program called Facebook JPG finder (v1.0.0). The program will search for images, and provide details about the date/times of the file, MD5, location, and possible ID/Profile name. He qualifies the program by indicating that the user must realize that the program locates the photo and cannot guarantee the photos are from Facebook.

Oh yeah...those in Law Enforcement and may be looking for an "Incident Response/Live Analysis" scripted tool, head on over to . They have been kind enough to post the law enforcement version of DriveProphet for free use. I realize that those who consider themselves "masters" of all, this program (an in fact Cofee) can be defined as scripted tools that simply automate the use of other freely available tools. You know WHAT...we aren't all as gifted as others....we occasionally need formatted and trusted tools which we are confident will do the job, in a prompt and efficient time, and punch out a nicely formatted report for our investigations. Maybe it's just me, but I simply cannot recall the commands and switches for 20-50 commands, which I like to run during incident response. FWIW....
Posted by newinforensics at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: forensic, ief, incident response, programs
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Raptor - another solid tool updated...

The folks over at Forward Discovery, Inc have updated their Intel-based Mac forensic boot-cd Raptor. You will find two versions of the product, one aimed at the Intel-based processor, and the other for the PPC (beta). I personally have used the Intel-based CD and found it to work flawlessly. Although Apple has been kind enough to make the hard drives in the recent MacBook Pro more accessible, the older versions are very difficult to disassemble; particularly if you may be required to image a device in a "time-sensitive" situation (and perhaps without others knowing ....).

Raptor can image in DD, EnCase .E01, DMG or even clone to a destination drive, which can be formatted FAT32, NTFS, EXT3 or HFS+. And for those who prefer to create a pristine, original image and a lab image to analyze, you can create two simultaneous images at the same time.

I haven't had an opportunity to use the PPC version, except for testing it on a few lab models. I recall having to play with the boot options to get the disk to boot properly.

That being said, I'm very anxious to get this image burn and "take 'er for a rip." This IS a tool you should have in your toolkit. From what I've seen in the forensic community, the staff at Forward Discovery are great to deal with as well.

I'll keep you updated.........
Posted by newinforensics at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: bootable, forensic, imaging, Mac, programs, Raptor
Thursday, October 29, 2009
FTK 3.01 and IEF
I realize that there are many who are still sore over the troubles with v2.0 of FTK. But I've been using v3.01 (x64) for a few weeks now, and I'm quite impressed. While there are a few of the nagging issues that continue to annoy me (lack of ability to use "sweeping bookmarks"), the product seems to have integrated several other features that make up for these other small annoyances. First of all, it's MUCH faster. Remember trying to sort a column in v1.8x - no more! The time to sort a column, remove checkmarks, load images.... everything seems to move much faster. I like the integration of Registry reporting, indexed search results and the flexible reporting options. The carving and sorting of files into various categories is impressive. If only you could find a way to make it easier for an investigator to go through thousands of HTML pages in search for emails, banking artifacts, etc!

Admittedly, I installed FTK onto a new clean machine but colleagues in our office have upgraded from v2.0x and are also seeing similar advantages.

My suggestion to Accessdata - more research and whitepapers ie: Vista Registry, more information on using FTK for Mac analysis, etc.

Overall, very impressed by these significant upgrades and improvements.

Also, take a look at Jad's site. He's been busy working on his program, Internet Evidence Finder and has made some significant improvements - now up to v2.07. A quick poll at our last office meeting - over 1/2 of our investigators are using his product. Keep it coming Jad- much appreciated!
Posted by newinforensics at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: accessdata, forensic, ief, programs
Caine v1.0
I see that CAINE has released v1.0 today - from it's previous 0.5 release. From an initial view, it appears that many of the included programs have been updated. Overall, it has a nice selection of tools, including those used for both acquisition and analysis (Sleuthkit 3.01, MDD, Autopsy 2.21, Winen, Win32DD and probably about another 50 tools). Clear instructions on how to create a bootable USB drive as well.

The mounting policy claimed by the program states that it is the "same as Helix" and when the user clicks on a drive, it will mount as read-only. If the user mounts in terminal, it will mount "rw" by default unless the necessary "ro" commands are included.

Not sure how you feel about these all-inclusive tool sets, but like SIFT, it's nice to have all the necessary tools in a bootable CD or VM. Reboot and your workspace is clear.

Downloading v1.0 right now......let's take it for a spin!
Posted by newinforensics at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: bootable, imagine, programs, RAM
Monday, October 12, 2009
NirLauncher package
NirSoft tools has introduced a new "front-end tool" allowing approx 100 of their tools to be run from a GUI console. The tool, named NirLauncher, can be run from a directory created on a USB thumbdrive. The tool qualifies if the program can be run on a 32 and/or 64 bit system and allows you to integrate SysInternals tools into the program. At this time, they warn against using the product in "Run as Administrator" mode in Vista and Windows7 until a bug has been fixed. Nice addition to a fantastic tool set! Be sure to read the comments on his blog for additional tips and reviews from readers.
Posted by newinforensics at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: programs NirSoft tools
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Live Forensics just got a little easier....
Matthieu Suiche has released his latest version of his imaging tool "win32dd" (v. 1.3 final). Up until now, I've been using FastDump Pro and Winen as my imaging tools, largely because of the robustness and wide range of OS's, >4GB and 32vs64 bit platform support. With the release of Matthieu's latest tools (which I see has been under beta testing), you can be assured that this tool will also be making it to my list of memory acquisition tools. All this and MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 support.

What I find intriguing about this new product is the fact that you have the option of generating a "blue screen" or send a system into hibernation.

Matthieu has a great slide presentation titled "Challenges of Windows physical memory acquisition and exploitation". The presentation was given at Shakacon2009.

With the enhanced abilities of these tools, I'm interested in finding solutions to faster acquisition times using USB drives. Any comments? (ie: Thumbdrives with fast i/o times, external USB 2.5" drive, SSD, how about a SD card with 30MB/Sec transfer speed?) With larger and larger acquisitions, the time at scene is becoming an issue.
Posted by newinforensics at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: forensic, imaging, memory, RAM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
LiveDetector - H11 Digital Forensics
I spent some time testing LiveDetector from H11 Digital Forensics. The program(s) can be run from a CD however, I chose to run it from a USB thumbdrive to allow the output files/report to be exported.

When I first looked at the tool, I noticed that is uses Mantech Memory DD to capture RAM. Although this product captures a nice variety of 32-bit Windows OS's, it is "governed" by a 4GB RAM maximum and I read nothing about it working for 64-bit machines. The GUI is very easy to understand but does not allow for configuration of process (to run). The tool allows you to "Collect Volatile Data" (including or excluding RAM) and "Collect Nonvolatile Data".

Data is exported to a directory defined during the initial screen which allows you to enter case "tombstone" information. Reporting is actually quite nice. Sharp HTML reports with links to report generated by the individually-run apps. The apps are almost exclusively Nirsoft apps.

Overall, the program ran very nice. I'm not sure if the program is at the level that I could recommend it for "forensic" or "incident response" but perhaps for non-evidentiary type data collection. Two other suggestions: consider a more robust RAM acquisition tool and allow a greater degree of configurability ie: allowing user to chose which tools/features to run. .... now that Win32dd has been renamed Windd and supports 64-bit systems. Thanks Matthieu!!
Price: free

Posted by newinforensics at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: LiveDetector, RAM
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Accessdata Imager Lite and RAM

Accessdata has recently released it's lite version of Imager, which now has the ability to image RAM - Imager v2.6.1. The full install version came out a while back, but recently they update their lite version. Haven't had an opportunity to test it beyond 32-bit XP, but the free all-in-one product is appealing. Only tools you'll need is forensically clean USB Thumbdrive. Give yourself some room to spare and consider imaging the RAM to the thumbdrive. I'm waiting for information on the memory footprint. Updates like this certainly add polish to v2.2.1 of it's full FTK product which I've recently added to my arsenal. Take my word - it's now worth the upgrade from v1.8.
Next.....speed. I'm really thinking that my new Digital Media card - SanDisk Extreme III -(30MB/Sec) may allow faster acquisition. Certainly faster than my cheap $9 thumbdrive. Time to dig out the benchmark software.

Responding to Incidents

Lenny Zeltser has an excellent presentation on his web site that discusses how to respond to the unexpected. This presentation is well worth the time it takes to read it...and I mean that not only for C-suite executives, but also IT staff and responders, as well. Take a few minutes to read through the speaks a lot of truth.

When discussing topics like this, in the past, I've thought it would be a good idea to split the presentation, discussing responding as (a) a consultant and (b) as a full-time employee (FTE) staff member. My reasoning was that as a consultant, you're walking into a completely new environment, and as a member of FTE staff, you've been working in that environment for weeks, months, or even years, and would tend to be very familiar with the environment. However, as a consultant/responder, my experience has been that most response staff isn't familiar with the incident response aspect of their...well...incident response. FTE response staff is largely ad-hoc, as well as under-trained, in while they may be very familiar with the day-to-day management of systems, most times they are not familiar with how to respond to incidents in a manner that's consistent with senior management's goals. If there are any. After all, if they were, folks like me wouldn't need to be there, right?

So, the reason I mention this at all is that when an incident occurs, the very first decisions made and actions that occur have a profound effect on how the incident plays out. If (not when) an incident is detected, what happens? Many times, an admin pulls the system, wipes the drive, and then reloads the OS and data, and puts the system back into service. While this is the most direct route to recovery, it does absolutely nothing to determine the root cause, or prevent the incident from happening again in the future.

The general attitude seems to be that the needs of infosec in general, and IR activities in particular, run counter to the needs of the business. IR is something of a "new" concept to most folks, and very often, the primary business goal is to keep systems running and functionality available, whereas IR generally wants to take systems offline. In short, security breaks stuff.

Well, this can be true, IF you go about your security and IR blindly. However, if you look at incident response specifically, and infosec in general, as a business process, and incorporate it along with your other business processes (i.e., marketing, sales, collections, payroll, etc.), then you can not only maintain your usability and productivity, but you're going to save yourself a LOT of money and headaches. You're not only going to be in compliance (name your legislative or regulatory body/ies of choice with that one...) and avoid costly audits, re-audits and fines, but you're also likely going to save yourself when (notice the use of the word when, rather than if...) an incident happens.

I wanted to present a couple of scenarios based on culminations my own experience performing incident response in various environments for over 10 years. I think these scenarios are important, because like other famous events in history, they can show us what we've done right or wrong.

Scenario 1: An incident, a malware infection, is detected and the local IT staff reacts quickly and efficiently, determining that the malware was on 12 different systems in the infrastructure and eradicating each instance. During the course of response, someone found a string, and without any indication that it applied directly to the incident, Googled the string and added a relationship with a keystroke logger to the incident notes. A week later at a director's meeting, the IT director described the incident and applauded his staff's reactions. Legal counsel, also responsible for compliance, took issue with the incident description, due to the possibility of and the lack of information regarding data exfiltration. Due to the location and use of the "cleaned" systems within the infrastructure, regulatory and compliance issues are raised, due in part to the malware association with a keystroke logger, but questions cannot be answered, as the actual malware itself was never completely identified nor was a sample saved. Per legislative and regulatory requirements, the organization must now assume that any sensitive data that could have been exfiltrated was, in fact, compromised.

Scenario 2: An incident is detected involving several e-commerce servers. The local IT staff is not trained, nor has any practical knowledge of IR, and while their manager reports potential issues to his management, a couple of admins begin poking around on the servers, installing and running AV (nothing found), deleting some files, etc. Management decides to wait to see if the "problem" settles down. Two days later, one of the admins decides to connect a sniffer to the outbound portion of the network, and sees several files being moved off of the systems. Locating those files on the systems, the admin determines that the files contain PCI data; however, the servers themselves cannot be shut down. The admin reports this, but it takes 96 hrs to locate IR consultants, get them on-site, and have the IT staff familiarize the consultants with the environment. It takes longer due to the fact that the one IT admin who knows how the systems interact and where they're actually located in the data center is on vacation.

Scenario 3: A company that provided remote shell-based access for their employees was in the process of transitioning to two-factor authentication when a regular log review detected that particular user credentials were being used to log in from a different location. IT immediately shut down all remote access, and changed all admin-level passwords. Examination of logs indicated that the intruder had accessed the infrastructure with one set of credentials, used those to transition to another set, but maintained shell-based access. The second account was immediately disabled, but not deleted. While IR consultants were on their way on-site, the local IT staff identified systems the intruder had accessed. A definitive list of files known to contain 'sensitive data' (already compiled) was provided to the consultants, who determined through several means that there were no indications that those files had been accessed by the intruder. The company was able to report this with confidence to regulatory oversight bodies, and while a small fine was imposed, a much larger fine, as well as notification and disclosure costs, followed by other costs (i.e., cost to change credit/debit cards, pay for credit monitoring, civil suits, etc.) were avoided.

Remember, we're not talking about a small, single-owner storefront here...we're talking about companies that store and process data about you and me...PII, PHI, PCI/credit card data, etc. Massive amounts of data that someone wants because it means massive amounts of money to them.

So, in your next visit from an auditor, when they ask "Got IR?" what are you going to say?

A Star Idolized and Haunted, Michael Jackson Dies at 50

LOS ANGELES — For his legions of fans, he was the Peter Pan of pop music: the little boy who refused to grow up. But on the verge of another attempted comeback, he is suddenly gone, this time for good.
Michael Jackson, whose quintessentially American tale of celebrity and excess took him from musical boy wonder to global pop superstar to sad figure haunted by lawsuits, paparazzi and failed plastic surgery, was pronounced dead on Thursday afternoon at U.C.L.A. Medical Center after arriving in a coma, a city official said. Mr. Jackson was 50, having spent 40 of those years in the public eye he loved.

The singer was rushed to the hospital, a six-minute drive from the rented Holmby Hills home in which he was living, shortly after noon by paramedics for the Los Angeles Fire Department. A hospital spokesman would not confirm reports of cardiac arrest. He was pronounced dead at 2:26 pm.

As with Elvis Presley or the Beatles, it is impossible to calculate the full effect Mr. Jackson had on the world of music. At the height of his career, he was indisputably the biggest star in the world; he has sold more than 750 million albums. Radio stations across the country reacted to his death with marathon sessions of his songs. MTV, which grew successful in part as a result of Mr. Jackson’s groundbreaking videos, reprised its early days as a music channel by showing his biggest hits.

From his days as the youngest brother in the Jackson 5 to his solo career in the 1980s and early 1990s, Mr. Jackson was responsible for a string of hits like “I Want You Back,” “I’ll Be There” “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” “Billie Jean” and “Black or White” that exploited his high voice, infectious energy and ear for irresistible hooks.

As a solo performer, Mr. Jackson ushered in the age of pop as a global product — not to mention an age of spectacle and pop culture celebrity. He became more character than singer: his sequined glove, his whitened face, his moonwalk dance move became embedded in the cultural firmament.

His entertainment career hit high-water marks with the release of “Thriller,” from 1982, which has been certified 28 times platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America, and with the “Victory” world tour that reunited him with his brothers in 1984.

But soon afterward, his career started a bizarre disintegration. His darkest moment undoubtedly came in 2003, when he was indicted on child molesting charges. A young cancer patient claimed the singer had befriended him and then groped him at his Neverland estate near Santa Barbara, Calif., but Mr. Jackson was acquitted on all charges.

Reaction to his death started trickling in from the entertainment community late Thursday.

Commentary: Google and Microsoft free-for-all

When Christine Varney was confirmed in May as the Obama administration's top antitrust cop, some of her words from last year sent a chill through the Googleplex, the search engine's headquarters in Silicon Valley.

During the waning days of the Bush administration, Varney worried that the government would not do enough about Google: "I think we're going to continually see a problem, potentially, with Google, who I think so far has acquired a monopoly in Internet online advertising lawfully."
Now she's in a position to do something about it.
Having a legally obtained monopoly is not a crime, but abusing it to gain unfair advantages in other markets can be.The most recent landmark cases on this in technology have been the decade-long investigations and prosecutions on Microsoft's dominance of PC software.

In those cases, competitors complained that the software giant's near-monopoly on operating systems allowed it to get the upper hand in other markets, for example, by gaining an advantage on the Web through bundling Microsoft's Internet Explorer with every copy of Windows.

Now Google has Microsoft-like dominance in search and search advertising. What should it not be allowed to do?
That question may come to define this era of antitrust law. When Varney was confirmed, she withdrew the Bush administration's report setting relatively conservative standards of antitrust enforcement and declared, "The Antitrust Division will be aggressively pursuing cases where monopolists try to use their dominance in the marketplace to stifle competition and harm consumers."

How might Google's dominance be harming consumers? Ask makers of such items as books and newspapers and advertisers and all will say they are concerned about Google's clout and ability to act unilaterally because of its dominance. Google, meanwhile, has been on a charm offensive for the past few weeks, emphasizing how easy it is for consumers to switch to other search engines and how small it is compared to other companies that have been in a similar position in the past, such as Microsoft, AT&T and IBM.

The Web is still a new territory, with the boundary lines of markets in flux. At least in the Microsoft case, we knew what an "operating system" and "Web browser" were. But on the Web, where software is a Web site, not something you buy in a box, and everything is just one click away from everything else, core antitrust concepts such as "lock-in" and "barriers to entry" will have to be redefined.

One of the most interesting issues that Varney will have to face is Google's use of free. This is not 20th Century "free," as in "buy one, get one free" or "free gift inside." Instead, it's really Free (let's dignify it with a capital F), something that's only possible in the digital age, where costs are close to zero.

Like many Web companies, Google gives away most of what it does. Its searches are free, as are its e-mail, maps, online word processor and spreadsheet, and nearly 300 other products, from directory assistance (GOOG411) to Google Earth.

This use of Free is part of its "max strategy" -- it uses Free to get its products in the hands of the greatest number of users, and then figures out some way to get money from them (mostly with ads, but sometimes with "pro" versions of the services, in which users can pay for more storage or features, using the "freemium" business model).

Google can give away so much because the incremental cost of serving one more Web page to one more user is almost nothing -- and falling as technology gets cheaper. This is the difference between the "bits economy" and the "atoms economy." The marginal cost of production for digital things is so low that Free becomes not just a marketing gimmick but the default price in most markets, driven by economic forces as real online as gravity is in the real world.

But companies still have to make money, so there are limits to how much they can provide free. Not a problem for Google. Its core advertising business is so powerful, dominant and profitable that it can subsidize almost everything else the company does, using Free to get customers in new markets.

Is that fair, when so many of its competitors don't have a similar golden goose at the core of their operations?

The analogy is something like the semiconductor battles of the 1980s, when Japanese companies were accused of "dumping" (selling for under cost) memory chips in the U.S. market to drive out U.S. competitors. Any time you are giving away a product, you are by definition selling it for less than cost (even if the cost is just a fraction of a cent).

Note that no court or regulator has yet suggested that there's anything remotely like this going on in the use of Free online. But when Varney starts looking at ways that Google is using its search dominance to win new markets, its use of Free is going to have to be one of the things she considers.

Could Free be OK for little companies, but not really big ones? How much market share would you have to have in one market to disallow you from using Free in another?

As she digs into this, she may find that it takes her back to Microsoft itself. As entrepreneur Alex Iskold has pointed out, Google is using the profits from its search advertising dominance to fund its competition with Microsoft in word processors and spreadsheets (Google Docs).

Microsoft, meanwhile, is doing just the opposite: using the profits from its dominance of word processors and spreadsheets (Microsoft Office) to subsidize its competition with Google in search (Microsoft Bing). In each case, the companies are using a highly profitable paid product to make another product free, on the hopes of gaining market share by taking price off the table.

The difference this time is that Google is the dominant player, and at least as far as search goes, Microsoft is a struggling upstart. Confused yet? Then spare a thought for Varney. She not only has to figure out what markets need protection, but also how to do that (to say nothing of the poignant irony of Microsoft complaining about unfair monopolies). Tough job. Who would have thought that there was anything not to like about Free?

Paris Jackson emerges as surprise voice of memorial

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's daughter touched the hearts of millions when she bid a tearful farewell to her father at his memorial service in a rare public appearance.
With her brief speech, 11-year-old Paris Jackson also shocked the event's organizers, who said her appearance was not a planned part of Tuesday's star-studded tribute to the "King of Pop" at Los Angeles' Staples Center.
"Ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine," she said, fighting back tears as relatives consoled her.
"And I just want to say that I love him so much," she said as she burst into tears and sought refuge in the embrace of family members.
For many watching, Paris' appearance marked a rare glimpse of a child who has spent most of her life shielded from the public.
Born to two mothers -- Jackson's ex-wife Debbie Rowe and an unidentified woman who reportedly served as a surrogate -- Jackson's three children lived and traveled the world with him, their faces often covered by veils and masks when appearing in public.
In its execution, the speech appeared to be a surprise to those onstage and off.
"It was a surprise they were there. All of us who know them were delighted they were strong enough to come and feel this love and great outpouring for their dad," Kenny Ortega, the choreographer ("Dirty Dancing") who was directing Jackson's "This Is It" comeback concerts in London, England, told CNN's Campbell Brown. "We would've never expected that they had the strength. It was beautiful."
Ortega, a longtime Jackson colleague who helped design the singer's 1990s tours, said planners left the end of the show open for family members to speak if they wished to, but he was surprised when the Jackson clan -- among them, his siblings and children -- went onstage for the two last songs, "We Are the World" and "Heal the World."
Marlon Jackson told the crowd that his sister, pop star Janet Jackson, wished to say some words. Instead, Janet appeared to encourage Paris to come forward from the sea of black dresses and suits and take the microphone, adjusting it and stroking the child's hair as Paris delivered her words.
Ortega said he was touched by Paris' speech.
"Michael was so close with these beautiful children," he said.
"Little Paris was his biggest fan. ... A little girl couldn't love her papa more."
The heartfelt display sparked a groundswell of emotion in the auditorium and around the world, where millions of viewers watched the service on television and the Internet.
"The saddest moment was when Michael Jackson's daughter spoke," said Angelina Martinez, who attended the service with her daughter, Jessica.
"She was really in pain. Everybody was crying inside," she said. "It was beauty combined with sadness."
Attendees, performers and speakers alike struggled for composure throughout the two-plus-hour event, which featured performances from Lionel Richie, Jennifer Hudson and Usher.
But to many, Paris' tribute cast Jackson in the one role few have experienced him as: a father.
"It was very, very touching, and really it was an example of the good parent Michael was, because when I was at Neverland and with the kids he really was a good loving father -- they had a fantastic relationship, and they were very close-knit," Stuart Backerman said.
"So to see Paris come on in such an emotional moment and obviously give her heart out to her father was very, very touching."
Others saw the tribute as a whole as Jackson's final legacy to his children.