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Friday, March 26, 2010


Hiatus comes from Latin. Later absorbed into English. Citing an online dictionary Wiktionary, the hiatus has various meanings.

Literally, hiatus means a break or pause. In linguistic studies, hiatal means dismissal for a moment between two vowels the same in the end and beginning of a word. For example when it says "co'operation". In earth science, hiatus means the gap in the earth's crust. In the world of music, the hiatus is a small pitch difference between the two scales. Lastly, still according to Wiktionary, the hiatus means to stop temporarily in some activity, such as blogging or writing articles in a newspaper column.

In the world of blogging, hiatus usually stop writing articles on the blog over a certain period.

There are many reasons people pause from blogging activities. Could be due to boredom. Could be because of too much busyness. Can being lazy. Could be because he was losing the mood to write. Could be due to run out of ideas. Or it could be because of illness. Whatever the reasons, legitimate, valid only hiatus. Hiatus is a human right.

Last month, this your favorite blog hiatus. During the entire month, not one new article comes to greet you. I know, you wonder: "What?"

We're sorry, I was unable to avoid the bustle bertumpuknya off line. I had to choose. And as a result of this blog have become victims: the status of hiatus.

Actually, this blog has a longer hiatus. Not just a month. But 6 months. That happened in the first half of 2007. Busyness class makes me have to make priorities. Fortunately, the lag while it does not last forever. After 6 months of suspended animation, this blog is alive again. Alhamdulillah, with accomplishments that even much better.

What about the hiatus this time?

To hiatus this time I dare not promise. Fear of treasonous. Fear of failure kept. Please prayer alone, hopefully after this I still have enough energy reserves to continue sharing in this blog.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

For a while, happy reading a long article on this blog.

Happy blogging (always)!

Medhy Aginta

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