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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Football World Unite - By: Alexander Wibowo
Whatever your skin color! Your Religion! Your race! Your State! Or your class! Let us all unite for a moment the interests of peace, without anything to enjoy a game called soccer.

Right! Finally, the long-awaited moment had arrived less than a few hours the party's biggest football show on earth will begin.

For the first time the tournament will be held at the Black African continent, specifically in South Africa in 2010 was more complete and equalizes Africa with other continents have first opportunity to host or organizer, according to the official song is sung by Shakira " this time for Africa '(this time it is time for Africa).

This Time for Africa (c) AFP

This Time for Africa (c) AFP

It really is the true essence of life in this world, equal treatment for all and through this football team will be realized this time, although God created us different but never made a difference as an obstacle to unity.

Just think what if we're all in this world can think of it as well make it into a real action, no need to have an important limitation all united with each other, coexist without harming each other bad intent, need not necessarily war broke out, because the Earth is like home to us all, is a brother country, we are all one family in the eyes of God who created us.

Jangan jadikan sebuah perbedaan sebagai alasan untuk tak bersatu (c) AFP

Do not make a difference as an excuse to not unite (c) AFP

Let's enjoy the number one sport in the world's most grand party held side by side without knowing the difference, ranging from young and old, male-female, black and white, rich and poor, all united only for football games.

No need to angry and need not be disappointed if the losing side, because it's only a game of true meaning of this event is a game that will unite the world without any interest.

Sebuah simbol yang mengandung pesan mendalam (c) AFP

A symbol that contains a deep message (c) AFP

32 countries that qualify does not mean only those who are entitled to enjoy this show, their only chance to be a party eligible for it, for us in Indonesia were able to enjoy even for just being a spectator before this time.

The more touching if listening to the song one of the supporting performances of this year's World Cup-Wavin Knaan Flag, in the lyrics that read "Love is the answer, that's what they want say, And Everybody Will Be ... singing it,"

Salah satu keindahan yang diciptakan Tuhan melalui tangan manusia(c) AFP

One of the beauty created by God through human hands (c) AFP

True to the sense of love as a family on this earth, we are all human beings united in peace to enjoy a football game called the World Cup, all the right happy, all of them deserve to live as equals regardless of differences in point then, and indeed that's true, we are all equal. So let's enjoy it. (KPL / ball)

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