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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Intel Launches Four New Microprocessor

TEMPO Interactive, Taipei - Intel launches four new microprocessor in the event Computex 2010 in Taipei, Taiwan. Fourth Atom microprocessor which began commercial use is N455 and the N475 for netbooks, D425 and D525 for "net-top" personal computer desktop.

Fourth microprocessor that supported DDR-3 memory, but only one of the new chip had to offer dual-core systems, namely D525, with a speed of 1.8 GHz. For the N455 and N475 series uses single-core chip. In addition to these four microprocessors, will soon follow N550 previously referred to as rumors numbers. N550 The plan will be launched later this year.

Mikroproseseor Launching this is a strategy to expand the scope of its business Atom. With the motto "Atom Everywhere", Intel has taken part in various new products in the digital world.

Last month, Intel launched the Atom Z6 Lincroft or as a platform for smart phones. At the beginning of the month, Intel also has a "Tunnel Creek" and of course Intel is also working closely with Google in Google Tv project that uses the Silicon Atom.

On that occasion, also announced it will launch the world's thinnest netbook. Netbook which will be named "Canoe Lake" it only has a thickness of 1.4 inches or 14 millimeters. The presence of "Canoe Lake" would be expected to compete with other thin notebooks and netbooks like the MacBook Air and the Dell XPS Adamo. Unfortunately, Intel refused to explain more about her latest netbook specifications.

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