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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Import Apple iPad Screen

TEMPO Interactive, Calif. - Apple iPad able to meet spikes in demand and iPhone 4 which is selling well. The Company is led by Steve Jobs finally took Samsung Electronics to supply touch screen measuring 9.7 inches iPad.
Apple Impor Layar iPad

Thus, it means Apple's use of two South Korean companies as a supplier of touch screen for homemade gadgets, namely Samsung and LG Display.

LG Display, the manufacturer of the LCD panel maker Samsung Electronics the second largest after previously has sent nearly one million touch-screen in May. The figure is in addition to over 700 thousand and 800 thousand touch screen iPad which has been sent in February and March.

Meanwhile, starting in July, Samsung is expected to meet the demand for touch screen 500 thousand units per month. Each touch screen Apple iPad is estimated to cost up to U.S. $ 90. The iPad the cheapest prices in the United States amounted to U.S. $ 499. That is, this touch-screen components to be the most expensive part of the iPad.

Newspapers technology, estimates that as many as 1.2 million DigiTimes iPad bestselling every month, until the end of this year while demand for tablet computers that reach 2.5 million units per month.

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