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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Google Serve Smart Phone Game

TEMPO Interactive, Calif. - For those of you smart phone users with operating systems Android and iPhone, are now able to download games that are provided by Google.

Ruahnya spilled smart phones on the market makes a Google search online turned the brain so that no lag in downloading technology, including gaming. Starting Wednesday, Google is already preparing an application can be downloaded games that users of Android-based smartphone and the iPhone.

Not just this one time Google's attention to the world game. On the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man game last May, Google to provide the front page into the gaming arena. In addition, Google also had a bitter experience with the game "Lively" that was launched in July 2008 but was forced to "die" in the same year.

Unfortunately, this new game can be downloaded to your smart phone users the iPhone and Android are based in the United States. That in addition, please be patient because Google plans to expand its facilities across state boundaries.

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