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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Traffic on the Facebook and Twitter StumbleUpon

Friday, April 23
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - According to global research company, StatCounter, Twitter is currently getting almost 10 percent of the requests (hits) to the global social media websites, while Facebook solid in the first position by obtaining 48 percent of the hits.

Surprisingly, in second place is not Twitter, but the acquisition of StumbleUpon by 25 percent. StatCounter StumbleUpon claim number one on top of Facebook in the U.S. last month, acquisition-related traffic.

Data for the month of March 2010 is based on 13 billion visits to sites of global StatCounter network members. The company recently added social media services to its GlobalStats tools, and noted that its market share statistics appear to fluctuate than the browser or search.

Reported that Facebook is a hit record peaks in the holidays at the end of 2009 and declined rapidly, although still dominant with about half of social media traffic come from social networks. StumbleUpon and Twitter is also enjoying similar growth since late last year.

StumbleUpon Hit the big surprise because it is usually not monitored traffic from social networks related to the web. Possible advantages for users who have found it from a third party web sites, while Twitter and Facebook are not just about sharing the link, but also updates the status, location, activities, photos and video.

The following sequence of social media site after Facebook, StumbleUpon, and Twitter, that is YouTube (6 percent), reddit (4 percent), Digg (2 percent), and MySpace (2 percent). LinkedIn at position 12 (0.34 percent), while Google's Buzz has not entered the study.

Facebook Serves One Billion Like in 24 Hours

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - Yesterday in the Facebook f8 conference in San Francisco, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that there are a billion like on the site within 24 hours of the launch of the Like. This feature was launched yesterday.

Zuckerberg said Facebook had been there 30 partners who launched these new features together, such as CNN, ESPN, and IMDb, and others. Each site will have a button that Facebook is implemented and working yesterday.

Like walking the same buttons as on Facebook (and other sites like FriendFeed): it enables the user to indicate approval of a partial content sites with one click.

You also include a little note like that reason. If you liked a movie on IMDb, she'll be directed to your favorite movies on your Facebook profile.

While the Facebook Platform Lead, Bret Taylor, reveals other statistics: 25 billion Facebook users to share the topic of the month. Like new with buttons (and others), a new partner of Facebook, expects that number to rise.

This means that if Facebook serves a billion like yesterday, they will share the 30 billion this month's topic, do not consider other methods of sharing on the site.

Facebook Approaching 500 Million Visitors Monthly

Thursday, April 22
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - Unique Visitors Facebook approaching 500 million per month. The social network recorded 484 million unique visitors worldwide in March 2010, according to latest estimates ComScore.

The figure is up 64 percent from a year ago and up 22 million from February 2010. In other words, he grew all American visitors from (ComScore noted Twitter visitors worldwide 79 million people).

These estimates differ from official figures based on registered users Facebook, in which the last number in the month of February recorded 400 million. In yesterday's F8 conference, Facebook update that number to 450 million or more.

ComScore figures tend to be larger than official figures Facebook is very reasonable because not all visitors to the site Facebook is a registered user.

Some statistics from ComScore:

Pageviews (the page is opened) worldwide increased by more than 150 percent to 220 billion a month (more than Yahoo or Microsoft). On average, people logged in (in) 11 times a month, up from 8.5 times a month on lalu.Jumlah years of time spent on this site 134 billion minutes per month, up 7.5 percent.

2011, Netbook Wireless Display Support

Saturday, April 24
VIVAnews - Cedar Platform M-Trail certainly will give you fresh breath for the Atom processor. As is known, platform-Trail Pine reinforced M processor ATPM N4x0 series presents no performance improvement as expected.

N4x0 Atom Atom series processors is usually produced better. However performance was nearly identical to the previous atom and does not support high-definition display.

Cedar-Trail M able to overcome the shortage-owned Pine Trail M. Besides the ability to play the video is better, as quoted dar VIVAnews XbitLabs, 23 April 2010, the platform that will come also featured the Intel Wireless Display 2.0 supports 1080p resolution.

Currently, the first generation of Intel Wireless already available on some notebooks Calpella based, although the new resolution is limited to 720p. Version 2.0 will be attending for notebooks and netbooks will mention it supports Full HD resolution.

The technology will be present in the second half of 2011 that will transmit HD video directly from netbooks to the television through the air, just with one touch of a finger.

However, users who want to enjoy it necessary to use adapters on the television side. The goal netbook with Intel's Wireless Display can send video and television sets can receive and display it on screen.

Japan Develops Electronic Tool Mind Reader

Compass - Saturday, April 24
TOKYO, - Within 10 years, engineers and industry players in Japan's ambition to create a new generation of electronic devices equipped with a mind reader machine. Such tools allow panggunanya playing games or with his mind control device.

Actual mind reader technology is not new. However, the biggest challenge for consumers is practicality menghadirkannya into a user interface that mediates the brain signals with a computer system.

The device comes in as many science fiction films will utilize technology signals the brain to a machine translator. The technology is capable of analyzing the human brain waves and blood flow pattern detected by the sensors mounted on the head and other limbs.

The final form of the device that was developed among others, a television that can be operated without using the keypad or the phone can send SMS without having to be typed. Other applications may be used in car navigation system that will find the nearest restaurant if users are hungry and AC that will adapt to the user's body temperature in the room automatically. Robot can also assistant who knows the needs of seniors and help bring the User needs.

Joint research initiative to develop a product ready to be marketed in 2020 it has started early this year for the support of government and private. As quoted by the Nikkei newspaper, Japan, some large companies are involved including Toyota, Honda and Hitachi. While the research institute that supports, among others, the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Osaka University, and the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International.

Vs Eyjafjallajökull eruption of Tambora, 1:10.000

Saturday, April 24, 2010, 09:38 AM
Tambora eruption of ash, other than deadly, global weather change, even change history.

VIVAnews - Volcanic eruptions in Iceland Eyjafjallajökull belching volcanic ash that disturbs, because the European air traffic mess.

Thousands of passengers were stuck in airports, disrupted the economy, agricultural goods rot because they can not be sent.

However, according to the page Wall Street Journal, Saturday, April 24, 2010 eruption of Mount Eyjafjallajökull impact incomparable to the eruption of Mount Tambora in Sumbawa, Indonesia.

On 5 April 1815 afternoon, Tambora volcano began to rumble and 'coughing'. This condition occurs within a few days.

A few days later, on 11 and 12 April eruption of Mount Tambora reached its climax. The big mountain erupted, the vibrations shake the earth to the distance hundreds of miles.

For more than 10 days later, Tambora released 24 cubic miles (1 mile = 1.6 kilometers) of lava and rock mountains. I was so fierce, at the top of Tambora created three-mile-wide crater and the depth of nearly a mile.

Hot molten lava, stone fly, and deadly gases that exit from the stomach of Tambora was killed tens of thousands of people.

Millions of tons of ash and dust filled the air, changing daylight into darkness. Dust blanketed the mountain regions and even Bali.

Dust cover all the vegetation on the island of Bali and the surrounding ocean. Approximately 117 000 people in the area once known as the Dutch East Indies were killed. Many of those affected by the eruption, so the victims of hunger and disease.

That's just the beginning.

Volcanic eruptions in Iceland did not appeal to Tambora. United States Geological Agency or U.S. Geological Survey even named Tambora eruption as "the strongest in history."

Tambora eruption of Krakatoa's even more awesome. According to data Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI), an index similar eruption on the Richter scale for measuring earthquake strength.

VEI calculations are on a scale of 1 to 8, every single number is 10 greater than ever. Tambora in level seven, six Krakatoa. This means stronger Tambora 10 times larger than the eruption of Krakatoa.

How did the eruption of Iceland? VEI Leel her only two or three. Ataiu 10 000 times weaker than Tambora.

Eruption Eyjafjallajökull 'only' could affect flight atmoser and make the world a frenzy.

I can not imagine if the Tambora eruption in this era. Like a giant cannon, belching Tambora ash, dust, and at least 400 million tons of sulfuric gases into the air, up to 27 miles perpendicular to the strastofer, far above the clouds the weather.

This resulted in an explosion in the troposphere - the layer closest to the surface of the Earth, where clouds, wind and rain, and 75 percent of the weight of the atmosphere located.

Shot of Tambora also tore the thin ozone layer that protects Earth from solar radiation.
Because the gravitational attraction of light in the sky, ash and dust hovering Tambora and spread around the world. Tambora's dust settled in the troposphere for several years and fell through the wind and rain returned to Earth.

Tambora eruption resulted in remarkable. Crop failure in China, Europe, and Ireland. Nonstop rains triggered an eight-week dselama typhus epidemic that killed 65,000 people in the UK and Europe. Crippling famine in England.

Darkness blanketed the Earth, inspired the legendary mystery novels such as 'Darkness' or 'Darkness' by Lord Byron, 'The Vampire' or 'Vampire' by Dr John Palidori and the novel 'Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley.

Tambora also be one trigger of the riots in France were citizens kekuarangan food. Also change history when Napoleon lost due to a prolonged winter and famine in 1815 in Waterloo. (Jno)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Remember, the Early Days Later Lyrids Meteor Peak

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 | 15:22 pm
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - Puncak Lyrids meteor was going to happen on Wednesday and Thursday morning later. It is estimated that around 10-20 meteors will appear every hour. This phenomenon will be obvious by the inhabitants of the earth in the northern hemisphere. This meteor shower will occur during the 10 days, from Friday last week to 26 April.

According to the spokesman of the Jakarta Amateur Astronomy Association (HAAJ), a meteor is white, allowing a splash of colors blue, red and green in the sky. He admitted yesterday Monday morning saw the meteor's path.

"From the Cinere Lyrids could be seen," Ronny said when contacted by Tempo, Tuesday (20 / 4). "It is white, but only briefly. Looks like a white line about a second.

Areas of low light pollution and air pollution are suitable locations to witness the beauty of the Lyrids. If you refer to this condition, the area of Bogor, Thousand Islands, and Anyer is expected to become suitable venue. "But it ultimately depends on the weather really," said Ronny.

Mustika Gilang RAMDANI

Bone Meteor Five Times Greater than Meteor Wisconsin

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 | 09:24 pm
Meteor Showers Wisconsin-Madison on Thursday night (15 / 4). AP Photo / University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta-The astronomers estimate the diameter of the meteor in the sky exploded in the sky Wisconsin, United States, on April 16 and still lost big with Bone meteor that crashed in the sea of Sulawesi October 8, 2009.

According to Dr. Djamaludin Thomas, Head of Atmospheric and Climate Science Utilization Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) to Tempo Wisconsin meteor magnitude between 1-2 meters. The size of the explosive force was based on a count of meteors in the atmosphere. "The Bone meteor, estimated at about 10 meters in size and fall to the bottom of the sea waters of the Bone," Thomas said.

Space Agency Amerka States (NASA) said the meteor that exploded in Bone strength was three times the atomic bombs that devastated Hiroshima or 50 thousand tons of TNT (bomb-making material).

Fortunately, the explosion of a meteor would not cause mass destruction. According to astronomers, Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario, Canada, the destruction did not occur because the meteors meleduk at an altitude of 15 to 20 miles above the earth.

Bone Asteroid is one of the largest ever observed. Until now, the location of the meteor's fall has not been found. Lapan said the difficulties of being examined on the seabed and the distance of its location away from the office in Bandung Lapan.

Thomas Djamaludin states Wisconsin meteor shattered at an altitude of about 100 miles from land. Once on earth, meteor fragments scattered in various sizes. "There are small in size ounces," he said on Tuesday (20 / 4). The outbreak of Wisconsin meteor, he said, possibly because more of its constituent elements of rock, such as silicate or carbon.

He ensures, Wisconsin meteor meteor shower is not part of the middle Lyrids falls throughout this April 16-26. "It's sporadic meteors from the rocks between the planets. Lyrids meteor is in contrast with that of the rest of comet dust," said Head Utilization Center for Atmospheric and Climate Science Lapan it.

Compared to the meteor that crashed in waters Bone, Sulawesi, in October 2009, Wisconsin meteor is more fragile. "Meteor Bone material is expected to reconsider its more metal (metal) or a more powerful composition," he said.

According Djamaluddin, the phenomenon of a meteor falling to earth in a rather large size, usually occurs 2-3 years in one place.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Generate High Science and Technology Pavilion at Shanghai Expo More Environmentally Friendly

TEMPO Interactive, Shanghai - Shanghai 2010 Expo will be held on May 1 next. At that time, visitors from around the world will have the opportunity to make contact with the concept of energy saving and environmental preservation are the latest and most trendy in the world.

Like, reusing rainwater, solar energy and wind energy, electrical supplies, river water and used as a source of geothermal electric refrigeration and air conditioning heat insulating walls and other advanced technologies. This Expo allows visitors to live more environmentally friendly lifestyle early future.

Designer pavilion various countries continues to rack one's brains and trying to design the pavilion and booths are more intelligent and clean. India Pavilion is one example.

Building a curved roof made from bamboo and is very high. On top of green roof is planted with a variety of plants in space is not so hot even in summer.

India Pavilion Responsible Rajesh Kumar said the Indian pavilion made of bamboo, which was purchased from Jiangxi Province of China. "This is an arched roof of the largest bamboo in the world," he said as quoted by CRI, Tuesday (13 / 4).

He explained, above the roof mounted wind power equipment and small type of solar energy battery panel in order to provide a green and clean energy to the entire pavilion.

The top was planted with greenery and water use for irrigation are processed in the circulation. "There was also a system of collecting rainwater to water the plants. The whole pavilion to be environmentally friendly and pollution free," he said.

Rajesh went on, when the Expo opened, although the weather in Shanghai in the stifling heat of summer, but the weather in the Indian Pavilion was cool so it does not often use the refrigeration air conditioning.

The Japanese are very creative also racked his brains in the field of design gazebo. All of the Japanese pavilion from the outside to try to use science and technology in a new high in large quantities.

Violet-colored exterior. Outer wall has a 'look different' in line with changes in sunlight and performances at night. Solar energy battery mounted in a transparent thin film also functions other than emit rays generate power.

Vice Governor of Municipality of Shanghai Yang Xiong said the Expo pavilion this time is quite a lot of its kind and the most numerous. Altogether more than 200 countries and international organizations will participate in Expo exhibition this time and the majority is applying energy efficient technologies and the latest environmentally friendly.

Scientists Solve the Mystery of the Always Expanding Cobra Snake Neck

TEMPO Interactive, Washington-Scientists have solved the riddle of the mechanism of widening the usual neck cobra snake shown this type of self-defense.

By measuring the electrical activity of muscles, the researchers found that muscle groups are used by cobra snakes to raise and widen the neck.

"This defensive action is one of the puzzle in biology," said Kenneth Kardong, Washington State University professor who participated in this study.

He explained this to widen the neck, cobra deploy eight ribs and neck muscles. "We want to know how to utilize the cobra ribs, so the head and neck to be thin and wide," says Kardong.

To answer that question, the researchers measured electrical activity of all muscles in the neck of the cobra. Measurements carried out by planting some mini electrodes into the cobra's neck muscles.

Bruce Young of the University of Massachusetts Lowell who took part in the study, said electrodes transplant surgery is the most dangerous stage. "This operation is performed in the head and the snake at any time could come out of anesthesia," said Young.

Once the operation is completed, the cobra is disposed of and all activities in the neck muscles could be monitored.

Experts later found the eight muscles used for thinning and expanding the cobra's neck.

Young said the cobra was not the only kinds of snakes that use this mechanism to defend themselves.

Hit by a meteor

Meteorite collision on Earth and cause catastrophic extinction of the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago. However, previous dinosaur populations are already shrinking. ANIMAL mighty dinosaurs suddenly slumped in fear. After living down through generations for 130 million years earth change without warning ominously against them. Loud explosions were heard, the sky like a collapse. Then the chaotic weather. Oppressive heat, the dusty air, and the sky was pitch black. Body mighty dinosaurs not been much help. They lay dead, along with half the other living creatures that inhabit the earth. Hard shocks, according to the theory advanced by paleontologists University of Rhode Island, United States, arising because of a 10 km diameter meteorite hit the earth about 65 million years ago. Shocks and heat generated, according to estimates, is greater than the entire nuclear bomb explosion that exist today. The big bang prey on victims directly. However, bigger victims fell in the following days, due to changes in weather and dust particles that pollute the air. Habitat dinosaurs became ruins. Meteor dust that the newly appointed Haraldur Sigurdsson, University of Rhode Island oceanography experts, as the foundation of his theory. Meteor dust physically resembling shattered glass, but rich in the element iridium, the material commonly found in rocks of the meteor. Flakes "glass" was, according to research Sigurdsson, wedged in rocks that formed in the Cretaceous era, the era of dinosaurs otherwise destroyed. Conclusion The University of Rhode Island team was to strengthen the thesis based on the fact that dinosaur fossils no matter who is younger than 65 million years. However, according to the theory, these ancient animals disappeared because of natural disasters, drought, or possibly even flooding which hit almost the entire surface of the earth. It's just a theory "drought" and "flood" is not supported in-depth explanation. Only later Sigurdsson ensure that the natural disasters that shaped an abrupt climate change, because there was a meteor hit the earth. Dinosaurs supposedly began to appear in 195 million years ago, in the form starikausaurus, lizard-like animal about two meters in length with a weight of 30 kg. These animals are not reptiles. He walked with head erect, and resting on two front legs. Although his head like a lizard, the shape of her legs were like the feet of mammals. Some dinosaur experts believe that animals are descended from an ancient reptile called thecodont relatives. There's not much scientific data about thecodont. However, he was considered to have evolution, the process for 50 million years, then grew so starikausaurus. Then, at a later stage, starikausaurus continued evolution into various kinds of dinosaurs. Among the scientific community, the new dinosaur's name echoed 150 years. At first, the ancient animal fossils found in Mary Ann Mantell, wife of the British paleontologist Gideon Mantell. Because only a few pieces of gear and armed with a number of pieces of bone, that Mantell's wife's husband was unable to reconstruct these ancient forms of animals. Then, in 1841, the British anatomist Richard Owen and formed a framework reconstruct ancient creatures like reptiles. Owen called the dinosaur - a giant lizard. The amount estimated to equal rhino now. However, the belief that dinosaurs were identical with the ancient reptile, immediately shaken. In 1861, the Germans found intact dinosaur skeleton, identified as Archaeopteryx. His body was like a lizard, but strangely he had feathers like birds, and even have wings. So, he was considered "crossing" the family of birds and reptiles. No wonder dinosaurs identity is still debated. Understandably, these fossils are found exclusively in the form of skeletal bones. Organs, and the physiology (physiology) can not be clearly revealed. So, there is still place them close relatives of reptiles, but some are considered as the ancestors of birds, even some "menobatkannya" in the mammal family. Deinonychus fossil discoveries, a century after the discovery of Archaeopteryx, by the Yale University paleontologist John Ostrom, in the United States cited for "memburungkan" dinosaurs. As observed Ostrom, deinonychus did have great similarities with the birds. These ancient animals, Ostrom says, can stand upright, with the rest on two feet. Toes structure similar to the present bird foot - there are hoofed fingers, and have spurs, but the front legs are less developed. Deinonychus a length of almost 3 meters and weigh about 80 kg. However, merely from the form's anatomy can invite endless debate. Why not. Look at lagosuchus fossil, found in Argentina. These ancient animals only 30 cm in length. He, like deinonychus, also walked upright on two legs up on the back. However, other similar body structures lagosuchus now flying reptiles. So, he thought to represent features of the dinosaur reptiles. So, Robert Bakker, paleontologist from the University of Colorado, more concerned about the condition of dinosaur physiology: warm-blooded animals like birds and mammals nation or cold blooded like reptiles. Bakker pointed at the giant dinosaur brontosaurus. These ancient animals, Bakker said, is able to move quickly up to 5 km per hour. This estimate is based on the study of trace-trace. Capability moving dinosaurs, according to Bakker, higher than the average reptile today. "Lizards can move quickly, but only for short distances," he said. With this comparison, Bakker concluded that dinosaurs had a fast metabolism, so bloody hot. Although not resist the conclusion, Jack Horner, paleontologist University of Montana, United States, considers Bakker approach is less fitting. He observed the development of a new dinosaur came out from their eggs. Children hadrosaurus newly hatched, Horner said, only about 35 cm in length. However, one year and then grow 2.7 meters. Sepesat growth, both in absolute amounts and percentages, Horner said, had never shown any other reptiles, snakes are not not too crocodile. Horner also briefly examined, microscopically, the bones of dinosaurs, crocodiles today, and modern birds. In the bones of birds and dinosaurs, Horner found many channels of blood vessels, surrounded by a network of similar shaped wicker. In the bones of crocodiles, such vessels is very small. This suggests that birds and dinosaurs share the same metabolic activity faster than the crocodile. So, concluded: hot-blooded dinosaurs, not reptiles. Over 130 million in developing, exploring dinosaur almost every continent, and to adapt to various environmental conditions. There is a body towering over 40 meters, as supersaurus found in Colorado. These huge animals eating plants, and its weight can reach 30 tons. Setipe with this supersaurus called brakhiosaurus likes to live in the lakes. Body length 24 meters, and if you look up his head 12 feet from the ground. Then, there's more Mamenchisaurus, length of 20 meters. He was found in Mamenchi, Sichuan, China. Among these dinosaur relatives are partly beasts, like the other dinosaurs to prey. Among them is called brontosaurus, carnosaurus, or baryony. However, for Jack Horner, dinosaur extinction was not due to prey on one another. Not also because such collision meteor expert from the University proposed Rodhe Island. By Jack, before the era creataceous, 65 million years ago, the population also has shrunk drastically. Horner took a sample of dinosaurs that lived in the valley of Alberta, Alabama. Approximately 73 million years ago, there are 35 kinds of dinosaurs there. This figure is shrinking so 20-25 species in seven million years later. In the next three million years only six species. "So, there is a process pemunahan before the meteor crash," he said. And that for him is still mysterious.

Repellent doomsday nuclear bomb

Judgement may be coming in the past 50 years. Gara-garanya: there is an asteroid hit the earth. But it could be deflected by a nuclear bomb. Day of Judgement, it was said, could come sooner. A 1 km-sized asteroid rock, or perhaps 10 times larger, is now on the way to cut the earth's orbit. Collision between the earth and a giant meteor that, "there would likely occur within the next 50 years," said Prof. Tom Gehrel, an expert in planetary science from the University of Arizona, United States. Conflict of explosion would be lit mahadahsyat, which could make the land devastated. The blast would be billions of times larger than the explosion of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, 46 years ago. Instant death, to a radius of thousands of kilometers, it is difficult avoided. "Chance of death greater than a jet plane slammed into a mountain," said Prof. Gehrel, quoted by The New York Times two weeks ago. Asteroids are often rude entry into Earth's orbit path. In 1989, for example, a 250 meter diameter asteroid passes earth cutting. If only six hours late in the earth's evolution in motion, collisions occur ascertained. And the result is equivalent to the eruption of 1000 megatons of TNT explosives. Stone billions of asteroids that amount, which encircle the sun on the path between the planets Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. Various sizes, from dust to the size of a planet as small as a mini 700 km in diameter. Unfortunately, most chaotic orbits, so the earth, Jupiter, and Mars is often a target collision. Analysts such asteroids Tom Gehrel diligently recorded the frequency of appearance of space rocks, and mapping orbits. So far, 183 pieces have been documented hazardous asteroids, which are often located close to the earth. Of that amount, approximately 20 pieces measuring more than 1.5 km in diameter. According to statistics, a giant asteroid hit the Earth once in every 300 thousand million years. Accidents caused by asteroid collision not only because he's loud and large. Motion speed was incredible. Some call numbers 90 thousand km / h, which estimates there are 250 thousand km / hr. When she walked into the earth's atmosphere, called the asteroids meteors, shooting stars. Flakes of rock called a meteorite. This meteor collision causing injuries on the body typical of the earth, a crater-like basin. And now recorded at least 131 pieces that formed the crater of a shooting star. Among bermeteorit craters, which are often mentioned in Northern Arizona (United States), South Australia, in Ontario (Canada), and in the valley Sunai Tunuska, Siberia, the Soviet Union. Among the cases of traffic accidents that the asteroid, so-called clash of the most devastating occurred 65 million years ago. At that time, an 8 km diameter meteor hit the planet earth with a speed of 250 thousand kilometers per hour. Consequently, it is said, the meteor was 40 km-deep sinkhole. Terkirakan shocks that appear not cruel. Hail happened to thousands of kilometers from the point of impact. No turbulent sea, creating waves that 5 km in height. Approximately 1700 km of rock turned into fine dust, which cover the earth's atmosphere. Sunlight darkness covered the earth, even until a few years. Most inhabitants of the earth is estimated extinct creatures. There are dead because of crushed stone, swallowed the ocean water, but mostly because their habitats destroyed ruins. Herbivorous creatures lose leaves and fruit, carnivorous animals lose the game. In very bad condition, according to estimates, a large family of ancient giant dinosaur animal extinct. Collision center itself is still not known exactly. There are estimates that occurred in the Caribbean Sea or the Pacific. Later views were more integrated, and pointed to a basin (basin) 180 km in diameter, buried somewhere in the 1100 meters underground Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Basin was allegedly formed 65 million years ago. Even if the allegations were true, no trace of footprint on the Yucatan's largest meteor crater that could be identified. Meteor crater found in Ontario reached 200 km diameter. While the crater in South Australia 160 km in width. The width of the crater can indeed 25 times the size of the meteor that fell. Crater in Arizona, for example, 1200 meters wide and was formed by a meteor the size of 45 meters, 50 thousand years ago. The most recent cases falling meteors, in the notes, occurred in 1908 Tungusta River valley, the Soviet Union. The blast was made forest in the surrounding soil, up to a radius of tens of kilometers, in ruins. Even animals that exist at a distance of 600 km injured. Strength of the explosion equivalent to 12 megatons of TNT, whereas the falling meteor reportedly measures just less than 10 meters. Looking at the map the asteroid's traffic, Prof. Gehrel assess that the threat of a collision can happen in that period of 50 years into the future. Considering the combination of the asteroid's motion, the estimated Gehrel, chances falling star that was small, only 0.00005 to 0.00016 per cent. "But be wary," she said. He was determined to investigate more deeply about the asteroid's orbit, so that his arrival could be known early. After that, the asteroid may no longer be a major threat. Father of the hydrogen bomb the U.S., Prof. Edward Teller, is confident that the motion of the asteroid could be deflected toward the earth. How: shoot him with a large nuclear bomb. It costs too, says Prof. Teller, only Rp 200 billion - a cost that is borne jointly and severally sebumi race. Putut Trihusodo

Meteor Lights Illuminate The sky Throughout Midwest

Jum'at, 16 April 2010 | 13:52 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Milwaukee - A large meteor radiating throughout the Midwestern United States to change the sky became bright sky, the house creaked and shook the trees and the ground, authorities said Thursday, but no reported injuries.

Witnesses said the meteor that lit the sky at 10 pm Wednesday. Offices throughout the Midwest National Weather Service said the meteorite can be seen from southwestern Wisconsin and northern Iowa to Missouri.

Radar information stating that a meteor landed in southwestern Wisconsin, Grant or Lafayette area, said Ashley Sears, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service office in Milwaukee. Officials in both districts said no one had seen a meteor fragments or craters.

Lafayette Regional investigator Scott Pedley said his office received many reports of a very bright light in the sky followed by the houses and land to rock.

"There are reports of four to five minutes or thunderous explosion," he said. He could not tell the origin of that voice, but speculated it was probably a meteor explosion sound.

A camera in the car at the Howard Area Iowa investigators arrested a cursory view of the fireball. In the video, the object is moving toward the ground, then inflate and glow in an explosion before disappearing behind trees.

James Lattis, director of the University of Wisconsin Space Place in Madison said, mentioning the object of history was possible only softball-sized balls or basketballs.

"This thing is small," said Lattis. She said the meteor shower could produce a series that can be viewed from a distance even if the burning object about the size of grains of sand.

Lattis say that since the meteor exploded Wednesday, he likely will not be able to put together. Unless the mess falls on the roof, car, yard or other conspicuous place, they are indistinguishable from other rocks in the soil.

"In that case, only luck if someone can recognize it," he said.

Keungkinan ray Lattis said there was not a meteor, but a floating objects such as satellites. Something that should be asked to NASA.

Some people initially speculated that the object is a part of the meteor shower for two weeks underway. However Lattis said that might not be part of Gamma Virginids rain because he came from the opposite direction.

Gamma Virginids rain started 4 April and is expected to last until 21 April. Thursday is expected to become the second activity peak.

Illuminate The sky was meteor

A fireball in the night sky across Wisconsin. United States authorities for sure as a meteor. This phenomenon is seen by some people in five states. Many who claim to hear the rumble.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Do not miss, Heaven Rain Across Indonesia Leonid Meteors

TEMPO Interactive, Los Angeles - One of the best annual meteor shower will reach its peak on the third Wednesday night (18/11). The best observation place in Asia, but analysts in North America can also enjoy the spectacular Leonid meteor shower, weather permitting.

Leonid leonidHujan an annual event, if the sky was clear and moonlight do not interfere. This year, the moon is near new phase, and not disturbing factor. To anyone in the Northern Hemisphere with dark skies, away from urban and suburban lighting, this event should not be missed by staying up all night.

"We estimate 20-30 meteors per hour in America, and as many as 200-300 meteors per hour in parts of Asia," said Bill Cooke of NASA's office of meteoroid environment. Other astronomers working in this nascent field that predict meteor showers have been predicted.

Urban and suburban residents may not be able to see clearly because the light meteor disguised or submerged by the local light. Leonid meteor created by Comet Tempel-Tuttle, which pass through the inner solar system every 33 years in orbit around the sun. Every time passed, he left his new river of meteor debris, mostly pieces of ice and rock no bigger than grains of sand, but some pea-sized.

"We can predict when the Earth will cross the river full of debris with pretty good accuracy," says Cooke. "We do not know how much debris there is in every river."

When the planet earth through the debris and meteors hitting the atmosphere will evaporate. Sometimes dramatically creating streaks of light even with a trace of a fireball that seemed to smoke that can remain visible for several minutes.

Leonid moves in the opposite direction from Earth, resulting in the impact speed of 72 kilometers per second, higher than other meteors. "Speed like that tend to produce a meteor with white, blue, blue ocean and even green," said Joe Rao, columnist.

Tip Capture Meteor Showers

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - Imagine how nice it is frozen at the evening sky, but suddenly a meteor falling decorated 200-300. Yes, who wants to forget the moment the meteor shower unforgettable. Every movement was so dazzling light.

This natural phenomenon is often the case, almost every year but, sadly missed especially not captured by the camera or camcorder. This tipsnya:

Do not forget the camera, whether to shoot or video. Highly recommended to use a tripod. In addition to reducing vibration and rocking, not too sore hands constantly directing the camera upward.

Before directing the camera to the sky to first check the light sensitivity or often referred to as ISO or ASA. Could use a low desperate to get the effect of motion or high hope to be able to freeze the object and get results maksmal, despair and hope low between 100-500 high at 800-3200 (depending on the camera capabilities and the conditions that occurred). For digital cameras do not hesitate to vary the hope to get the best results.

For video cameras, do not forget to set the white balance to get the color line or closer to reality. You do this by putting a white paper in front of the camera and recorded a few minutes. For digital photo camera, white balance can be done with a couple of times a slingshot to a white paper several times.

Do not forget to pray that is not cloudy and sunny skies. Good luck.

This is the beauty of Meteor Showers

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - The phenomenon of a meteor shower is one of the wonders of nature that deserve perpetuated. This Thursday night, April 15th, 2010, until 26 April 2010 Lyrids meteor shower will decorate the night sky. The annual phenomenon can be witnessed in Indonesia after midnight.

The peak of this meteor shower will occur on 21-22 April. At that time, an estimated 10-20 meteors that appear every hour.

Last year the meteor shower also occurred in November 2009. Meteornya is Leonid meteors. The best observation place in Asia, but analysts in North America can also enjoy the spectacular Leonid meteor shower, weather permitting.

"It was estimated that 20-30 meteors per hour in America, and as many as 200-300 meteors per hour in parts of Asia," said Bill Cooke of NASA's office of meteoroid environment. Other astronomers working in this nascent field that predict meteor showers have been predicted.

Leonid rain is an annual event, if the sky was clear and moonlight do not interfere. This year, the moon is near new phase, and not disturbing factor. To anyone in the Northern Hemisphere with dark skies, away from urban and suburban lighting, this event should not be missed by staying up all night.

"Usually at certain moments in the increase of the meteor, but this year is normal," he said, Thursday (15/4/2010).

This phenomenon of a meteor shower going on since long. Meteors from comet Tatcher, for example, started in 2600 known to astronomers since last year.

Later tonight, Lyrids Meteor Rain Starts Decline

Kamis, 15 April 2010 | 12:22 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Bandung - Rain Lyrids meteor will drop to 26 from tonight April 2010. The annual phenomenon can be witnessed in Indonesia after midnight.

According to lead researcher of astronomy and astrophysics at the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) Thomas Djamaluddin, the peak of the meteor shower occurs on 21-22 April. At that time, an estimated 10-20 meteors that appear every hour.

"Usually at certain moments in the increase of the meteor, but this year is normal," he said, Thursday (15/4/2010). Meteor from the start known Tatcher comet astronomers since 2600 years ago.

Meteor showers it will come down near the constellation Lyra. It lies somewhere between the horizon to the northeast sky. With the weather conditions began memasukim dry season, marked by the rare rains fall, he said, most likely a meteor shower that can be witnessed without the barred clouds just after dawn until 01:00 o'clock before dawn.

Meteor showers that can be seen clearly by the inhabitants of the earth in the northern hemisphere. In Indonesia, which located on the equator, an astronomer at the observatory said Evan Irawan Bosscha Akbar, the possibility is rather difficult to see. "His position was near the horizon, perhaps somewhat hindered the trees," he said. Before and after the peak, the number of meteors that fall is estimated that only one per hour.

For astronomers, the meteor shower from the comet that appeared near the Earth every 415 years is considered normal. Meteor showers come from comets that melt ice when its orbit near the sun. Particles of dust, ice and rock that escaped, burning in the atmosphere before falling to earth.

According to Evan, this year there were 11 major meteor showers including Lyrids. Every year, the earth watered approximately 25 thousand tons of space dust.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Could begin with INAICTA 2010?

Imperceptibly, Indonesian Information and Communication Technology (INAICTA) will be held back. In March, the team committee comprising various stakeholders in the field of information technology and telecommunications, government, business community, and the ICT community in Indonesia is launching INAICTA 2010.

National scale activities also gained full support from the Ministry of Communications and Informatics. The INAICTA this year the theme of "Building a Digital Creativity Nation To Prosperity."

In addition to the developer aims to encourage creativity in the field of ICT, INAICTA also aims to encourage the creativity of developers in the field of ICT. While increasing the utilization and growth of ICT in all lines of industry and local ICT stakeholders prepare for the face of global competition. Ultimately, a successful creative work is created will be able to positively affect the pulse of the economy, so it can also affect the achievement of national prosperity through the industry.

Threaded creative competition in 2010 INAICTA include innovations in the field of ICT, seminars, workshops, and exhibitions, as well as Business Macthmaking Programme (BMP). While the peak of the show itself will be closed with the awards scheduled to be held on July 24, 2010.

As in previous years, this time INAICTA 2010 is open to anyone. Starting from elementary school students (elementary school) to students of universities in Indonesia. Participants themselves will be divided into 3 (three) groups of 20 (twenty) award categories. They are students, individuals (general), and the institution (organization incorporated under the law).

Furthermore, the fate of the winners will INAICTA taken to represent Indonesia in similar event at the regional and international scope, such as the Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) and the World Summit Award (WSA).

"INAICTA copyrighted works is racing arena of creativity and innovation on a national scale, by applying rules and criteria with international standards, to prepare for Indonesia's ICT players to compete in international competitions," said Taufik Hasan, Chairman of the Committee INAICTA 2010.

Interested participants INAICTA? You can directly register online at the official site INAICTA 2010 ( from 20 April 2010 until May 20, 2010 next.

Harddrive Problem Solution 1: Overcoming Corrupt MBR

Inside the hard drive, there is a file called MBR (Master Boot Record). This file is located in the first byte and the first sector of your hard disk; really just the first. Understandably, the MBR which is the marker of the presence of the hard disk. If the analogy, the MBR is like a map that leads the BIOS to find hard drive.

But many things can cause the MBR is corrupt, like a virus or accidentally formatted. If that happens, the operating system lost the signpost marked by the emergence of the message Operating System not found or missing operating system on the screen.

The solution to this problem is to restore the MBR file. The most common way is to make the process of recovery from the Windows CD. How, to boot into Windows CD and select Repair (by pressing the R button) and enter the Recovery Console. After that, type fixmbr command to restore the MBR file.

For Windows Vista, the same concept although the procedure is slightly different. First, boot into Windows Vista DVD and select Repair Your Computer. When the System Recovery Options appears, select Command Prompt. After the Command Prompt window appears, type bootrec.exe and press Enter.

If the Windows CD has been lost somewhere where you could use the applications of artificial Rescue Kit 9.0 Paragon Express. This is a free application that has diverse functions, including to restore the MBR. This application is bootable, meaning that can be burned onto a CD and a source of the boot process. When the system is showing symptoms of loss of MBR, you have to do is boot to this CD contains Rescue Kit. After that, select the menu Boot Corrector, follow the procedures that have been determined, and the case should have been resolved to lose the MBR.

Fugitive Intelligent Face Recognition Tool

Terrorism is still a tense issue. After blasting, or other events, the police can certainly busy specifies a list of suspects and occasionally start spreading facial images, finding people suspected of being the perpetrator.

In identifying the perpetrator's face or a fugitive, one way is to match a suspect's face with archive photographs. Problem becomes complicated if the very large photo archives and the search process is done manually. This method takes a long time.

Looking at the issue, Rahmat Widyanto, Chairman of Computer Science Graduate Program, University of Indonesia as well as Manager of Research at the Faculty of Computer Science, is now developing Face Image Retrieval System. The software was exhibited in the degree of Science and Innovation, University of Indonesia in 2007 two weeks ago. The device was developed with the peculiarities noticed Indonesian facial features.

According to Grace, the system was developed using the method Eigenface and euclidean distance. Eigenface methods used to conduct important facial feature extraction. Eigenface based on principal component analysis (PCA), which spelled out the most successful approaches to extract facial information.

This method uses the projection room with a high dimensional face image to a feature space with lower dimensions. Euclidean distance is used to measure the value of similarity between two facial images. The smaller the distance between two facial images, the higher the similarity value. Facial images in the database is extracted and stored.

"When the user enters the facial image to be identified, the system will look for similarities between the input data with the existing face images in the database," said Rahmat who earned his master's and doctorate from Tokyo Institute of Technology in the field computional intelegent it.

The system was able to find a face image that is relevant to the input image with an average accuracy rate of 87 percent of the face image database used. Facial feature extraction process is quite simple, fast, and efficient.

Rahmat said that the software can be connected with a camera which then automatically generated based on the image, the system will search if the face is in their list of banned or fugitives.

The device would be very beneficial to the world police. This facial recognition tool strategically placed at airports, special flights abroad, which is usually through desk-checking of documents. It will very useful if used at police headquarters to recognize the faces of perpetrators.

At the University of Indonesia, Rahmat is discussing with the new admission selection committee to use the tool. Use of the device is primarily to avoid the practice of jockeys. "There have been cases in the registration form photo female face, but when the revenue comes turns out to men. With the tool, it can be matched facial similarity," he said.

In laboratory and prototype phase, the software can be used. "For the database, we took a sample of 500 university students face the University of Indonesia and other images from the internet. Now living in synergy with those who need it," he said.

Without the help of illustrator

In development, the laboratory led by Rahmat also developed the Intelligent Software for Face Identification At Large with fuzzy similarity measure. The program is part of the Commodity Research, University of Indonesia, Main Courses and still in progress.

Identification of faces in the police usually by making sketches by the illustrator's face based on witness testimony. Sketches were then matched with databases in police facial images. The second stage has a big problem.

In the first stage, the accuracy of facial sketch interpretation depends strongly on the ability of illustrators and witnesses in verbal ability to express facial characteristics. In the second stage, the official photo in the database search may be susceptible to saturation because they have to compare the sketches of faces with all the photos there.

Rahmat software developed using a user friendly interface that can be used to visualize without the aid of the fugitive's face sketch illustrator. Users can instantly create and witnesses without the aid of facial sketch illustrator. They simply enter the verbal characteristics of the face that will be identified by selecting the properties of each facial feature that will be used as a component of the search. To better direct the user to select characteristics, for each property will be given the choice of an illustration in the form of sketches from the selected facial features. Problems brought about by the limited ability of witnesses in describing facial features had resolved verbally.

The important thing to note, said Rahmat, is characterized by the number of features of each face must not be filled at random. More and more options will be more confusing the witness. These features are placed on the user interface must be really able to represent the generalization of any general form of the characteristics possessed character of the face.

Face sketch is then used to search for a fugitive on the face image databases using artificial intelligence techniques is fuzzy similarity measure. This technique allows the search data with high complexity so that more accurate search results. The output of this software is a list of fugitives who face images sorted by the level of similarity. Search process will be done gradually for each facial feature that has been determined.

So far, all over the world have developed some software for facial identification, such as Faces, Faces-Composite Picture Programme, FACETTE, and Comphotofit. The device is a significant part of reconstructing some of the hair, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth and jaw. Users include the Central Intelligence Agency U.S. (CIA) and U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

It's just that the software has no facial features with a typical Indonesian facial features. Another disadvantage is not having a search facility based on the facial sketch facial image database.

Related research, Rahmat and his team had visited the police. For identification purposes the face, the National Police Criminal Investigation Section Identification Center published a Technical Guide No. Pol: Sketch Juknis/01/VIII/2006 about face expression. Facial characteristics contained in the book will be used as a reference matching a team that features the face of the software developed.

Rahmat said the research is expected to be completed next year. He hoped these studies are useful to society, especially for the relevant parties, such as the police so that later the fugitives a disturbing society more easily detected. (KOMPAS)

Design tasting Anyar Facebook

Facebook back to make changes. This time it happened on the homepage (main page). What are the changes?

In anyarnya design, Facebook move navigation elements that had previously been in the menu "Application" became a sidebar to the left of the page. In addition, a list of online friends who had previously been in the bottom right, is now a move to the left sidebar (just below the Application).

Part warnings (alerts) if any request friends, etc. that usually appear on the right, now moving into a pop-up window at the top left. In this new design, Facebook also adds to the experience for users, such as kemapuan send messages directly from the homepage using the pop-up window. This certainly saves time instead of having to use a separate page. Search For previous parts next to the corner there will be over, now located on the left a little to the center with a larger field.

Meanwhile, the Filter News Feed and Friend List located on the left have now been removed. The reason, ration Friends List has now been used for a list of online friends. Not only that, the News Feed and Live Feed has now turned into a Most Recent and Top News. Unfortunately, not all Facebook users can sample Anyar design of this homepage. However, Facebook will continue to develop it into a larger scale.

Harddrive Problem Solution 2: Windows Severe Damage

Cases that often occur around the hard drive is Windows on the hard disk is badly damaged so that we could not enter into it. In cases like this, the only solution is to reinstall Windows. The problem is, often times in a hard disk or partition containing Windows is still there are many important files that must be saved. Then, how to take it?

Use a bootable application and can browse (browse) a file on my hard drive is problematic. Again, you can use Disk Rescue 9.0 Express which we discuss in the first part of this serialized article. Its use is very easy, you just follow the wizard (the wizard) from the menu File Transfer Wizard. Unfortunately, this free version can not move those files to CD / DVD. So, you must copy the files to a flash or external hard drive.

However Rescue Disk Express can only work from the CD. If you prefer the process of the flash, use a portable Linux operating system can boot from flash (live-USB). Almost all Linux distributions have a portable version, but it should be noted that the mounting process (the introduction of hard drive contents) often must be done manually. Therefore, we recommend using Puppy Linux distributions because these distributions do the automatic mounting. Size Puppy Linux also only 100MB, so the fit on the flash is a small size.

Computer animation

Computer animation is the art of creating moving images via the use of computers. It is a subfield of computer graphics and animation. Increasingly it is created by means of 3D computer graphics, though 2D computer graphics are still widely used for stylistic, low bandwidth, and faster real-time rendering needs. Sometimes the target of the animation is the computer itself, but sometimes the target is another medium, such as film. It is also referred to as CGI (Computer-generated imagery or computer-generated imaging), especially when used in films.

Virtual entities may contain and be controlled by assorted attributes, such as transform values (location, orientation, scale; see Cartesian coordinate system) stored in an object's transformation matrix. Animation is the change of an attribute over time. Multiple methods of achieving animation exist; the rudimentary form is based on the creation and editing of keyframes, each storing a value at a given time, per attribute to be animated. The 2D/3D graphics software will interpolate between keyframes, creating an editable curve of a value mapped over time, resulting in animation. Other methods of animation include procedural and expression-based techniques: the former consolidates related elements of animated entities into sets of attributes, useful for creating particle effects and crowd simulations; the latter allows an evaluated result returned from a user-defined logical expression, coupled with mathematics, to automate animation in a predictable way (convenient for controlling bone behavior beyond what a hierarchy offers in skeletal system set up).

To create the illusion of movement, an image is displayed on the computer screen then quickly replaced by a new image that is similar to the previous image, but shifted slightly. This technique is identical to the illusion of movement in television and motion pictures.

History of computing hardware

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The history of computing hardware is the record of the constant drive to make computer hardware faster, cheaper, and store more data.

Before the development of the general-purpose computer, most calculations were done by humans. Tools to help humans calculate were then called calculating machines, by proprietary names, or even as they are now, calculators. It was those humans who used the machines who were then called computers; they are pictures of enormous rooms filled with desks at which computers (often young women) used their machines to jointly perform calculations, as for instance, aerodynamic ones required for in aircraft design.

Calculators have continued to develop, but computers add the critical element of conditional response and larger memory, allowing automation of both numerical calculation and in general, automation of many symbol-manipulation tasks. Computer technology has undergone profound changes every decade since the 1940s.

Computing hardware has become a platform for uses other than mere computation, such as process automation, electronic communications, equipment control, entertainment, education, etc. Each field in turn has imposed its own requirements on the hardware, which has evolved in response to those requirements.

Aside from written numerals, the first aids to computation were purely mechanical devices which required the operator to set up the initial values of an elementary arithmetic operation, then manipulate the device through manual manipulations to obtain the result. A sophisticated (and comparatively recent) example is the slide rule in which numbers are represented as lengths on a logarithmic scale and computation is performed by setting a cursor and aligning sliding scales, thus adding those lengths. Numbers could be represented in a continuous "analog" form, for instance a voltage or some other physical property was set to be proportional to the number. Analog computers, like those designed and built by Vannevar Bush before WWII were of this type. Or, numbers could be represented in the form of digits, automatically manipulated by a mechanical mechanism. Although this last approach required more complex mechanisms in many cases, it made for greater precision of results.

Both analog and digital mechanical techniques continued to be developed, producing many practical computing machines. Electrical methods rapidly improved the speed and precision of calculating machines, at first by providing motive power for mechanical calculating devices, and later directly as the medium for representation of numbers. Numbers could be represented by voltages or currents and manipulated by linear electronic amplifiers. Or, numbers could be represented as discrete binary or decimal digits, and electrically-controlled switches and combinatorial circuits could perform mathematical operations.

The invention of electronic amplifiers made calculating machines much faster than their mechanical or electromechanical predecessors. Vacuum tube amplifiers gave way to solid state transistors, and then rapidly to integrated circuits which continue to improve, placing millions of electrical switches (typically transistors) on a single elaborately manufactured piece of semi-conductor the size of a fingernail. By defeating the tyranny of numbers, integrated circuits made high-speed and low-cost digital computers a widespread commodity.

This article covers major developments in the history of computing hardware, and attempts to put them in context. For a detailed timeline of events, see the computing timeline article. The history of computing article treats methods intended for pen and paper, with or without the aid of tables. Since all computers rely on digital storage, and tend to be limited by the size and speed of memory, the history of computer data storage is tied to the development of computers

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ten (10) Successful People Personality

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Alan Kay

A SUCCESS has many definitions and variations of the benchmark. Some of us believe, that success means achieving the highest position in the office, other variations have sufficient financial means certain. There are some others to realize success as a predicate an award from his colleagues and audiences for his performance. From the various definitions and benchmarks, the one thing we can conclude that success is the achievement of dreams through a process of structured and planned. For example, the A defining success if he is able to achieve the marketing manager at his workplace. Efforts to "streamline" its success, A decided to study again in educational institutions attended several seminars S2 and marketing. Of course, many things that need to be prepared, both material and personal attitudes. Form of the material in the form of money and time is a sure thing to be prepared, and should also be supported by personal attitude in addressing the process of achieving success itself.

Referring to Jennie S. Bev is a consultant, entrepreneur, author and educator living in San Francisco Bay Area and is an Indonesian who "successfully" compete on the climate of "tight" American. He put forward 10 elements of the personality of a successful (in terms of both financial and performance) are based on communication and interaction with the billionaire and a successful entrepreneur. Ten's attitude is as follows:

One, the courage to take the initiative. Real power is no longer a secret to the success of people terknenal ie they always have great ideas! A Donald Trump a "worldwide" due to its superiority in the field of Real Estate originally stood the test of the status of bankruptcy and eventually predicate King Real Estate, is an example of a genius and courageous initiative. We certainly know the TV series The Apprentice, Miss Universe contest, Free University named, even in its original state dolls Donald is an icon and best-selling products other than books of his bestsellers. And the initiative is the wealth of all people, live people that want or not to take the initiative put forward its ideas.

Two, on time. A sure thing for everybody in this world without exception is that we have the same amount of time ie 24 hours a day. A person who keep their promises and on time shows that he is a man who has the ability to organize / manage something that is most limited. Ability to present is the key appointment of all the success, especially success in business and interact. Giving more attention to the time are a reflection of respect for ourselves and our colleagues and partners.

Three, service and giving. A successful formula of many successful people are able to lead, but an additional attribute of leadership is the habit of serving and giving. The more you give to Others, the more respect you get in return. And, sincerity is the key to these properties. Other goodness will continue to flow without stopping when we are able to give and serve with sincerity. This may be practically as a bonus! However, with the giving and serving setidaknnya meant to show to friends, colleagues and our colleagues how successful we are making people more confident partner and associate with us.

Four, opening up first. Perhaps we've met people who always want to know about other people's private things, but he continues to shut down so that her identity not be open. They usually live in fear and suspicion, and always prejudice to anyone he encountered. This attitude is the element that is not owned many successful people. His confidence and greatness of heart to open yourself to the other person is a mirror that we are comfortable with yourself, then nothing needs to be covered, that is sought by a true partner and most of us would agree that not many people want to work with The mysterious person, right?

Lima, glad to cooperate and foster good relations. The ability to work together in teams is one of the main keys to success. Again we take the example of Donald Trump. In the TV series The Apprentice, Trump has a loyal team and become an extension of the candidates found themselves in the "trust" the new. In the end, Trump will have a team that is very loyal and has a vision similar to creating a good network, so that the road to success is more wide open.

Six, glad to learn new things. Ciputra Development and Bakrie is a man who could be claimed as a success in the field of commerce. But when they founded the university, whether they move as an educator? Or they own is actually a professor? Obviously not, they remain an entrepreneur, but with a penchant for new things and apply them directly, then the business world increasingly wide open for him. The business world is like as a place to play and unlimited laus. So enjoy learning and finding new things is an attitude of success.

Seven, rarely complains, professionalism is the most important. Lance Armstrong once said, "There are two kinds of days: good days and great days." There are only two kinds of days: a good day and a very good day. It is best if we never complained, even though one day maybe we will fall and fail. Why? Because every time fails, it is an opportunity for us to learn to overcome failure itself so it does not happen again in the future. Days in which we fail to remain as a good day (good day).

Eight, willing to take risks. Clearly, without this there is no chance at all to lead to success. Virtually every day we run the risk, although not fully realized. The risk is only going to result in two kinds: be a good or a great day. So, so no need to worry about anymore is not it? Failure was simply an opportunity to learn not to repeat the same thing later on and certainly the threshold to success will be much closer.

Nine, showed no fear (think positive all the time). Thinking positive is the default environment or where the overall state of our existence is. If we use negative thinking as a default state, then all our actions will be based on this (fear or anxiety). With positive thoughts, then our actions will be based by the positive vibrations, so that positive things will be more likely. The more positive we are addressing the barriers, the greater chance we have to find a solution for these barriers.

Ten, "comfortable in their own skin" to cover up something and make it look "better" than his interlocutor. Ever met a successful person of low self-aka not comfortable with themselves? Nothing of course. Comfort of being yourself does not need to cover-up so that the speaker was not offended because everyone has a special place in the world that can not be replaced by others. I am I, they are them. By being myself, I would not disturb their existence. If they feel uncomfortable, it was not because of my personality, but because of different mindsets and their weakness in achieving comfort with oneself. Basic attitudes of successful people mentioned above probably can be a reflection of our steps and paved to achieve success we dream, our lives are decided. Ready to succeed? Until we meet again at the top of the mountain of success!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Collection of the World Mystery unsolved

There are some interesting things from this article, a discussion that is common to investigate the unsolved mysteries of the world .. :) Happy reading my friends


Charles Darwin never offered a theory that humans are the result of evolution from apes. If so, then "ought" of human beings will continue to evolve into something better. But in fact, already more than 2000 years, no changes in humans. Does that mean evolution stopped?

2. ROAD Bimini:
The diver (diver) who of course never saw a path beneath the sea north of the island of Bimini in the Bahamas. Many people thought the path was created by nature. But the arrangement of stones that road raises further questions because it was too "neat". Some experts suspect that the road is part of the City of Atlantis (such as those written by Plato several centuries ago). And the Bimini Road was still an open question: whether the road was made of natural or man? Who is its maker?

3. LIGHT BALL Maria:
Also called "Ball of Light Ghost." First seen in 1880 in the western town of Maria, Texas. The light was described as the size of basketballs, floated with a shoulder height of humans. Usually white, yellow, orange, red and sometimes blue or green. Regular balls flying around a particular area, then disappeared by itself. To this day, the light was still frequently appear.

Known as the Labour leader of America's most influential people in the year 1950 - 1960, Jimmy Hoffa is a figure that has reshaped the world of American labor. Date July 30, 1975, Hoffa disappeared in Detroit and parking is never found again. One theory is believed Hoffa was murdered by Jack Anthony Giacalone, a gang leader in New Jersey. Hoffa's body buried under the foundations mentioned the stadium the Giants, Detroit. When carried out excavations on the foundations of the stadium, Hoffa's body was not found.

Mothman is one of the very well known urban legend in the area of Virginia. Mothman is described as being winged and human-high, red-eyed, sometimes appear without any heads and red eyes in the chest. First discovered in the area of burial ground in Virginia in 1926.

6. Jack the Ripper:
Famous as a mysterious killer in the year 1888, the identity of Jack The Ripper to this day never been revealed. The victim is a prostitute who was murdered by a fairly reliable way of mutilation and perfect, making the cops think Jack is a surgeon. Despite numerous books, films, and theories published, the identity of Jack the Ripper remains a mysterious and yet none could explain the evidence that actual identity.

7. Babushka THE LADY:
If you ever watched a recording assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963, note in the right corner of the tape. There was a veiled woman babushka (scarf made in Russia) who appeared to record the incident. Strangely, she never recovered. The FBI has asked her to hand over the tape to help the FBI find the murderer President of America. But the woman never showed up. Who is he? How he could stand so close to the car the President?

8. Zodiac KILLER:
One of the most intelligent killer who was never caught up to this day is the Zodiac Killer. 1960, the Zodiac Killer to attempted murder of 7 people in Northern California. Five victims died, and two badly injured. Initially, the police were having trouble finding the identity of the killer. A month after the first murder, the killer sent a letter to the police and claimed he called the Zodiac Killer, and challenged police to arrest him.
After killing the 7th, Zodiac Killer suddenly disappeared.

Nessy creature similar to (long-necked, big bodied, and the head like a lizard) is a mysterious creature that appears in the Okanagan River, Canada. Many witnesses who managed to record a picture of this creature. But no one ever caught him. Creature who is also known by the name of this now becomes the mascot Naitaka Keilowa Park, Canada. And to this day, the mystery was never disclosed.

10 TOP Accidents Weird World

April 2, 2009 — roghuzshy
1.Invasi.Snakes in St.Pierre

Volcanic activity in the 'bald mountain' high above the St. Pierre, Martinique, usually not so important that many residents ignored the smoke from the crater and several small earthquakes during April 1902. In early May, however, ash began to rain down continuously, and the stinging smell of sulfur filled the air around. Existing homes on the slopes of the mountains could no longer occupied, more than 100 snakes fer-de-lances (nih-this kind of large and venomous snakes are there in America) began to crawl a quarter of the population invaded mulat (a mixture of Negro-tuh ma mulat caucasian-) at St. Pierre. 6 foot long snake was killed 50 people and countless other animals.
However, eradication has just begun, On 5 mei landslide of boiling mud spilled into the sea, followed by a tsunami that killed hundreds of people, 3 days later, May 8, Mt Pelee finally exploded, sending lava rocks and white and deadly to the city. Within 3 minutes St Pierre was completely destroyed. Than 30,000 population, only 2 survivors.

2. The Shiloh Baptist Church Panic

2000 people, mostly blacks, gathered at the Shiloh Baptist Church, Birmingham, Alabama, on September 19, 1902, after hearing a lecture Booker T. Washington. Walls of the new church. Steep stairs, stick to the wall. After the lecture is finished, there is little dispute that fight over an empty chair, get out the words 'fight' from one member of the choir, the crowd seems to be a misinterpretation 'fire' so everyone's rushing out the door. The door is not wide of course could not accommodate the thousands who crowded masses, especially the door quite steep stairs, the incidence of stepping on each other attractive and ended with the deaths of 115 people, with a stacked position on the front door of the church to a height of 10 feet.

3. Cane Molasses Flood at The Great Boston

15 January 1919, workers and residents of Boston's North End, mostly Irish and Italians, were outside enjoying the afternoon sun on a warm day. Suddenly, with a brief warning, a large cast iron tanks owned by a pure distillation of a large wave smashed and raw cane molasses-black, two-story-high, drowning streets and flowing slowly toward the waterfront area. Not only pedestrians but also trains the horse can not escape the wave ini.2 million gallon molasses, cane which had been due will be some people drink to drown -21 men, women and children drowned. The horses were actually just caught in the sticky liquid cane, the police had shot him. Boston-cane molasses smell for a week, and the ports become brown until summer.

4. Pittsburg Gas Tube explosion

Large cylinder gas cylinder-the largest in the world at that moment-in the heart of the industrial center of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, experienced a leak. In the morning 14 november 1927, the repairman went to fix it with a lamp-blown open. Around 10 o'clock they found the leak. The tank containing the 5 million cubic feet of natural gas, rose into the air like balloons and explode. Pieces of metal, weighing 100 lbs, were scattered into the distance, and the effect of a combination of air pressure and fire damage was leaving the square mile. 28 people were killed and hundreds injured.

5. The Gillingham Fire Demonstration

Each year firefighters Gillingham, in Kent, England, will build a 'home' while out of wood and fabric for fire-fighting demonstration at a party popular annual event Gillingham Park. Every year, too, some local men were selected from many candidates. On 11 July 1929, 9 boys, ages 10 to 14 - and 6 firefighters dressed as if he were a party perkimpoian, climb the floor to three of the 'home' it with ropes and ladders. The plan was to light a fire on the first floor, save 'perkimpoian party' with ropes and ladders, and then blow up the empty house to demonstrate the use of fire hoses. Because of an error, fire ahead, viewers thought that the bodies they see is a joke and rousing applause, while firemen sprayed water out of knowing the real disaster. to 15 people died in the house.

6. The Empire State Building collapse

On Saturday morning, 28 July 1945, a veteran Army pilot on the air with a B-25 light bomber from Bedford, Massachusetts, to Newark, New Jersey, co-pilot and also in the young marines. Fog made visibility poor. Approximately an hour later, the people on the street noticed the roar of midtown Manhattan plane memiawik sharper and watched in horror bomber suddenly appeared from the haze of smoke, darting between buildings and then slammed into the side jump the Empire State Building. Aircraft debris and building collapse in unison. Big gaping hole in the floor 78, one of the machines crashed 7 planes out of the side walls and other buildings and other engine fell in the chimney elevator. When the fuel tank exploded, flames engulfed the floor 6, and burning gasoline flowing in the other building. Fortunately, a little office open on Saturdays, and only 11 people plus 3 drivers plane died.

7. Tunguska Event

On June 30, 1908 a large explosion occurred near Podkamennaya (Under Rock) Tunguska River that is now known Krasnoyarsk Krai of Russia. The explosion apparently caused by a meteor or comet fragment with a length of about 20m (60 feet). Although the meteor or comet is considered to be destroyed before it reached the earth, this event is still considered a collision event. Explosion energy is estimated that between 10 and 20 megatons of TNT, 1.000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, or equivalent to Castle Bravo, the most powerful nuclear bomb detonated U.S.. Tunguska explosion brought down by approximately 80 million trees around 2.150 square kilimeter. The damage is still visible from satellites in space.

8. Chain reaction explosion in Texas City

On 15 April, 1947, the French freighter entered the Texas City docks, and took 1.400 tonnes of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. That night, the light appears at the bottom of the deck. Toward morning clouds of black smoke makes port authorities for the Monsanto chemical company is only 700 feet. A man stood in the dock, watching, tugs prepared to drag the vessel to sea. The flames spread to the outside of the wreck, and within minutes Monsanto exploded, killing and destroying hundreds of workers and witnesses who saw the explosion of the beginning. Most commercial districts were destroyed, and fires raged along the sea shore, where a large number of butane gas pliers in a state threatened to explode. Not long after midnight, a second freighter, also carrying nitrates, exploded, and the whole incident to reoccur. More than 500 people were killed and 1000 injured.

9. Mass Poisoning in Basra

September 1971 Delivery Month 90.000 metric tons of wheat seeds arrived in the Iraqi port of Basra. American barley and wheat-mexico which has been chemically processed with-methyl-mercury to prevent spoilage sprayed pink to indicate that the highly toxic and written warnings clearly printed on the wrapper-Only in English and Spanish. Before being distributed to farmers, it has been stolen from a dock and sold as food to the starving population. The Iraqi government, embarrassed by this omission, the short story and not until two years of American journalists reported evidence of 6.530 hospital to handle cases of mercury poisoning. Government officials recognize the 459 died, but the actual number is estimated about 6,000 with another 100,000 suffer permanent effects like blindness, deafness and brain damage.

10. Forest Elephant rampage Chandka

In the spring of 1972, Chandka Forest Area in India - which has been hit by drought, heat waves are also attacked. Local elephants, normally not a problem, became agitated because the high temperatures and lack of water. In summer the situation was getting worse. Peak on 10 July, bunch of elephants rampage and attacked the 5 villages, leaving massive damage.

Another Unique Facts in the World

In the United States, a person's identity is unknown is called by the name John Doe (remember the FBI Building bombing in Oklahoma, USA in 1995). And when someone's identity is unknown was a woman it will be referred to as Jane Doe.

Tradition calls John and Jane Doe is apparently derived from the American president's assassination, McKinley, on the day of Friday, September 6, 1901. The assassin, Leon F. Czolgosz, the day before the murder was staying at the Riggs House Hotel. At the hotel, Leon uses the pseudonym John Doe, a pseudonym used by police when investigating themselves.

Finally, until now, every person who has not known his identity, the American public call John or Jane Doe.

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Boerhaave, a Dutch doctor and the author of "Elementa Chemiae", died in 1738. Before his death he left a sealed thick book with the title "The Onliest and the deepest Secrets of The Medical Art" (Secret of the most profound and the only one in the Art of Medicine).

The book was auctioned, and the auction winner who has spent the money worth $ 20,000 in gold to bring home the book. When the seal is opened, he found that 99 of the 100 page book is empty. In addition to the cover, there's just a short article: "Take care of yourself to stay calm, keep the legs to keep warm, and you will make even the best doctors to be poor."

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Mithradates (131-63 BC) was the ruler of the land great enemy of the kingdom of Pontus and Rome. Because believing that he would poisoned by his enemies, Mithradates "practice" by swallowing a small dose of poison by gradually increased the dose. At the end of the "workout" she becomes immune and can not be poisoned.

Ironically, in a battle against Rome, Mithradates defeated and cornered. Rather than bear the shame, he tried to commit suicide by drinking poison. Of course, in vain.
At the end of its business, Mithradates ordered a guard to kill him with a sword.

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The clearest ocean waters on earth contained in Weddell Sea, which lies off the coast of Antarctica, South Pole.

Based on the research of experts from the Alfred Wegener Institute on October 13, 1986, a disc called the Secchi Disk that has sunk to a depth of 262 feet or equal to a depth of 79.8 meters, can still be seen clearly from the surface. Level of clarity like this just might be achieved by pure distilled water.

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The term "Hooker" in the connotation of a prostitute or a whore, apparently derived from American soldiers.

When the civil war, known as a General of the Union (North) named Joseph Hooker. General This often brought the women to accompany entertainer in New Orleans over the period of civil war. By his men, these women were given the name "Hooker's Division".

Over time the word "Division" disappear, and eventually the women with such professions have got the name "Hooker" until now.

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Istana Nurul Iman, which is owned by His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei, Sir Hassanal Bolkiah Mui'zzaddin Waddaulah Young (born July 15, 1946) is the most luxurious residence in the earth.

Palace which was completed in January 1984, coinciding with the independence of Brunei was, built at a cost of U.S. $ 350 Million. Place of residence of the Sultan of Brunei has 1788 units with 257 rooms bathrooms and toilets. In the basement of the palace there is a garage which can accommodate such a breadth up to 110 cars belonging to the Emperor.

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There is one major reason why the snake is always stuck his tongue stick out. Snakes have no ears, but has a tongue that is very sensitive to vibration of air. With the snake stuck his tongue out to catch the sound and smell, and this is the most important senses for the snake.

The sound of the flute played by the snake charmer in India was never heard by a snake. Snakes are just interested in the movement of the flute played by the handler.

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There are no penguins from his living at the North Pole. Northern hemisphere is not the natural habitat of penguins. Entire 17 sub species of penguin living in the southern hemisphere.

Penguin is the only bird that can not fly but can swim. Penguin is an expert swimmer. While breathing with lungs, penguins often dive to all 18 minutes, without taking the goods even though the air.

In addition to expert swimmers, penguins are unique because they have a special desalination organs in the area around his eyes. With this organ, penguins can turn salt water into fresh water.

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Magenta color names derived from the name of a battle between the armies of France and Sardinia against the Austrian army in 1859. The battle took place at a place called "Magenta".

After the fighting was over, the color mixture of red and purple imitated by the French chemists to describe the color of dried blood. And to commemorate the battle that occurred, was named the new color Magenta color.