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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Traffic on the Facebook and Twitter StumbleUpon

Friday, April 23
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - According to global research company, StatCounter, Twitter is currently getting almost 10 percent of the requests (hits) to the global social media websites, while Facebook solid in the first position by obtaining 48 percent of the hits.

Surprisingly, in second place is not Twitter, but the acquisition of StumbleUpon by 25 percent. StatCounter StumbleUpon claim number one on top of Facebook in the U.S. last month, acquisition-related traffic.

Data for the month of March 2010 is based on 13 billion visits to sites of global StatCounter network members. The company recently added social media services to its GlobalStats tools, and noted that its market share statistics appear to fluctuate than the browser or search.

Reported that Facebook is a hit record peaks in the holidays at the end of 2009 and declined rapidly, although still dominant with about half of social media traffic come from social networks. StumbleUpon and Twitter is also enjoying similar growth since late last year.

StumbleUpon Hit the big surprise because it is usually not monitored traffic from social networks related to the web. Possible advantages for users who have found it from a third party web sites, while Twitter and Facebook are not just about sharing the link, but also updates the status, location, activities, photos and video.

The following sequence of social media site after Facebook, StumbleUpon, and Twitter, that is YouTube (6 percent), reddit (4 percent), Digg (2 percent), and MySpace (2 percent). LinkedIn at position 12 (0.34 percent), while Google's Buzz has not entered the study.

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