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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Harddrive Problem Solution 2: Windows Severe Damage

Cases that often occur around the hard drive is Windows on the hard disk is badly damaged so that we could not enter into it. In cases like this, the only solution is to reinstall Windows. The problem is, often times in a hard disk or partition containing Windows is still there are many important files that must be saved. Then, how to take it?

Use a bootable application and can browse (browse) a file on my hard drive is problematic. Again, you can use Disk Rescue 9.0 Express which we discuss in the first part of this serialized article. Its use is very easy, you just follow the wizard (the wizard) from the menu File Transfer Wizard. Unfortunately, this free version can not move those files to CD / DVD. So, you must copy the files to a flash or external hard drive.

However Rescue Disk Express can only work from the CD. If you prefer the process of the flash, use a portable Linux operating system can boot from flash (live-USB). Almost all Linux distributions have a portable version, but it should be noted that the mounting process (the introduction of hard drive contents) often must be done manually. Therefore, we recommend using Puppy Linux distributions because these distributions do the automatic mounting. Size Puppy Linux also only 100MB, so the fit on the flash is a small size.

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