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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bone Meteor Five Times Greater than Meteor Wisconsin

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 | 09:24 pm
Meteor Showers Wisconsin-Madison on Thursday night (15 / 4). AP Photo / University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta-The astronomers estimate the diameter of the meteor in the sky exploded in the sky Wisconsin, United States, on April 16 and still lost big with Bone meteor that crashed in the sea of Sulawesi October 8, 2009.

According to Dr. Djamaludin Thomas, Head of Atmospheric and Climate Science Utilization Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) to Tempo Wisconsin meteor magnitude between 1-2 meters. The size of the explosive force was based on a count of meteors in the atmosphere. "The Bone meteor, estimated at about 10 meters in size and fall to the bottom of the sea waters of the Bone," Thomas said.

Space Agency Amerka States (NASA) said the meteor that exploded in Bone strength was three times the atomic bombs that devastated Hiroshima or 50 thousand tons of TNT (bomb-making material).

Fortunately, the explosion of a meteor would not cause mass destruction. According to astronomers, Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario, Canada, the destruction did not occur because the meteors meleduk at an altitude of 15 to 20 miles above the earth.

Bone Asteroid is one of the largest ever observed. Until now, the location of the meteor's fall has not been found. Lapan said the difficulties of being examined on the seabed and the distance of its location away from the office in Bandung Lapan.

Thomas Djamaludin states Wisconsin meteor shattered at an altitude of about 100 miles from land. Once on earth, meteor fragments scattered in various sizes. "There are small in size ounces," he said on Tuesday (20 / 4). The outbreak of Wisconsin meteor, he said, possibly because more of its constituent elements of rock, such as silicate or carbon.

He ensures, Wisconsin meteor meteor shower is not part of the middle Lyrids falls throughout this April 16-26. "It's sporadic meteors from the rocks between the planets. Lyrids meteor is in contrast with that of the rest of comet dust," said Head Utilization Center for Atmospheric and Climate Science Lapan it.

Compared to the meteor that crashed in waters Bone, Sulawesi, in October 2009, Wisconsin meteor is more fragile. "Meteor Bone material is expected to reconsider its more metal (metal) or a more powerful composition," he said.

According Djamaluddin, the phenomenon of a meteor falling to earth in a rather large size, usually occurs 2-3 years in one place.

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