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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Harddrive Problem Solution 1: Overcoming Corrupt MBR

Inside the hard drive, there is a file called MBR (Master Boot Record). This file is located in the first byte and the first sector of your hard disk; really just the first. Understandably, the MBR which is the marker of the presence of the hard disk. If the analogy, the MBR is like a map that leads the BIOS to find hard drive.

But many things can cause the MBR is corrupt, like a virus or accidentally formatted. If that happens, the operating system lost the signpost marked by the emergence of the message Operating System not found or missing operating system on the screen.

The solution to this problem is to restore the MBR file. The most common way is to make the process of recovery from the Windows CD. How, to boot into Windows CD and select Repair (by pressing the R button) and enter the Recovery Console. After that, type fixmbr command to restore the MBR file.

For Windows Vista, the same concept although the procedure is slightly different. First, boot into Windows Vista DVD and select Repair Your Computer. When the System Recovery Options appears, select Command Prompt. After the Command Prompt window appears, type bootrec.exe and press Enter.

If the Windows CD has been lost somewhere where you could use the applications of artificial Rescue Kit 9.0 Paragon Express. This is a free application that has diverse functions, including to restore the MBR. This application is bootable, meaning that can be burned onto a CD and a source of the boot process. When the system is showing symptoms of loss of MBR, you have to do is boot to this CD contains Rescue Kit. After that, select the menu Boot Corrector, follow the procedures that have been determined, and the case should have been resolved to lose the MBR.

1 comment:

  1. we only know the hard drive as storage media! but we do not know the components in the hard drive! a careful critical in a hard drive ...... there emmmmmm sophisticated components ........ cool!
