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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ten (10) Successful People Personality

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Alan Kay

A SUCCESS has many definitions and variations of the benchmark. Some of us believe, that success means achieving the highest position in the office, other variations have sufficient financial means certain. There are some others to realize success as a predicate an award from his colleagues and audiences for his performance. From the various definitions and benchmarks, the one thing we can conclude that success is the achievement of dreams through a process of structured and planned. For example, the A defining success if he is able to achieve the marketing manager at his workplace. Efforts to "streamline" its success, A decided to study again in educational institutions attended several seminars S2 and marketing. Of course, many things that need to be prepared, both material and personal attitudes. Form of the material in the form of money and time is a sure thing to be prepared, and should also be supported by personal attitude in addressing the process of achieving success itself.

Referring to Jennie S. Bev is a consultant, entrepreneur, author and educator living in San Francisco Bay Area and is an Indonesian who "successfully" compete on the climate of "tight" American. He put forward 10 elements of the personality of a successful (in terms of both financial and performance) are based on communication and interaction with the billionaire and a successful entrepreneur. Ten's attitude is as follows:

One, the courage to take the initiative. Real power is no longer a secret to the success of people terknenal ie they always have great ideas! A Donald Trump a "worldwide" due to its superiority in the field of Real Estate originally stood the test of the status of bankruptcy and eventually predicate King Real Estate, is an example of a genius and courageous initiative. We certainly know the TV series The Apprentice, Miss Universe contest, Free University named, even in its original state dolls Donald is an icon and best-selling products other than books of his bestsellers. And the initiative is the wealth of all people, live people that want or not to take the initiative put forward its ideas.

Two, on time. A sure thing for everybody in this world without exception is that we have the same amount of time ie 24 hours a day. A person who keep their promises and on time shows that he is a man who has the ability to organize / manage something that is most limited. Ability to present is the key appointment of all the success, especially success in business and interact. Giving more attention to the time are a reflection of respect for ourselves and our colleagues and partners.

Three, service and giving. A successful formula of many successful people are able to lead, but an additional attribute of leadership is the habit of serving and giving. The more you give to Others, the more respect you get in return. And, sincerity is the key to these properties. Other goodness will continue to flow without stopping when we are able to give and serve with sincerity. This may be practically as a bonus! However, with the giving and serving setidaknnya meant to show to friends, colleagues and our colleagues how successful we are making people more confident partner and associate with us.

Four, opening up first. Perhaps we've met people who always want to know about other people's private things, but he continues to shut down so that her identity not be open. They usually live in fear and suspicion, and always prejudice to anyone he encountered. This attitude is the element that is not owned many successful people. His confidence and greatness of heart to open yourself to the other person is a mirror that we are comfortable with yourself, then nothing needs to be covered, that is sought by a true partner and most of us would agree that not many people want to work with The mysterious person, right?

Lima, glad to cooperate and foster good relations. The ability to work together in teams is one of the main keys to success. Again we take the example of Donald Trump. In the TV series The Apprentice, Trump has a loyal team and become an extension of the candidates found themselves in the "trust" the new. In the end, Trump will have a team that is very loyal and has a vision similar to creating a good network, so that the road to success is more wide open.

Six, glad to learn new things. Ciputra Development and Bakrie is a man who could be claimed as a success in the field of commerce. But when they founded the university, whether they move as an educator? Or they own is actually a professor? Obviously not, they remain an entrepreneur, but with a penchant for new things and apply them directly, then the business world increasingly wide open for him. The business world is like as a place to play and unlimited laus. So enjoy learning and finding new things is an attitude of success.

Seven, rarely complains, professionalism is the most important. Lance Armstrong once said, "There are two kinds of days: good days and great days." There are only two kinds of days: a good day and a very good day. It is best if we never complained, even though one day maybe we will fall and fail. Why? Because every time fails, it is an opportunity for us to learn to overcome failure itself so it does not happen again in the future. Days in which we fail to remain as a good day (good day).

Eight, willing to take risks. Clearly, without this there is no chance at all to lead to success. Virtually every day we run the risk, although not fully realized. The risk is only going to result in two kinds: be a good or a great day. So, so no need to worry about anymore is not it? Failure was simply an opportunity to learn not to repeat the same thing later on and certainly the threshold to success will be much closer.

Nine, showed no fear (think positive all the time). Thinking positive is the default environment or where the overall state of our existence is. If we use negative thinking as a default state, then all our actions will be based on this (fear or anxiety). With positive thoughts, then our actions will be based by the positive vibrations, so that positive things will be more likely. The more positive we are addressing the barriers, the greater chance we have to find a solution for these barriers.

Ten, "comfortable in their own skin" to cover up something and make it look "better" than his interlocutor. Ever met a successful person of low self-aka not comfortable with themselves? Nothing of course. Comfort of being yourself does not need to cover-up so that the speaker was not offended because everyone has a special place in the world that can not be replaced by others. I am I, they are them. By being myself, I would not disturb their existence. If they feel uncomfortable, it was not because of my personality, but because of different mindsets and their weakness in achieving comfort with oneself. Basic attitudes of successful people mentioned above probably can be a reflection of our steps and paved to achieve success we dream, our lives are decided. Ready to succeed? Until we meet again at the top of the mountain of success!


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