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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Do not miss, Heaven Rain Across Indonesia Leonid Meteors

TEMPO Interactive, Los Angeles - One of the best annual meteor shower will reach its peak on the third Wednesday night (18/11). The best observation place in Asia, but analysts in North America can also enjoy the spectacular Leonid meteor shower, weather permitting.

Leonid leonidHujan an annual event, if the sky was clear and moonlight do not interfere. This year, the moon is near new phase, and not disturbing factor. To anyone in the Northern Hemisphere with dark skies, away from urban and suburban lighting, this event should not be missed by staying up all night.

"We estimate 20-30 meteors per hour in America, and as many as 200-300 meteors per hour in parts of Asia," said Bill Cooke of NASA's office of meteoroid environment. Other astronomers working in this nascent field that predict meteor showers have been predicted.

Urban and suburban residents may not be able to see clearly because the light meteor disguised or submerged by the local light. Leonid meteor created by Comet Tempel-Tuttle, which pass through the inner solar system every 33 years in orbit around the sun. Every time passed, he left his new river of meteor debris, mostly pieces of ice and rock no bigger than grains of sand, but some pea-sized.

"We can predict when the Earth will cross the river full of debris with pretty good accuracy," says Cooke. "We do not know how much debris there is in every river."

When the planet earth through the debris and meteors hitting the atmosphere will evaporate. Sometimes dramatically creating streaks of light even with a trace of a fireball that seemed to smoke that can remain visible for several minutes.

Leonid moves in the opposite direction from Earth, resulting in the impact speed of 72 kilometers per second, higher than other meteors. "Speed like that tend to produce a meteor with white, blue, blue ocean and even green," said Joe Rao, columnist.

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