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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Another Unique Facts in the World

In the United States, a person's identity is unknown is called by the name John Doe (remember the FBI Building bombing in Oklahoma, USA in 1995). And when someone's identity is unknown was a woman it will be referred to as Jane Doe.

Tradition calls John and Jane Doe is apparently derived from the American president's assassination, McKinley, on the day of Friday, September 6, 1901. The assassin, Leon F. Czolgosz, the day before the murder was staying at the Riggs House Hotel. At the hotel, Leon uses the pseudonym John Doe, a pseudonym used by police when investigating themselves.

Finally, until now, every person who has not known his identity, the American public call John or Jane Doe.

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Boerhaave, a Dutch doctor and the author of "Elementa Chemiae", died in 1738. Before his death he left a sealed thick book with the title "The Onliest and the deepest Secrets of The Medical Art" (Secret of the most profound and the only one in the Art of Medicine).

The book was auctioned, and the auction winner who has spent the money worth $ 20,000 in gold to bring home the book. When the seal is opened, he found that 99 of the 100 page book is empty. In addition to the cover, there's just a short article: "Take care of yourself to stay calm, keep the legs to keep warm, and you will make even the best doctors to be poor."

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Mithradates (131-63 BC) was the ruler of the land great enemy of the kingdom of Pontus and Rome. Because believing that he would poisoned by his enemies, Mithradates "practice" by swallowing a small dose of poison by gradually increased the dose. At the end of the "workout" she becomes immune and can not be poisoned.

Ironically, in a battle against Rome, Mithradates defeated and cornered. Rather than bear the shame, he tried to commit suicide by drinking poison. Of course, in vain.
At the end of its business, Mithradates ordered a guard to kill him with a sword.

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The clearest ocean waters on earth contained in Weddell Sea, which lies off the coast of Antarctica, South Pole.

Based on the research of experts from the Alfred Wegener Institute on October 13, 1986, a disc called the Secchi Disk that has sunk to a depth of 262 feet or equal to a depth of 79.8 meters, can still be seen clearly from the surface. Level of clarity like this just might be achieved by pure distilled water.

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The term "Hooker" in the connotation of a prostitute or a whore, apparently derived from American soldiers.

When the civil war, known as a General of the Union (North) named Joseph Hooker. General This often brought the women to accompany entertainer in New Orleans over the period of civil war. By his men, these women were given the name "Hooker's Division".

Over time the word "Division" disappear, and eventually the women with such professions have got the name "Hooker" until now.

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Istana Nurul Iman, which is owned by His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei, Sir Hassanal Bolkiah Mui'zzaddin Waddaulah Young (born July 15, 1946) is the most luxurious residence in the earth.

Palace which was completed in January 1984, coinciding with the independence of Brunei was, built at a cost of U.S. $ 350 Million. Place of residence of the Sultan of Brunei has 1788 units with 257 rooms bathrooms and toilets. In the basement of the palace there is a garage which can accommodate such a breadth up to 110 cars belonging to the Emperor.

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There is one major reason why the snake is always stuck his tongue stick out. Snakes have no ears, but has a tongue that is very sensitive to vibration of air. With the snake stuck his tongue out to catch the sound and smell, and this is the most important senses for the snake.

The sound of the flute played by the snake charmer in India was never heard by a snake. Snakes are just interested in the movement of the flute played by the handler.

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There are no penguins from his living at the North Pole. Northern hemisphere is not the natural habitat of penguins. Entire 17 sub species of penguin living in the southern hemisphere.

Penguin is the only bird that can not fly but can swim. Penguin is an expert swimmer. While breathing with lungs, penguins often dive to all 18 minutes, without taking the goods even though the air.

In addition to expert swimmers, penguins are unique because they have a special desalination organs in the area around his eyes. With this organ, penguins can turn salt water into fresh water.

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Magenta color names derived from the name of a battle between the armies of France and Sardinia against the Austrian army in 1859. The battle took place at a place called "Magenta".

After the fighting was over, the color mixture of red and purple imitated by the French chemists to describe the color of dried blood. And to commemorate the battle that occurred, was named the new color Magenta color.

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