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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Vs Eyjafjallajökull eruption of Tambora, 1:10.000

Saturday, April 24, 2010, 09:38 AM
Tambora eruption of ash, other than deadly, global weather change, even change history.

VIVAnews - Volcanic eruptions in Iceland Eyjafjallajökull belching volcanic ash that disturbs, because the European air traffic mess.

Thousands of passengers were stuck in airports, disrupted the economy, agricultural goods rot because they can not be sent.

However, according to the page Wall Street Journal, Saturday, April 24, 2010 eruption of Mount Eyjafjallajökull impact incomparable to the eruption of Mount Tambora in Sumbawa, Indonesia.

On 5 April 1815 afternoon, Tambora volcano began to rumble and 'coughing'. This condition occurs within a few days.

A few days later, on 11 and 12 April eruption of Mount Tambora reached its climax. The big mountain erupted, the vibrations shake the earth to the distance hundreds of miles.

For more than 10 days later, Tambora released 24 cubic miles (1 mile = 1.6 kilometers) of lava and rock mountains. I was so fierce, at the top of Tambora created three-mile-wide crater and the depth of nearly a mile.

Hot molten lava, stone fly, and deadly gases that exit from the stomach of Tambora was killed tens of thousands of people.

Millions of tons of ash and dust filled the air, changing daylight into darkness. Dust blanketed the mountain regions and even Bali.

Dust cover all the vegetation on the island of Bali and the surrounding ocean. Approximately 117 000 people in the area once known as the Dutch East Indies were killed. Many of those affected by the eruption, so the victims of hunger and disease.

That's just the beginning.

Volcanic eruptions in Iceland did not appeal to Tambora. United States Geological Agency or U.S. Geological Survey even named Tambora eruption as "the strongest in history."

Tambora eruption of Krakatoa's even more awesome. According to data Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI), an index similar eruption on the Richter scale for measuring earthquake strength.

VEI calculations are on a scale of 1 to 8, every single number is 10 greater than ever. Tambora in level seven, six Krakatoa. This means stronger Tambora 10 times larger than the eruption of Krakatoa.

How did the eruption of Iceland? VEI Leel her only two or three. Ataiu 10 000 times weaker than Tambora.

Eruption Eyjafjallajökull 'only' could affect flight atmoser and make the world a frenzy.

I can not imagine if the Tambora eruption in this era. Like a giant cannon, belching Tambora ash, dust, and at least 400 million tons of sulfuric gases into the air, up to 27 miles perpendicular to the strastofer, far above the clouds the weather.

This resulted in an explosion in the troposphere - the layer closest to the surface of the Earth, where clouds, wind and rain, and 75 percent of the weight of the atmosphere located.

Shot of Tambora also tore the thin ozone layer that protects Earth from solar radiation.
Because the gravitational attraction of light in the sky, ash and dust hovering Tambora and spread around the world. Tambora's dust settled in the troposphere for several years and fell through the wind and rain returned to Earth.

Tambora eruption resulted in remarkable. Crop failure in China, Europe, and Ireland. Nonstop rains triggered an eight-week dselama typhus epidemic that killed 65,000 people in the UK and Europe. Crippling famine in England.

Darkness blanketed the Earth, inspired the legendary mystery novels such as 'Darkness' or 'Darkness' by Lord Byron, 'The Vampire' or 'Vampire' by Dr John Palidori and the novel 'Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley.

Tambora also be one trigger of the riots in France were citizens kekuarangan food. Also change history when Napoleon lost due to a prolonged winter and famine in 1815 in Waterloo. (Jno)

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