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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Repellent doomsday nuclear bomb

Judgement may be coming in the past 50 years. Gara-garanya: there is an asteroid hit the earth. But it could be deflected by a nuclear bomb. Day of Judgement, it was said, could come sooner. A 1 km-sized asteroid rock, or perhaps 10 times larger, is now on the way to cut the earth's orbit. Collision between the earth and a giant meteor that, "there would likely occur within the next 50 years," said Prof. Tom Gehrel, an expert in planetary science from the University of Arizona, United States. Conflict of explosion would be lit mahadahsyat, which could make the land devastated. The blast would be billions of times larger than the explosion of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, 46 years ago. Instant death, to a radius of thousands of kilometers, it is difficult avoided. "Chance of death greater than a jet plane slammed into a mountain," said Prof. Gehrel, quoted by The New York Times two weeks ago. Asteroids are often rude entry into Earth's orbit path. In 1989, for example, a 250 meter diameter asteroid passes earth cutting. If only six hours late in the earth's evolution in motion, collisions occur ascertained. And the result is equivalent to the eruption of 1000 megatons of TNT explosives. Stone billions of asteroids that amount, which encircle the sun on the path between the planets Earth, Mars, and Jupiter. Various sizes, from dust to the size of a planet as small as a mini 700 km in diameter. Unfortunately, most chaotic orbits, so the earth, Jupiter, and Mars is often a target collision. Analysts such asteroids Tom Gehrel diligently recorded the frequency of appearance of space rocks, and mapping orbits. So far, 183 pieces have been documented hazardous asteroids, which are often located close to the earth. Of that amount, approximately 20 pieces measuring more than 1.5 km in diameter. According to statistics, a giant asteroid hit the Earth once in every 300 thousand million years. Accidents caused by asteroid collision not only because he's loud and large. Motion speed was incredible. Some call numbers 90 thousand km / h, which estimates there are 250 thousand km / hr. When she walked into the earth's atmosphere, called the asteroids meteors, shooting stars. Flakes of rock called a meteorite. This meteor collision causing injuries on the body typical of the earth, a crater-like basin. And now recorded at least 131 pieces that formed the crater of a shooting star. Among bermeteorit craters, which are often mentioned in Northern Arizona (United States), South Australia, in Ontario (Canada), and in the valley Sunai Tunuska, Siberia, the Soviet Union. Among the cases of traffic accidents that the asteroid, so-called clash of the most devastating occurred 65 million years ago. At that time, an 8 km diameter meteor hit the planet earth with a speed of 250 thousand kilometers per hour. Consequently, it is said, the meteor was 40 km-deep sinkhole. Terkirakan shocks that appear not cruel. Hail happened to thousands of kilometers from the point of impact. No turbulent sea, creating waves that 5 km in height. Approximately 1700 km of rock turned into fine dust, which cover the earth's atmosphere. Sunlight darkness covered the earth, even until a few years. Most inhabitants of the earth is estimated extinct creatures. There are dead because of crushed stone, swallowed the ocean water, but mostly because their habitats destroyed ruins. Herbivorous creatures lose leaves and fruit, carnivorous animals lose the game. In very bad condition, according to estimates, a large family of ancient giant dinosaur animal extinct. Collision center itself is still not known exactly. There are estimates that occurred in the Caribbean Sea or the Pacific. Later views were more integrated, and pointed to a basin (basin) 180 km in diameter, buried somewhere in the 1100 meters underground Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Basin was allegedly formed 65 million years ago. Even if the allegations were true, no trace of footprint on the Yucatan's largest meteor crater that could be identified. Meteor crater found in Ontario reached 200 km diameter. While the crater in South Australia 160 km in width. The width of the crater can indeed 25 times the size of the meteor that fell. Crater in Arizona, for example, 1200 meters wide and was formed by a meteor the size of 45 meters, 50 thousand years ago. The most recent cases falling meteors, in the notes, occurred in 1908 Tungusta River valley, the Soviet Union. The blast was made forest in the surrounding soil, up to a radius of tens of kilometers, in ruins. Even animals that exist at a distance of 600 km injured. Strength of the explosion equivalent to 12 megatons of TNT, whereas the falling meteor reportedly measures just less than 10 meters. Looking at the map the asteroid's traffic, Prof. Gehrel assess that the threat of a collision can happen in that period of 50 years into the future. Considering the combination of the asteroid's motion, the estimated Gehrel, chances falling star that was small, only 0.00005 to 0.00016 per cent. "But be wary," she said. He was determined to investigate more deeply about the asteroid's orbit, so that his arrival could be known early. After that, the asteroid may no longer be a major threat. Father of the hydrogen bomb the U.S., Prof. Edward Teller, is confident that the motion of the asteroid could be deflected toward the earth. How: shoot him with a large nuclear bomb. It costs too, says Prof. Teller, only Rp 200 billion - a cost that is borne jointly and severally sebumi race. Putut Trihusodo

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