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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Collection of the World Mystery unsolved

There are some interesting things from this article, a discussion that is common to investigate the unsolved mysteries of the world .. :) Happy reading my friends


Charles Darwin never offered a theory that humans are the result of evolution from apes. If so, then "ought" of human beings will continue to evolve into something better. But in fact, already more than 2000 years, no changes in humans. Does that mean evolution stopped?

2. ROAD Bimini:
The diver (diver) who of course never saw a path beneath the sea north of the island of Bimini in the Bahamas. Many people thought the path was created by nature. But the arrangement of stones that road raises further questions because it was too "neat". Some experts suspect that the road is part of the City of Atlantis (such as those written by Plato several centuries ago). And the Bimini Road was still an open question: whether the road was made of natural or man? Who is its maker?

3. LIGHT BALL Maria:
Also called "Ball of Light Ghost." First seen in 1880 in the western town of Maria, Texas. The light was described as the size of basketballs, floated with a shoulder height of humans. Usually white, yellow, orange, red and sometimes blue or green. Regular balls flying around a particular area, then disappeared by itself. To this day, the light was still frequently appear.

Known as the Labour leader of America's most influential people in the year 1950 - 1960, Jimmy Hoffa is a figure that has reshaped the world of American labor. Date July 30, 1975, Hoffa disappeared in Detroit and parking is never found again. One theory is believed Hoffa was murdered by Jack Anthony Giacalone, a gang leader in New Jersey. Hoffa's body buried under the foundations mentioned the stadium the Giants, Detroit. When carried out excavations on the foundations of the stadium, Hoffa's body was not found.

Mothman is one of the very well known urban legend in the area of Virginia. Mothman is described as being winged and human-high, red-eyed, sometimes appear without any heads and red eyes in the chest. First discovered in the area of burial ground in Virginia in 1926.

6. Jack the Ripper:
Famous as a mysterious killer in the year 1888, the identity of Jack The Ripper to this day never been revealed. The victim is a prostitute who was murdered by a fairly reliable way of mutilation and perfect, making the cops think Jack is a surgeon. Despite numerous books, films, and theories published, the identity of Jack the Ripper remains a mysterious and yet none could explain the evidence that actual identity.

7. Babushka THE LADY:
If you ever watched a recording assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963, note in the right corner of the tape. There was a veiled woman babushka (scarf made in Russia) who appeared to record the incident. Strangely, she never recovered. The FBI has asked her to hand over the tape to help the FBI find the murderer President of America. But the woman never showed up. Who is he? How he could stand so close to the car the President?

8. Zodiac KILLER:
One of the most intelligent killer who was never caught up to this day is the Zodiac Killer. 1960, the Zodiac Killer to attempted murder of 7 people in Northern California. Five victims died, and two badly injured. Initially, the police were having trouble finding the identity of the killer. A month after the first murder, the killer sent a letter to the police and claimed he called the Zodiac Killer, and challenged police to arrest him.
After killing the 7th, Zodiac Killer suddenly disappeared.

Nessy creature similar to (long-necked, big bodied, and the head like a lizard) is a mysterious creature that appears in the Okanagan River, Canada. Many witnesses who managed to record a picture of this creature. But no one ever caught him. Creature who is also known by the name of this now becomes the mascot Naitaka Keilowa Park, Canada. And to this day, the mystery was never disclosed.

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