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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Changing tone XP Startup & Shutdown

There are many people who get bored with the sound when Windows starts, or disabled. This applies to me also, I tried it with various themes, that there is already available sound startup / shutdown are different. However, finally I get bored too. Yaks arena I'm bored, I used to explore the system C in windows and finally found a way to change the tone StartUp and Shutdown.

* Prepare a song or tone of what we want with the format of song / tone "wav" could take some from the mobile phone, or recorded it first. Make sure the size is too big or long the duration is not an alias for a moment.* Once you are ready, give the name of the song or the tone with
Windows XP Startup [for the start-up tone]Windows XP Shutdown [for the tone of the cover]
* When given a name above, now choose the second tone with Clik left and copy or cut.* Go to localdisk / System (C), click Windows, then Media. Then copy and paste the results in the media folder. When there is a warning "if you will mereplace long tones with a new tone?, Tap Yes or Yes to All.* Now out of the windows explorer, try to restart Windows, and listen to the results.
This method applies when we use the standard Windows XP Theme. Instead if you want to replace all of its tone also can be prepared to stay a new tone and give the same nam in the Media folder
CONGRATULATIONS attempting to interfere

Create a partition D on Netbook

At the beginning I met whose names netbook, I'm confused. For me fit explor not find another partition other than partition C I try to right click my computer and choose manage, does not work and confused. There I was trying to install dipikiran partision magic, to no avail. Continue to try to reinstall, I feel the same affection that has been running operating system, is not original. Aduhhh confused anyway. I tried a search on google champion, in fact almost the same all the recommends to make a partition with OSnya reinstall. Cape dehhh.
With a sense of still curious to make the D partition, I found a program that is light enough around 5Mb size. Her name Partition Wizard Home Edition and a free course. With not much story, I download & install on netbooks (DELL Inspiron Mini). Ehh perplexed after installed it again, because the create partition option is not working. Ahh not so just give up, kept me trying to select the button remove / resize partitions. With little fear of failure, because kmungkinan data can be lost. It appeared that after selecting the button remove / resize no pemberitauan for data backup, yes I have backups and continue the process. And it worked. Netbook Now it has two partiisi C & D. Now what we want it?
Here's how;
1. backup data first 2. Download & install Wizard Home Edition 3. open the program, there'll be a partition C, which appears and click on partition C 4. Select Remove / Resize 5. Slide the navigation to the left as needed because the existing contents of the partition numbers 6. Select the partition to be formatted the remaining changes 7. select applay on the bottom left-right klom 8. netbook will restart and start a new partition 9. after completion alias startup partition, then re-explor and format the new partition 10. completed 11. good luck

select a program
choose the drive C
Pilh move/resize
Choose the move / resize
Geser/slide untuk merubah ukuran HDD
Slide / slides to resize HDD
ini hasilnya
These results

Monday, May 24, 2010

Prepare Acer Tablet OS-Based Chrome

VIVAnews - Acer, one of the world's largest computer manufacturers have time to officially declare that they have no plans to bring the operating system-based netbook Google Chrome in the near future.
However, some unofficial sources indicate that although not present in Chrome based PC clamshell form factor, in cooperation with Acer Quanta prepare a tablet PC with Google's OS.
As quoted from China Economic News Service, May 23, 2010, Acer has decided not to strengthen their tablet PCs with processors from Intel. These steps indicate that the giant PC makers ready to install the ARM architecture in its product.
For information, the ARM chip that is used to ensure the device will have a long lifetime of the battery. However, he was not strong enough to run the Windows operating system or other applications developed for the x86-based PC.
Currently no information on the tablet PC made by Acer specs are concerned. Even so, it is mentioned that the tablet PC-based ARM and Chrome will be released on 310 dollar price range, below the average price of the latest netbook.
Tablet PCs from Acer is not only to compete with Apple iPad, but also other products that will be present in the market. Asus Eee Pad For example, the S Pad from Samsung, and other similar products.
Since the price of these devices is not too cheap, users will pay more attention to services provided by the manufacturer the device. For example the availability of content and others. In the case of Acer, if indeed the OS used is Google, of course content is not a problem because Google already works with a variety of content producers for their OS. (JN)

Android 2.2 Create Mobile HotSpot Wi-Fi So

VIVAnews - Google's latest mobile operating system Android version 2.2 which has an interesting feature. In particular Android phone, the operating system can make it become a mobile phone Wi-Fi hotspots.
The phone will be able to share a wireless Internet connection up to eight device that supports Wi-Fi. And unlike Apple's operating system, Google's operating system supports Adobe Flash.
Officially, Google announced the Android 2.2 (a code name Froyo) on their developer community, this weekend.
There are currently no detailed information about when Android phones will get the update. As quoted from the DailyNews, May 24, 2010, Google only mentions that the operating system will be present in "the coming weeks."
Froyo new features, namely a mobile hotspot will be present on the HTC Evo 4G is still using the Android operating system 2.1. On these phones, users can use the 3G or 4G connectivity and shared Internet connection via Wi-Fi to eight devices.
Keep in mind, for their own Internet connection users will need to pay for these services on mobile operators which he used. (Mt)

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Every web site wants more traffic. After all, isn’t that the whole objective of advertising over the web? But successful traffic building takes deliberate action. Here are five easy ways to increase your web site traffic:
Advertise. Let your targeted audience know that your site exists. Tell them through conventional print advertising, targeted email advertising, and PPC (pay per click) advertising. Traffic building requires an on-going advertising program. It doesn’t have to be a large-budget program, but it needs to be consistent.
Partner. Exchange links with relevant partners. Include them on your web site and make sure your included on theirs. Choose partners that actively engaged in traffic building on their sites, too!
Search Engines and Directories and . Get your site listed in the appropriate search engines and directories. Make sure your site includes appropriate keyword identification (most search engines offer tools to help you with this) and then submit your site to search engines and industry directories. Focus first on the big three: Google, Yahoo! and MSN. Then look for appropriate industry associations or local chamber of commerce sites.
Collateralize your URL. That’s right include the site name on every piece of business collateral you have – business cards, envelopes, signs, posters, stationery, your email signature – everything! You may even want to consider incorporating your website URL directly into your business name.
The four activities are good cornerstones for your traffic building efforts. Develop a thoughtful and consistent program to develop each of these activities and you’ll find that your web site traffic will grow substantially.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building
Article Source:


You know that Bill Gates and Donald Trump are billionaires. Most likely you have never heard of Bill Bartmann. Let me tell you, he is also a billionaire - just like Bill Gates and Donald Trump.

What did they COMMON? All of them know the secret of their success resides deep in their heads.

What are they doing that THEY KNOW NOT know? The answer: all of them know the secret of their success resides deep in their heads. They are not like most people, when they start to earn money.

If most people decide that they want more money, what do they do? You see some MAGIC program like money from home, the money on ebay, real estate, stocks, commodities, and so on.

They desperately and wild buy a program after another. They flock from one seminar to another listening to the promises of gurus who tell them they make tons of money overnight!

These people will receive this "hype" and are even cleverly "manipulated" in a state of motivation, THAT YOU FEEL so good, they also buy more books, cassettes and CDs from these seminars.

Then they go home, they try a few things and the reality sets in. It is not everything, as they say. They find they can not make money, despite all the promises of the gurus, which itself is not about money.

"What's wrong?", Questions her. Their answer, "That stupid program I bought not work." Then they turn around and start looking for another program to buy and try. And they keep on this endless, vicious loop forever.

Are all of these programs really that bad? Some are. Others are excellent and have the potential to make huge sums of money for those who buy them. Would Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Bill Bartmann success and make huge sums with the same programs? Yes. But WHY? You have the right to finance Blueprint. But read on.

Faith and the universal law of attraction

The Universal Law of Attraction "states that one in itself attracts the people, the things, the conditions and experiences, with the belief holds a deep in his subconscious mind. These deeply-rooted beliefs are materializing as a state of health, bank accounts, jobs, homes, girlfriends, wives, friends, and everything else one experiences during a trip to this physical dimension.

"The deep-rooted beliefs in our minds Subconscious create our own reality." The law of life is the law of faith, which is another name for the Universal Law of Attraction. That is a truth that very few people know and understand.

At this point, it is important to clarify that the Subconscious mind, the deep-rooted convictions and "materialized" AS them your reality. Therefore, we were able to determine that "Your beliefs create your reality." More specifically, but "YOU are creating your reality by faith accept and hold in your subconscious." Convictions are the tools used by you for this creation. From that moment on, any time you click on a statement like "Your beliefs create your reality ',

One must always materialize at all levels of the existence of the sum of all convictions (both known and unknown) he holds in his subconscious mind.

. Your self-image

Your self-image is, as you and your world, what about yourself and your world what you think about yourself and your world what you believe about yourself and your world - in the INSIDE of your head.

Your self-image is made up of what you see, think, feel and believe to absolutely true about themselves and their world, not only on the conscious level, but on the plains DEEPEST your being completely out of the consciousness. It is the TOTAL your beliefs, values and rules, and the associated images, sensations, feelings and emotions.

Another name for your exact self-image is IDENTITY, your real ID. Your self-image is the blueprint or PHOTOGRAPH OF YOU that you carry wherever you go. Your self-image is the kind of person you think you are, your identity. It was in your subconscious, which is as true or false about you and your world.

Your self-image DECISION whether you healthy or ill, whether you are rich or poor, whether you win or encounter women, regardless of whether you are a winner or a loser, smart or super-smart or stupid. Her body, interior, finance, relationships and your whole world PRECISE AT THIS MOMENT are nothing more than the VISIBLE, physical materialization of your internal self-image.

Your self-image is the REAL you, your true identity. It determines what you can or can not achieve what we may or may not have what you are trying to achieve, and what to avoid, what and how you think, your attitudes and behaviors. It determines your health, the quality of your relationships, the "nature" of women and connects you win, your "good" or "bad" Fortunately, the amount of money in your bank account (s), what kinds of talents, skills and features that you have any positive or destructive habits. It determines whether you are bold and outrageous or shy, timid, insecure person. It dictates whether you are good at math or art, or nothing. It determines whether you are earning good money, or you can hardly survive from one paycheck to the next.

Your money blueprint

Your self-image can be divided into mini-self-images, one for every other area of your life. This corresponds to the money / financial area is known as your financial self-image. Some refer to them as cash or financial Blueprint Blueprint.

The first and very WRONG what the vast majority of people do in order to make more money is wild and desperate to buy every book and CD, and try all the "rich" programme at home to work for money at home, money online, make money on ebay, or investments in real estate, stocks and commodities. Thousands and thousands of people already tried, the programs WORKED VERY HARD for a while, just to give FAIL miserably because they know, YOU ARE NOT ALREADY PRE-PROGRAMMED FOR FINANCIAL FAILURE. Probably, YOU are one of them.

Most people have absolutely no CLUE that their financial futures contracts are already preprogrammed WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT AND KNOW deep in their subconscious computers, the personal on-board computers they have. Their financial self-image ( "Money blueprints") are already on the financial FAILURE SET.

Therefore, these people REPELLENTS money, and no matter how much they learn how much they know, how smart they think they are, what they do, how they work, HARD, or what they are in business, they are all doomed to FAIL again and again.

Is your computer Subconscious set / pre-PROGRAMMED to send you a few hundred, a couple of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions or billions of dollars?

I bet that your computer Current Subconscious SET YOU to fight for and produce only a few thousand dollars, maybe even less - perhaps even permanently broke. The real terrible SAD news is that you never spend more money than the current settings in your computer, you can Subconscious. That is the reason why you deal with all kinds of money problems and limitations.

It does not matter what you try, what they do, how smart you think you are, how big your talents, skills and abilities, or what kind of business you in. face the truth: Your computer is Subconscious for financial SET FAILURE. And financial FAILURE, all you will continue to receive, unless you train again.

To get rid of your money problems once and for all needs YOU RE-TRAIN Subconscious your computer so you automatically THINK like a millionaire by "PROGRAMMING" to "IT" Millionaire Secrets of the Mind millionaires, multi-millionaires and billionaires, then SET " IT "to win in the millions or billions, not just thousands, or a few hundred, or close to nothing - like most people do. Everything else will FAIL.

Finding out what your money Blueprint

To help you, here is a brief and simplified method allows you immediately. (From "Millionaire Mind reprogramming Course").

Here are some peaceful, quiet time where you are not disturbed. Then open the workbook (or a notebook of your choice) and write as a title at the top of a brand new page:


Start by asking yourself these questions KEY relationship with MONEY. Their job is to write down everything you see, think, feel and think about themselves and MONEY. Write everything, check whether it is positive or harmful. Really go for it and dig as much information as possible from your computer Subconscious.

1) "How / what I feel and think / feel about me and the money?" Now you write in your workbook everything to your mind. Hold that question until all possible answers. If satisfied, go to the next question.

2) "What I am happy with the money?" Now you write in your workbook everything to your mind. Hold that question until all possible answers. . If satisfied, go to the next question.

3) "I am like the WHO with the money?"

Most likely, follow the same financial 'blueprint of your parents. Were they spenders or savers? Maybe avoiders? (She tries to deal with as little money as possible) Did they know how to manage their money or bad? Did you know about investing? Did they invest or not? Did they teach, how to handle money? Are you duplicate their "BAD" money habits? Now you write in your workbook everything to your mind. Hold that question until all possible answers. If satisfied, go to the next question.

4) "What experience do I recall that my convictions about money?" Now you write in your workbook everything to your mind. Hold that question until all possible answers. . If satisfied, go to the next important issue

5) Is my subconscious mind SET immediately earn. / Make hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions? Now you write in your workbook everything to your mind. Hold that question until you are sure that you have exactly the bandwidth of the dollar Subconscious your mind, you can earn / make.

6) "Where the money come in the following list?" Put VALUES following in order of importance to you: health, love, security, safety, comfort, honesty, Finance (Financial Success), Integrity, learn. If the money is not among the top 3, then give money very little importance, it is not important enough for you, which means that one is always something.

After the completion of this exercise. Organize your list. Remove all the answers, which are outdated. Combining 2-3 replies in a similar, if possible. Then, the sequential number of each item in your list. Finally, place a (+) next to each item you as a PLUS to achieve financial success, and a (-) next to every item that you as a MINUS, LOADS to achieve financial success.

This list is your blueprint MONEY in written form. All, the (-) are limited in your ability to be financially successful. The more (-), which you have, the more you are limited in your ability to achieve great financial success. In simple words, your finances Blueprint STINKS.

Unless and until you learn how to program and re-re-set your financial self-image (Money Blueprint) to success by all, the (-) MINUSES and add the (+) PLUSES the Millionaire Mind of Multimillionären, They continue to make more money problems. And FORGET about a millionaire.

Leo Foster is in a mission to make the process of making money and being a Millionaire not only EASY but also FUN. You may contact him at There you will find the BEST and FASTEST techniques and tools available, the "Millionaire Mind Reprogramming Course", so that you can learn how to EASILY DOWNLOAD that 'Millionaire Mind', and start to ' believe, think, behave and achieve the success of the millionaires -- or in a smaller home based businesses if that is your goal.

More Awareness on Using The Credit Cards

Competition is very stiff in credit card world. This competition can result positively to us, such as lower price or rates on the other hand it also results negatively such as bad performance or services delivered to the customers. There’s also some awareness necessary towards the current trends in credit card practices. One trend in the credit card industry that is on the rise is the ability to wave and go. You will find it very easy to wave your credit card at a card reader however there should be some awareness since there might be some hidden dangers to using this technology.

Wave and go technology works by placing a small computer chip with tiny mini antenna that can respond to radio waves form the card reader inside your credit card. There’s no signature and no PIN number required in this technology. If you don’t carefully pay your attention to it those small purchases can add up quickly and you may not notice how much money you’re actually spending. You can quite often find this wave and go card readers at fast food restaurants, convenience stores, drugstore, movie theaters or others.

Another credit card features that attract people is the reward plans such as bonuses or cash back. Be careful when using these plans as your criteria for choosing which credit card you affiliate with since you may find these rewards will disappear when your least expect it. Rewards can be beautiful, but don’t let them be you deciding factor to choose your credit cards.

2012, the Capital of UK Wi-Fi Equipped

VIVAnews - As the host of 2012 Olympic Games, London complements the entire city with Wi-Fi facilities in anticipation of high demand for Internet services over a grand sports event is held.
"Starting from light poles on the road until the bus stops all over town will be equipped with Wi-Fi technology," said Boris Johnson, mayor of London, on the sidelines of the Google Zeitgeist event, Hertfordshire, as reported by the BBC page, Saturday, May 22, 2010 .
Later, an electric current to the devices Wi-Fi will be supplied from the electric lights of the city and a number of bus stops are skipped. "That way, all parts of London will be reached by access to high-speed Wi-Fi," said Johnson.
Approximately 32 areas of London has signed an agreement of this project. However, Johnson was reluctant to explain how their money is spent to realize the investment.
"Our goal to make the capital city of London as one of the most advanced technology in the world," said Johnson. "Currently, we are also currently brewing iPhone application that can serve bike rental locations in the city center. There, tourists, or residents who use the iPhone can also find out how many bikes that can be used," he said. (Mt)

Page 33 collided Smart Robot

Malang (AFP) - A total of 33 public universities and private regional IV began Friday (21 / 5) until Sunday (23 / 5) collided in the event intelligent robots Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) and the Indonesian Intelligent Robot Contest (KCRI) in 2010 at the University of Malang Dome.
Chairman of the committee and KCRI M. KRI Irfan, on Saturday, said the robot dikonteskan than 33 state and private universities that as many as 73 units consisting of 20 units for KRI and the other 53 to KCRI.
"For this KCRI still be subdivided into three categories, namely KCRI wheeled, legged, and battle. KRI robot task is to finish construction of` `the temple, while the themed KCRI smart and intelligent to extinguish the fire ball," he said.
According to him, KRI and KCRI that was held May 21 to 23 is still limited to the regional level IV, which covers an area of East Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara.
"For the national level was held June 19 to 22 in just the same campus (UMM)," he said.
For the national level, he said, plus one category, namely Indonesian Robot Contest Art (KRSI), in addition to the KRI and KCRI who has competed at the regional level.
IV regional contests in the UMM, he continued, is the preliminary round before heading to the national level that will bring together other regional finalists from, namely Louth, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Manado.
He explained that the national winners will be the ambassador of the nation at the international level ABU Robot Contest Robokon at Cairo, Egypt, September.
The participants of the contest from outside Malang, most come with their respective supporters. In fact, there is a team of participants who were six buses carrying supporters.
For the participants, said committee Secretary Mulyoto, lodgings focused on Rental Flat Housing UMM I and the jury at UMM Inn.
Robot Contest, which was centered at UMM Dome is also open to the public. However, before entering the arena of contest, the general public must purchase a ticket at Rp10 thousand / person.
Especially for students, free to enter the arena as long as you show a student card, while the students of UMM is subject to 50 percent of the ticket price.

Compete with Apple's, Google Releases Kiosk Applications

VIVAnews - Not to be outdone by Apple, the giant search engine in cyberspace, Google Inc., also released a similar online store for users who want to download an application or other content.
Through the application of Chrome, Google will be presenting a web application for the Chrome browser and OS users, similar to that presented for devices iPhone and Apple iPad it.
Google recognized this effort as a step to realize its mission into the center of media and entertainment sites in the virtual universe, in addition to relying on advertising on the Internet.
"Ads in cyberspace is very important. But, Google wants to create another alternative," said Google's vice president, Sundar Pichai, who quoted from the Telegraph, Saturday, May 22, 2010.
Entitled Chrome Web Store, Google will open it in the near future so that Internet users should be eased to find and buy Web-based applications with just one click.
Similar ideas had previously imitated by Research In Motion.
An online store that provides free and paid applications for BlackBerry users were released about a year ago. Similar to Apple's App Store, the BlackBerry Application World also offers specialized content applications and the BlackBerry smart phone users.
Google also has the Android Market for phone users Android OS-based phones. However, for Web-based applications, companies rely on Chrome Web Store.
To note, the company that has offices in Mountain View, California, claims to have had around 70 million visitors every day. This number increased stability compared to end the first half of 2009, where Google is only recorded about 30 million visitors. (Mt)

Survey: 60 Percent facebookers Will Delete Account

JAKARTA, - Results of a survey conducted Sophos, leading security company, this may not be considered a game by Facebook. How not, the research found 60 percent of Facebook users are planning to close her account if the privacy policy adopted about a social networking service is still changing. The survey was conducted on 1588 Facebook users.
"Polling shows that the majority of users are complaining of lack of control provided for Facebook to protect their data," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant for Sophos, as reported by the Telegraph website on Wednesday (19/05/2010). Most users do not know how to set the privacy on Facebook is considered safe because of its features confusing.
Facebook repeatedly criticized because it provides privacy control feature too complicated. In fact today, Facebook applied the approach that the content is displayed free visits fellow Facebook users. New users are given the option to set if they want to restrict who may view the information.
"The principal changes that must be carried out Facebook is implementing an opt-in choices (for anyone) to share information, rather than opt-out (not for everyone)," continued Cluley. He said that many Facebook users displaying personal information and certainly does not want a sudden surprise because nomro phone or date of birth appearing on the internet and can be viewed by anyone.
In fact, because Facebook is still "mencla-mencle" about the privacy settings, it appears the movement to leave Facebook. Thousands of Facebook users have joined in the motion to delete your Facebook account at May 31, 2010 as a form of pressure on Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg: The Need No Secret About Privacy

Palo Alto, - Criticism of the various parties about the privacy settings policy-mencle mencla, confusing, and constantly changing in direct response Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. He says, everything he's done for the sake of Facebook now follow the needs of people in the era of the open Internet.
"The way people think about privacy was little changed. All it takes most people no longer complete privacy. Not all the secrets they want. They just need to control anything that can be shared and what is not," said Mark Zuckerberg in an interview with Time, which Telegraph quoted the site, Friday (05/21/2010).
He said most major forms of transformation that occurred in the current generation is more and more information is distributed to the public. According to his view, the change needs to share the fact is starting and Facebook tried to serve him.
"An important part of what we're doing is working on what is required of people in the future and provide the means to use it," said Zuckerberg. He admitted to not worry about the unrest in the millions of people who complained to the privacy settings on Facebook for now.
Several times the privacy settings on Facebook and complain because the frequent changes confusing. Facebook privacy settings are also implemented opt-out, where users need to choose who can not see the display of information rather than more secure approach is an opt-in or for whom the content is divided. Thousands of people have threatened to walk out and delete her account on Facebook on May 31, 2010 as a form of protest and pressure on Facebook.

AdMob acquisition by Google Indicated graduation

WASHINGTON, - Controversy purchase AdMob by Googlre finally subsided after the acquisition is declared invalid by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), U.S.. AdMob had protested because the purchase of votes could make the unhealthy competition in the mobile advertising market.
The advertisers including one of Sir Martin Sorrell, chief executive of WPP, a leading advertising company, tried to cancel the acquisition. The reason Google has the potential control of most ads on the mobile phone market so dictates. However, unrest was denied the FTC.
"The agreement will not damage competition in the advertising market in the mobile phone network that is growing rapidly," the FTC concluded that reported by the Telegraph, Friday (21/05/2010). The FTC has been investigating for six months and concluded that the merger of two companies that dominate the online advertising market is not worried.
Indirectly, for endorsement of Google's acquisition of AdMob saved Apple. The reason, according to FTC, one consideration, Apple's also a major player in the smartphone business in the U.S., also launched advertising service that could become significant competitors.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tiphone and Telkomsel Serve the World Cup Information

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia and SingTel Mobile Tiphone launched two packages of "bundling soccer" to provide easy access to information on football including 2010 World Cup.
"With this package there are two applications of mobile soccer` `, then the user can access a wide range Soccer Tiphone information about football in a comprehensive and affordable," said Hengky Setiawan, Director Tiphone Mobile Indonesia in Jakarta on Thursday.
Soccer Mobile provides a variety of information about Indonesian football team and PSSI, Super League, Major Division League, English Premier League, Italian League, Spanish League and others,
In addition, there is a globe, predictions, opinions soccer, futsal and did not miss the European Cup, Champions League and World Cup.
T88 Tiphone Tiphone own launch edition and Tiphone E88 Soccer Soccer TV edition.
According to him, the second of this series presents the application of mobile soccer is called football.
Tiphone in this case mengandeng Cup player of Indonesia to become an icon of mobile soccer Tiphone edition.
They are Bambang Pamungkas (Persija), Eka Ramdani (Persib), Syamsul Bachri (PSM), Andi Odang (Persebaya) and M. Fakhrudi (Arema).
While Agus Setia Budi from Telkomsel declared football phone bundling package is part of a partnership Telkomsel in broadcast World Cup matches in 2010.
This World Cup program with menu access content over the World Bola Telkomsel * 465 #.

Motricity XL and Develop Mobile Internet

VIVAnews - Strengthen the mobile Internet service, XL Axiata PT Tbk (XL) recently established cooperation with Motricity, the mobile internet service provider, to provide complete solutions for the mobile Internet more than 32 million subscribers XL.
With this partnership, Motricity will utilize McCore application platform and managed services (outsourcing vendors) to be able mengoptimalisir XL for customer service, backed by the availability of a flexible support device, with an affordable price.
"Our customers demand faster Internet access, both to be used to download content or applications that are appropriate to their needs. Therefore, we point to Motricity as a partner to deliver the best experience in mobile data access services, specially designed in accordance with their interests and needs respective customers, "said Hasnul Suhaimi, President Director of XL, issued a statement, Jakarta, Thursday, May 20, 2010.
MCore solution provided by the Motricity platform that can support the XL to quickly and easily deliver the optimal service for Internet access, including e-mail and social networking, to support all mobile commerce services and mobile marketing.
"In emerging market countries such as Indonesia, where the telephone penetration rates well below cable penetration of cellular telephony, it will be many customers who use their mobile phones as a tool to access the Internet," said CEO and founder of Motricity, Ryan Wuerch.
"Therefore, we believe that Indonesia is a potential market for the XL and Motricity, which is in line with the high demand for mobile internet services," he said. (Hs)

Indonesia Country First Disambangi Nokia C3

JAKARTA, - Indonesia will become the first country that will be the marketing target Nokia C3. Said Goh Doh Hau, Senior Marketing Manager Nokia Indonesia when introducing these phones to the media in Jakarta, Wednesday (19/05/2010).
"Nokia C3 will be available starting in June," said Goh. He said, Indonesia coincidence selected Nokia as the major markets globally this product before it is marketed to other countries.
According to Goh, Nokia C3 is designed for middle market with an affordable price. However, Goh was reluctant to divulge the selling price in Indonesia later. We announced the global availability, this product dibanderol price 90 euros or approximately USD 1 million. However, what price in Indonesia is still kept secret.
Goh said the Nokia C3 is the first Nokia mobile phone designed specifically for users of social services on the internet. Series C, according to Goh synonymous with the word communities. Inside it has features such as Nokia Communities application Twitter and Facebook and chat features to access the Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger, and OVI Messenger. Everything can be active simultaneously. Even the available widgets to display a Facebook or Twitter updates on the front screen.
C3 also QWERTY Nokia phones that use Nokia's first S40. This mobile phone users can add applications to it by downloading from the OVI service Store, from games to third-party applications.
Like other Nokia QWERTY phones, Nokia C3 also features the Nokia Messaging push mail feature that supports up to 10 email from Yahoo, Gmail, Mail OVI, IM2 and CBN. Going forward, social applications, mesaging, and email services, Goh said, it may be added so there is cooperation with Nokia.
This phone does not support 3G networks, but equipped with a WiFi connection and EDGE. Other Features 2 MP camera, 2.4 inch screen, and supports up to 8 GB external memory. Nokia C3 will be available in a choice of dark blue and pink.

Free Access Year Wear Axis

JAKARTA, - Facebook users can now take advantage of access to alternative social networking service is free of charge through the phone. Do I access the address via a web browser in However, for now, the service is only applicable in Indonesia for Axis customers only. site of the new version of Facebook is the Facebook mobile site can be accessed faster and lighter. This site does not show images or photographs. Axis become one of the sponsors of a global service which was launched in Palo Alto, California, U.S. this and will give it for free to customers for a year.
"We are very pleased to sponsor enabling our customers to keep connected with their friends and relatives through Facebook for free. The new service also shows AXIS commitment to always give more to their customers," said Alfred said Boediman, Head Axis of Product Management in a press release on Wednesday (19/05/2010).
Nevertheless, pengaksesnya can still see photos and even send them to Facebook. To view the photos, just need to select the photos link directly referred and directed out of the Data access costs will be charged when customers leave the site to view images. More Fast and Free

Palo Alto, - Attendance which can be accessed for free through mobile phones is a breakthrough that made Facebook to reach more users through mobile services. Not only free, the service is also much faster than standard web version
"We have been eliminating graphics, photos, videos so the only text-only site and its pages is very lightweight, super-fast to access," said Henri Moissinac, Facebook's head of mobile business as reported by AFP on Tuesday (18/05/2010).
He said was designed to increase speed access to the service and create a free Facebook access from a cellular service. Both are rated as one of the greatest inhibiting factors to be the main consideration for mobile users access Internet services such as Facebook or not.
Moissinac said at present the number who accessed via the cellular network via Facebook reach 100 million people. presence is believed to be boosted Facebook jumlha accessed via mobile phones.
To give free access via cellular, Facebook took 56 operators in 47 countries world selueurh. If the sum total of all service subscribers reached 500 million people. Axis is one operator in Indonesia that also became a sponsor

Agricultural Extension Pun Now Use the Internet

MATARAM, - Not only is the dominance of the city, farmers in the village was now close to the internet. For example, in the province of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), which began implementing a cyber extension program that is internet-based agricultural extension activities.
"Starting this year cyber extension program was implemented, but starting in four BPP (Institute for Agricultural Extension) at the district level," said Head of the Coordination Body Extension (Bakorluh) Integrated Agriculture (Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry), West Nusa Tenggara, DR Mashur, in Mataram, Wednesday (19/05/2010).
CPP's call Mashur fourth one each in Mataram, West Sumbawa Regency, East Lombok and Bima. The four districts are used as a pilot program of cyber extension was not included in the empowerment of local farmers who carried out this year.
"Four districts were selected because they do not include farmer empowerment programs are also conducted in the six other districts in the NTB region," he said.
According Mashur, now that he is coordinating with various parties in the four districts was to determine the location and activities. Besides getting a computer device that has Internet network, CPP at four locations will also be supported by operational cost of Rp100 million per location.
"In addition to providing counseling via the internet, manager of BPP was able to implement the cultivation techniques of vegetables and other crops and breed livestock so that the necessary funding, and sources danaya from the state budget," he said.
Former Head of Department of Food Crops and Horticulture NTB was explained, the application of cyber extension was to facilitate extension to farmers, who conducted the field officers. Through the cyber extension, extension can be done in the Office of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Bakoorluh district level, known as Agricultural Extension Center (CPP), but the farmers as participants disuluh remain in his village.
Guidance in this way can be done through a number of Internet connections at a time in which each participant can see the faces of participants as well as penyuluhnya on the screen. Cyber extension is also a new system in the extension as currently implemented extension methods namely training and visit system.
Exercise of staff, farmers / farmer groups, farmer groups and joint (farmer group union), as well as periodic visits to the farmers and the BPP officers farmer group union periodically by the extension.
In addition, extension activities as well as through the dissemination of information in the form of leaflets, brosor, and bulletins as well as film screenings about agriculture through mobile units that travel to the villages. "In the future, the more diverse pattern of extension, in addition to the old ways will also be marked with the Internet-based counseling," said Mashur.
Now, the number of integrated agricultural extension agent in NTB recorded as many as 1830 people, but only 760 people who still serve as field workers and the status of Civil Servants (PNS). Ideally, the village has a extension so that the number of villages in the area of value added reached 911 villages, while only 760 field extension workers, which may lack as many as 151 people.
Helps Agricultural Extension Workers (TBPP) or known as Labor Day Off (THL) in the NTB region has currently reached 651 people, who used to cover the shortage of agricultural extension in NTB.

Violated two patents, Microsoft to Pay 200 Million U.S. Dollars, - Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday (18/05/2010), finally agreed to pay 200 million U.S. dollars to VirnetX Holding Corp. because it lost the patent infringement lawsuit. In addition, starting today the software giant also agreed to pay a security technology patent license or artificial VirnetX digital security.
Both companies announced the settlement of a patent dispute over two months after a federal jury in Tyler, Texas on March 16, 2010 and ordered Microsoft to pay VirnetX for intentional violations. The verdict asks Microsoft to pay VirnetX patent license that has been used in Microsoft products amounted to 106 million U.S. dollars.
Microsoft violated two patents each of the technologies used in virtual private network (VPN) and how to set up a VPN with a secure domain name service. Both patented technologies VirnetX claimed it was used in the operating system-Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Vista. Later VirnetX also sued the same patent infringement for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

True, this year Seagate Hard Disk 3TB Present

JAKARTA, - Three terabytes! Unbelievable is not it? Several decades ago, the standard NQ BA (logical block addressing) is not able to address on an original capacity of over 2.1 TB. Understandably there was no need that much capacity.
But now the world has need 3TB and above. And Seagate are ready to serve. According to a report in Thinq, Seagate has confirmed that his company would "announce 3TB drive this year."
This is good news for consumers. First, 3TB unit will be available, which is 50% larger than the largest single hard disk bid at this time (2TB). Second, the presence will drive down the price of 1TB and 2TB hard disk, so that more and cheaper to create a new RAID box with 2TB drives the 'old'.
Shift to 3TB of course will not happen easily and need support from many companies. For example, the necessary drivers and the updated BIOS that can utilize these 3TB. You also need a device that is able to understand the Long LBA Addressing.
According to Seagate, Windows XP will not see the drive mempu. If you can, only a small portion is detected. That can recognize this 3TB capacities, Seagate said, only Windows 7 and Windows Vista 64-bit version.
There has been no information about the price of hard disks.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

5 Firefox Tips You May Not Know About

The thing I like best about Firefox is that just when you think you know everything there is to know about the browser, something new comes along and surprises you.
I discovered five new Firefox tips today. Maybe these are old hat and you know them already. Or maybe like me, you had no idea these could be done.
1. Quick search – without going to a search engine first.
Are you reading a website and you subsequently discover a word or phrase that you want to put into a search engine? Up until now, I would just open a new tab, type in the URL for Google and manually type the word or phrase in. But it seems there is a faster easier way.
Just highlight the word or phrase with your mouse’s left-click button. Then drag the highlighted text into the address bar in the browser. Then press “enter”. Firefox will now perform a “Are you feeling lucky?” Google search for you.
2. Delete visited URL’s
When you drop down the box underneath the address bar, you can see your recent browsing history. But what if you want to remove one URL from that list? Maybe you’ve been looking at a naughty site and you don’t want your girfriend to know? Or maybe you’ve been shopping for your loved one online and you want to keep it a secret?
Just drop down the URL box, highlight the URL you want to zap then press the “delete” button on your keyboard. The URL will then be removed from the list.
3. Navigate to browser tabs using the keyboard
Instead of using the mouse to click on a tab, why not use the keyboard instead? Pressing CTRL + TAB together will bounce you from tab to tab, starting from the one in the far left and working its way along. Or if you want to go to a specifc tab straight away, you can do that too. CTRL + 2 will take you directly to the second tab from the left. CTRL + 5 will take you to the fifth tab from the left.
4. Start downloads instantly
Instead of right-clicking on a download link, choosing “save to target” and pressing enter, just drag the download link to the “downloads icon” in the toolbar. The download will start automatically.
5. Grab files off webpages, even protected webpages
Have you ever wanted a picture, file or video off a webpage but you can’t, because it’s been protected? Just right-click on the page, choose “View Page Info” then the “media” tab. Find the file you’re looking for from the list and click on “save”. (note : this doesn’t work for everything but I have still had a pretty high success rate nonetheless).

Tips for installing any plug-in on Firefox 3.5

Firefox 3.5 has been launched with significant improvements in speed and new features. However, a small problem when using Firefox 3.5 is  plugin not compatible. With small tips below, you will using any plug-in of any version before so easy

Steps by Steps:

1. In address bar type about:config and press Enter. the new windows will show warning, click to I’ll be careful, I promise!
about config 500x134 Tips for installing any plug in on Firefox 3.5
2. Click right mouse in any where and choose New –> Boolean
create new boolean Tips for installing any plug in on Firefox 3.5
3. The new dialog will show, enter extensions.checkCompatibility and click OK, choose value is False
extensions.checkCompatibility Tips for installing any plug in on Firefox 3.5
4. The same step 3, right click to create new boolean  extensions.checkUpdateSecurity and choose value False
extensions.checkUpdateSecurity Tips for installing any plug in on Firefox 3.5
5. Restart your Firefox to finish.
And now, all the plug-in was before you ever use on Firefox 3.0, even Firefox 2.0 can install correctly in Firefox 3.5. And you can still use Firefox 3.5 with all plug-in already installed in previous versions.
Wish you success! :)

Disable & Turn Off IPv6 in Windows Vista, Windows Seven

Pv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) is the successor for IPv4, the current version of most popular network layer protocol for packet-switched internetworks used on the Internet. In Windows Vista, IPv6 is fully implemented and supported, is also installed and enabled by default, with full Internet Protocol security (IPsec) support for IPv6 traffic and Teredo tunneling support for non-IPv6 aware devices. IPv6 is not common yet, as most software, routers, modems, and other network equipments does not support the emerging and future-proof protocol yet. Beside, turning off IPv6 support does not affect the functionality of Internet browsing for average users. Thus IPv6 and/or Teredo can and (quite likely) should be disabled if it’s not in use to conserve system resources. Unlike Windows XP, IPv6 in Windows Vista cannot be uninstalled, according to Microsoft. However, IPv6 can be disabled. The following guide will allow users to disable IPv6 on a specific connection of a network interface card.
  1. Go to Network Connections folder (click on Start button, then right click on Network, select Properties, then click on “Manager network connections” on Tasks pane).
  2. You should see various LAN, wireless, Bluetooth, high speed Internet, and other network connections available on the Vista computer with the network adapter description. Right click on the network connection that you want to disable the IPv6 interface and select “Properties”.Click “Continue” on User Access Control permission request prompt.
  3. Clear the check box next to the Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP/IPv6) component in the list under “This connection uses the following items” box.Disable IPv6
  4. Click OK when done.
  5. To re-enable IPv6, tick back the check box.
This method disables IPv6 on the particular LAN interface and connection. For other network adapter or connection, users have to repeat the steps to disable IPv6. Beside, disable IPv6 also does not disable IPv6 on tunnel interfaces or the IPv6 loopback interface.
It’s also possible to disable IPv6 and/or Teredo via Vista system registry. The registry settings also allow users to selectively disable components and configure behaviors for IPv6 in Windows Vista.
  1. Open Registry Editor (regedit).
  2. Navigate to the following registry key branch:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\
  3. Create the following registry value (DWORD type):DisabledComponentsNote that the name must be exactly as shown, including capitalization. DisabledComponents is set to 0 by default.
  4. The DisabledComponents registry value is a bit mask that controls the following series of flags, starting with the low order bit (Bit 0). To determine the value of DisabledComponents for a specific set of bits, the process is complicated, were hexadecimal value is calculated from binary number of the bits in correct position. For convenient, the following table lists some common configuration combinations and the corresponding DWORD value of DisabledComponents.
    Configuration combination DisabledComponents value
    Disable all tunnel interfaces 0×1
    Disable 6to4 0×2
    Disable ISATAP 0×4
    Disable Teredo 0×8
    Disable Teredo and 6to4 0xA
    Disable all LAN and PPP interfaces 0×10
    Disable all LAN, PPP, and tunnel interfaces 0×11
    Prefer IPv4 over IPv6 0×20
    Disable IPv6 over all interfaces and prefer IPv4 to IPv6 0xFF
    As seen from table above, to disable IPv6 support globally on all interface, set the value data for DisabledComponents to 000000FF, or simply FF. The registry entry will look like below:

  5. Restart the computer for changes to take effect.
  6. To revert and enable IPv6, delete “DisabledComponents” registry key or set its registry value to 0.

25 Stunning Tutorials to Create an Advertisement Poster

1. Create An Amazing Diamond Advertisement Poster in Photoshop


2. Professional Advertisement Poster


3. Creating an Old-Collage Effect Poster


4. Tutorial: Make Perfume Commercial


5. Design a Professional Laptop Advert


6. Photoshop Tutorial: Sweet Radio Station Advert Design


7. The X Files – I want to believe


8. Love Poster


9. Blend Photos Like A Hollywood Movie Poster In Photoshop


10. Designing a war movie poster


11. Create an Awesome Music Poster


12. B-movie poster art


13. Designing a Portable Gaming Device Poster


14. Create an Impactful Child Welfare Poster


15. Sony Ericsson G900 – A Photoshop tutorial


16. Beverage ad poster


17. Creating a Shoe Advertisement Poster Using Floral Elements


18. Create an iPhone Advertising Poster


19. Abstract Sports Poster Tutorial


20. Turn of the Century Vaudeville Poster


21. Hot Chick on a Muscle Car


22. Inspirational Poster


23. Stunning Print Advertisement Tutorial


24. Movie Logo Typography Tutorial


25. Lord of the Rings Poster Photoshop Tutorial
