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Saturday, May 22, 2010

AdMob acquisition by Google Indicated graduation

WASHINGTON, - Controversy purchase AdMob by Googlre finally subsided after the acquisition is declared invalid by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), U.S.. AdMob had protested because the purchase of votes could make the unhealthy competition in the mobile advertising market.
The advertisers including one of Sir Martin Sorrell, chief executive of WPP, a leading advertising company, tried to cancel the acquisition. The reason Google has the potential control of most ads on the mobile phone market so dictates. However, unrest was denied the FTC.
"The agreement will not damage competition in the advertising market in the mobile phone network that is growing rapidly," the FTC concluded that reported by the Telegraph, Friday (21/05/2010). The FTC has been investigating for six months and concluded that the merger of two companies that dominate the online advertising market is not worried.
Indirectly, for endorsement of Google's acquisition of AdMob saved Apple. The reason, according to FTC, one consideration, Apple's also a major player in the smartphone business in the U.S., also launched advertising service that could become significant competitors.

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