Search Engine

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Every web site wants more traffic. After all, isn’t that the whole objective of advertising over the web? But successful traffic building takes deliberate action. Here are five easy ways to increase your web site traffic:
Advertise. Let your targeted audience know that your site exists. Tell them through conventional print advertising, targeted email advertising, and PPC (pay per click) advertising. Traffic building requires an on-going advertising program. It doesn’t have to be a large-budget program, but it needs to be consistent.
Partner. Exchange links with relevant partners. Include them on your web site and make sure your included on theirs. Choose partners that actively engaged in traffic building on their sites, too!
Search Engines and Directories and . Get your site listed in the appropriate search engines and directories. Make sure your site includes appropriate keyword identification (most search engines offer tools to help you with this) and then submit your site to search engines and industry directories. Focus first on the big three: Google, Yahoo! and MSN. Then look for appropriate industry associations or local chamber of commerce sites.
Collateralize your URL. That’s right include the site name on every piece of business collateral you have – business cards, envelopes, signs, posters, stationery, your email signature – everything! You may even want to consider incorporating your website URL directly into your business name.
The four activities are good cornerstones for your traffic building efforts. Develop a thoughtful and consistent program to develop each of these activities and you’ll find that your web site traffic will grow substantially.
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Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building
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