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Monday, May 10, 2010

Three Natural Ways To Acne slack

VIVAnews - When acne grows, would you expect annoying stain on the face of it soon vanished. To be acne quickly deflated, with no need to buy expensive drugs, there are three easy ways that can be done, as quoted from Shineyahoo.

1. Aspirin

Aspirin not only be used to relieve pain, but also prevent acne becomes severe. Take one aspirin, crush until smooth and then wet slightly with water until thick. Tampelkan viscous liquid aspirin on pimples for several minutes, until dry and then wipe it off with water. This will reduce redness and relieve pain.

2. Olive oil

Make a concoction by mixing 4 tablespoons salt and 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the mixture on the face using a brush or your fingers. Let stand for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with warm water and soap.

Perform this treatment two or three times a week. You will see real changes in facial skin. Salt can cleanse the pores with a Exfoliate, mineral content makes the skin healthier and olive oil can restore the skin's natural moisture.

3. Toothpaste

You must attend an official ceremony tomorrow, while the acne it stand out. Use toothpaste at night and let dry until morning. Toothpaste makes acne dry quickly and absorb oil. However, this method should not be done when the skin including sensitive, because it can cause irritation. (Umi)

1 comment:

  1. importance of facial treatments .. this article is very useful especially for someone of his level of work outside .......!:))
