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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stopping Email Notification on Yahoo Facebook

Almost every one of us to open the email that is used as a Facebook notification email, your inbox (inbox) in the Mail (Yahoo), we will be filled with email notifications from facebook. Of course this will form the new routine for us we always merapihkan mail Inbox.
We can only stop it by way of receiving the option to disable notification on facebook, but of course we also will not receive updates from facebook actually.
There are other ways for users of yahoo mail, to do so. These are the steps you should do:

1. Click on the Options menu on the right side of yahoo mail, spliced with a click Mail Options.
2. Click Filters. Then add filters on the page, click Add Filters (Filters Create / Add).
3. When appears a form, Write "facebook" in from the header and on the "Move the message to", select "Trash". Click Add Filter. then click ok.
4. Done.
From now on all email notifications from facebook (sender uses facebook name) will automatically remove / moved to the Trash / Trash.

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