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Monday, May 10, 2010

What Is Thalassaemia?

JAKARTA, - Until now, the disease is still not found a cure. Sufferers in Indonesia has reached five thousand people. However, foreigners are still many people who hear the word Thalassaemia. What is Thalassaemia?

"Thalassaemia is abnormal red blood cells and is a congenital disease," said Chief Executive of the Parent Association of People with Thalassaemia Indonesia, Ruswandi, Sunday (09/05/2010), in Silang Monas, Jakarta.

These abnormalities make red blood cells which deliver oxygen to the tissue responsible body can not function properly. Therefore, the patient often looks pale and easily Thalassaemi limp. Thalassaemia disease including hemolytic anemia characterized by enlarged spleen and liver.

Thalassaemia consists of two types, namely: 1. Thalassaemia trait / transmission properties (carrier) in which patients do not experience health problems. 2. Thalassaemia major health problems and needed a blood transfusion during his life because of blood cells is only short. "Thalassaemia carrier that physically look the same as healthy people, the major difference with a simple limp and looked pale," said Ruswandi to

In the normal red blood cells rupture within 120 days. However, in patients with Thalassaemia Major red blood cells rupture between 20-30 days.

Treatment of Thalassaemia Major intended only by way of: 1. Blood transfusions every month for a second lifetime. Giving medicine to neutralize substances sailor iron that accumulate due to blood transfusions performed continuously 3. Marrow transplants from siblings, but this has a very strict health requirements.

Prevention can only be done for patients with Thalassaemia Carrier. The way to avoid marriage among patients with the carrier. "If the couple both have thalassaemia carier, 25 percent could be his son would be subject to an acute (Thalassaemia Major)," said Ruswandi explained.

Currently, there are 1494 patients seeking treatment at the Center for Thalassaemia Thalassaemia RSCM. Meanwhile, across Indonesia to reach 5000 patients.

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