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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Importance of Health Research

VIVAnews - One method to determine the level of health of a society in one country is to conduct research. For that reason the Ministry of Health in 2010, conduct basic health research (Riskesdas) which will be conducted from May 25 until June 25 next.

This research is a means to evaluate the health status of developments in Indonesia at the national and provincial levels. Also, to determine changes in health and development problems of health development efforts at the national and provincial level in the last three years.

"The form of this research is to go public immediately. Not only are given questions, but for those aged 15 years and over will be examined sputum and blood, to find out if exposed to malaria or tuberculosis," said Professor Agus Puwadiyanto Head of Research and Development of Health (Research and Development ), in an event in the building Kemenkes Riskesdas socializing, May 7, 2010.

Data from this research will be used to evaluate health programs that have been done, whether effective or not. In addition, research results, will be used as indicators of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), targets of development, initiated by the United Nations (UN).

"The research as proof of health programs that have been done. Because the same program without evidence of malpractice. We must avoid the malpractice in public health," said Professor Agus. (Umi)

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