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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Page 33 collided Smart Robot

Malang (AFP) - A total of 33 public universities and private regional IV began Friday (21 / 5) until Sunday (23 / 5) collided in the event intelligent robots Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) and the Indonesian Intelligent Robot Contest (KCRI) in 2010 at the University of Malang Dome.
Chairman of the committee and KCRI M. KRI Irfan, on Saturday, said the robot dikonteskan than 33 state and private universities that as many as 73 units consisting of 20 units for KRI and the other 53 to KCRI.
"For this KCRI still be subdivided into three categories, namely KCRI wheeled, legged, and battle. KRI robot task is to finish construction of` `the temple, while the themed KCRI smart and intelligent to extinguish the fire ball," he said.
According to him, KRI and KCRI that was held May 21 to 23 is still limited to the regional level IV, which covers an area of East Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara.
"For the national level was held June 19 to 22 in just the same campus (UMM)," he said.
For the national level, he said, plus one category, namely Indonesian Robot Contest Art (KRSI), in addition to the KRI and KCRI who has competed at the regional level.
IV regional contests in the UMM, he continued, is the preliminary round before heading to the national level that will bring together other regional finalists from, namely Louth, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Manado.
He explained that the national winners will be the ambassador of the nation at the international level ABU Robot Contest Robokon at Cairo, Egypt, September.
The participants of the contest from outside Malang, most come with their respective supporters. In fact, there is a team of participants who were six buses carrying supporters.
For the participants, said committee Secretary Mulyoto, lodgings focused on Rental Flat Housing UMM I and the jury at UMM Inn.
Robot Contest, which was centered at UMM Dome is also open to the public. However, before entering the arena of contest, the general public must purchase a ticket at Rp10 thousand / person.
Especially for students, free to enter the arena as long as you show a student card, while the students of UMM is subject to 50 percent of the ticket price.

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