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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sharing Knowledge in SatuPortal

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta ( has actually been circulating in the virtual domain since last January, but was officially launched on Wednesday last. Because the shape community, organizer first before launching to gather members of the public through an event in Jakarta Media Center.

However SatuPortal community web site is not unusual. This site specializes as a forum for sharing information and knowledge relating to the wider community. According Anwari Natari, manager SatuPortal, this web site was made with the goal of keeping the community, both organizations and individuals, can share knowledge here.

SatuPortal managed by SatuDunia, a foundation that provides assistance and information and communication technology capacity building for nongovernmental organizations or NGOs.

According Anwari, sharing information on the Internet it can be done through many routes, including through social networks like Facebook or Twitter.

"But the portal is to discuss issues that developed in an interactive civil society does not exist. As a matter of HIV / AIDS or climate change issues," he told iTempo, last Thursday. "And, this portal is there to facilitate people who want to share those things."

SatuPortal community members can share or post any information here. Not only writing, but also could be images, video, recording interviews or whatever, provided that they contain useful knowledge for the public. "We do not require members to share through writing, because not everyone can write," he said.

It also allowed if there are members who threw the information sourced from news websites. Provided that the source site listed and given a link. Like to sell goods, "SatuPortal only be window dressing. If you want to read the complete article, we'll let direct to the shop (the source of the news-ed)."

SatuPortal built with the basic idea that people can pick and prevent themselves from misleading information. According to him, misleading information such as the packaging of food products being advertised as healthy foods. "Though the food might contain ingredients harmful to health," said the man was 39 years.

However, these portals do not mean to discredit the other party. If there are community members who call the brand or name other parties which then result in legal implications, remains the responsibility of the dealer information. "Therefore, we always direct the members that if they want to mention names, need to be careful."

As a community portal in general, Internet users who want to share here first need to register as a member. Indeed, anyone can register at SatuPortal. Members who are serious about joining or just want to disturb can appear when performing the registration. Usually those who are serious to register with his real name and a clear background.

Even if SatuPortal until "conceded" by the members of the disturbing and post things that are not worthy, will direct the manager to give a warning. If the warning was ignored, their membership will be deleted. Until recently, most members did have a background SatuPortal the "clear". For instance from NGOs or NGOs, like Greenpeace or the Indonesian Forum for Environment.

This site has three main features, ie, connect, share, and a find. Connect is a feature to connect or discussion. Members can go to the themes of discussion in SatuPortal and chipped a comment there. The theme of the discussion is divided into several groups, such as the theme of HIV / AIDS, information technology and communications, community economy, climate justice, law and human rights, political, capacity development, the environment, as well as tips and tricks. Outside of that category, members can join the group "public."

While the share is a feature to post information, whether in the form of articles, news links, photos, and video. As for the find function as a database or a feature to search for information that divided its members through SatuPortal.

Any information shared here is equipped with comment features, both for written comments, photos, and video. Because sometimes, said graduates of Letters Indonesia University of Indonesia, "comments that were thrown even important and useful to the wider community."

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