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Sunday, May 9, 2010

10% Traffic Comes from Outside U.S. iPad

VIVAnews - Still not launched outside the United States, 10 percent of traffic iPad, Apple's tablet PC, which was launched late last January, was recorded from outside the United States. Allegedly, the contribution of the traffic originating from independently exported iPad, or not through Apple's distribution channels.

This finding was announced by Yahoo!, Who reported observations of traffic based on traffic to access the Yahoo site through the application Yahoo! Are pinned on the Apple iPad.

According to the monitoring, known also that the age ranges iPad users are people aged 35 years to 44 years.

"What a surprise to learn that the Internet traffic originating from iPad device from outside the U.S. is big enough, when it should be the new iPad officially marketed in the U.S. market," said Ashley Cheung in Yahoo Mobile blog, as quoted from the pages VIVAnews Telegraph, Sunday, May 9, 2010.

"From 10 percent of traffic was recorded, it was found that the traffic came from Europe and Asia Pacific. In Europe, the contribution of traffic originating from the UK, France and Germany. While the Asia Pacific region, Taiwan and Hong Kong are two countries with the largest traffic," Ashley explained.

However, if Ashley does not dismiss the contribution of the traffic comes solely from the iPad imported illegally. According to him, the traffic can also be donated by the user iPad U.S. origin that are traveling abroad. Alternatively, users outside the U.S. who bought in the U.S., both when they visit or via post.

As of April 2010, computer giant Apple claims to have sold 1 million units iPad tablet computers a month after its launch in early April. This means iPad sold two times faster than when the iPhone first launched.

Just for information, starting tomorrow, May 10, 2010, Apple iPad legally marketed outside the U.S.. England became the first country to import the iPad. Empire State is that Apple iPad fix prices in the range of 429 pounds (equivalent to five-million rupiahs) up to 599 pounds (eight million rupiah) per unit. (Adi)

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