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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sybase Buy SAP 5.8 Billion U.S. Dollars

NEW YORK, - SAP AG has recently duo Anyar helmsman. No waiting for a long time, Co-Chief Executive Officers, Bill McDermott and Jim Hagemann, rival Oracle Corp. rushed. in wireless Internet business. Management software producer in the world's largest business Sybase Inc. will acquire. worth 5.8 billion U.S. dollars.
A spokesman for SAP, Saswato Das says, in this purchase agreement, SAP Sybase also must take on debt worth 506 million U.S. dollars. Valuing the equivalent of 65 dollars per share. This value is higher than 56 percent when compared to Sybase stock price on the trade date of May 11 and then at 41.57 dollars per share.
Through Sybase, SAP wants to add software that helps corporate customers to run applications on mobile devices. In addition, McDermott and Hagemann wanted to restore their sales had fallen sharply over the acquisition of smiled, but Sybase. It seems that SAP wants to follow in the footsteps of Oracle which spent more than 42 billion dollars to meangkuisisi 64 other companies since January 2005.
"This is a takeover that could be a headline, drama, and the case is good business to buy the company," said Joshua Greenbaum, Principal Enterprise Applications Consulting, a research firm in Berkeley, California.
SAP executives approved the acquisition price of 15 times the earnings before bungs, taxes, depreciation and amortization EBITDA of Sybase. Not only that, SAP is also paying a higher premium than the other bidders.
"The deal makes sense for SAP to make big bets to pengembarigan memory and computing in future mobile applications," said Paul Hamer-man, Vice President of enterprise applications at Forrester Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In addition, Sybase will take the form of memory storage capacity and high speed data movement application platform.
Main Director John Chen, Sybase said it will continue to run as an independent unit and will join the SAP management. McDermott was convincing, no manpower reduction Sybase. However, SAP will spread its business culture to the working environment Sybase. (Cash / J. Ani Kristanti)

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