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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Beware New Facebook Virus

At least two virus that threatens the Facebook users in Indonesia. Users are advised caution, because the modus operandi of a virus attack by exploiting Facebok be more intense in the future.
Vaksincom antivirus company noted, currently there are at least two viruses that threaten the Facebook users. The virus is not spread on Facebook, the popular social networking but use it to solicit victims and aims to get a FB account.
"In our opinion, this year with the modus operandi of a virus attack exploiting the FB will be more intense as more popular FB," said CEO Alfons Vaksincom Tanuwijaya, in Jakarta.
He added that the law applies in the world virus virus makers will target the operating system or applications that are most popular. That's because a greater potential victims.
Hence a computer with Microsoft Windows operating system made the virus more interesting than the Mac OS Leopard or Linux, because the most widely penggunannya. While the operating system Windows Mobile or BlackBerry fewer attacks since become a de facto mobile phone market is still dominated by the Symbian operating system.
"Currently the two viruses are quite dangerous in the exploitation of FB is Bredolab and Zbot," said Alfons.
Bredolab an old virus that spread itself as an e-mail attachments. Previously, this virus seems to come from DHL. If executed, the virus will cause the infected computer.
Using Facebook is popular, virus makers to change the e-mail as if from Facebook administrators. Virus maker Facebook asking for a password reset and run a malicious program content applications.
"If an application is run, then the victim will be made dizzy dizziness. In addition to the victim computers to infect, the virus is also going to download spyware, scareware form of fake antivirus, and infect the computer again the victim, "said Alfons.
Not enough doing this, Bredolab also will make spam from the victim computer. As a result, the victim's computer IP address can be blocked by a blacklisted company, for sending spam and annoying e-mail delivery.
While the virus penginfeksian Zbot way more sophisticated. This virus does not transmit itself as an e-mail attachments such as Bredolab, which could be blocked by the mailserver.
The virus spreads through email phishing, as though an official message from Facebook to change passwords. If the link is clicked, it will display a fake Facebook site that asks the victim to enter the username and password.
If obeyed then the username and password will be known by the maker Facebook virus. Facebook is not enough to steal passwords victims, this virus will also provide links to the file to be downloaded as a file update is said of Facebook. If executed, the virus will infect your computer and cause the victim's computer to send spam.
Then the greatest danger of what can be experienced users?
Alfons said the level of danger depends on the victim. Victims can lose your Facebook account and if there is economic value in that account, for example, confidential data bank accounts then we could change hands.
"In addition to worry about the danger of an office computer network that became victims of this virus. If the computer is sending spam, the IP office will be blacklisted so it will not be able to send emails as well, and all emails that office will enter into the category of spam. The potential economic loss is huge, "said Alfons.
To avoid viruses on Facebook, Alfons said computer users should use an antivirus program that was updated. In addition he advised computer users are always on guard against counterfeit sites or webforging.
"Not easy to believe the link given. Especially when entering sensitive data such as username and password, you should consider carefully the sites visited, "she said. [ /]

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