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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tips & Tricks How to Keep Children of the Maya World Crimes

Jakarta - the Internet can be regarded as two sides of blades. On the one hand can be used for positive things, but on the other side of the internet could cause users to get caught by cyber crime.

Crime on the Internet is increasingly dangerous if it threatens the children. Because they're still too green to monitor suspicious things around them. So that is the responsibility of every parent to always keep an eye on the baby.

Here are tips to keep children from the threat of cyber crime by Barrie Ooi, Head of Windows Live Microsoft Southeast Asia, which quoted, Wednesday (03/17/2010).

How to Avoid Crime Mayan World:

* Encourage children and their friends to look after each other - this way will drastically reduce the possibility that they become a target.
* Put the family computer with internet connection and toys in the middle of the house to facilitate the supervision of children's online activities.
* Ask children what they were doing when you are online, and try to get a detailed answer. Ask them to give 'tour online' on the sites they visit frequently, and other online activities in which they participate.
* Perform in-depth discussion about cyber crime with older children, who may access the internet at different places, including outside the home, where they are not always supervised.
* Make sure children feel comfortable reporting crimes they experience to you, promise you will report any incidents, if they want - and do it. For example, by approaching the parents of the perpetrators of such crimes, teachers, or any party that has the potential to make things worse. Think about the best strategy to train your child.
* Give a clear picture of the children, about the things they will face when the crime's involvement in the virtual world with other people.

What to do if your child is a victim of cyber crime:

1. Attempt to block: Start reducing their interaction with cyberspace crimes by sorting out the technology or refused to respond to the offender. Children must refuse to spread the message of the crime and they should tell their friends to do the same.
2. Communicate: Discuss the influence of cyber crimes with children, including any issues with their involvement, and encourage them to report crimes to the parents or adults they trust.
Third. Trying Family Safety Software: Controlling what children can see, do, and with whom they interact online through the available software. Such as using software that can provide reports to parents, regarding computer usage activity of their children, which in turn facilitates parents to begin to discuss online activities with their children.
4. Investigate: Find out exactly what kids talk about when they come to you to ask for help. Investigate what they do online and what sites they visit before a problem arises.
5. Get Information: Learn about the anti-crime policy in school children and through the internet service provider at home, determine whether these policies apply.
6. Announce: Knowing who you are calling, if a child hit by cyber crime. For example in school, the site where the crime occurred. Or the local police, if necessary.

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