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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tips & Tricks Online Predators and technique just went

Jakarta - Predator online is a person who acts friendly and tried to become a friend of Internet users and young children. But nature keeps ramahnya dangerous missions, namely in order to satisfy their sexual desires.

The perpetrators of this crime are usually operated in chat rooms or social networking site Facebook and MySpace kinds. Mode they use are usually the first time is to win the trust of potential victims.

Everything they do, ranging from lying about their origins until well behaved. For example, the offender was aged 30 years, but when he met in a chat room as a teenager confessed 17-year-old teenager. Lie was even reinforced by images in his account that displayed photos of a handsome teenager 17 years.

Well, this is what sometimes less aware of potential victims. They've been complacent with the first false figures the predator is described by the figure of a handsome and cool, like the dreams of the adolescent female.

Watch out, though, when the victim had consumed the gentle persuasion of predators, then the next step is he will be wooed to satisfy the sexual desires abuser. Starting asked to send indecent photograph or pose via webcam to be invited to a coffee ground to have intercourse.

Yes, that's dirty tactics of the predator. With the advantage of a victim, he can cause a variety of things tragic.

For that needed the attention of parents responding to this. Here are tips for parents in protecting your baby from online predators who quoted from the Internet Safety, Thursday (04/01/2010):

1. Talk with your child about online predators is twisted. Give children the sense of threat that ditebarnya. Because we can, your child is being or had been the target of the predator.

2. Provide your child how to deal with persuasion from online predators. Affirm the child to not be afraid to kick the alias blocks internet users who make them uncomfortable.

Third. Put the computer in a crowded location of people passing by the house, not in a quiet place. Create conditions so that home users can monitor online activities of children.

4. Avoid chat rooms. Not every scene contains a conversation in a chat room are not good things. But for children it seems less suitable. If you still want to allow children to join a chat room, make sure that the virtual world interaction forum that followed the baby has been moderated.

5. Be careful with the information on Facebook and MySpace accounts. Ensure that the profile page or social networking sites your child in a high security system control. Better not post the info myself with too much detail on that account. Therefore, that personal data can be accessed by anyone and can also be used for things not good.

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